Thursday 30 May 2019


To book your therapy call : 9773170450/9825463394
You will surprise to see the abundant HEALTH benefits of this therapy.
Nasya - Caraka-Samhita, SS. Chapter 1 & 2, Ashtañga Hridaya, SU. Chapter 20
That procedure by which medicines are introduced into the head by the nasal passages is called Nasya. Nasya is an easy therapy to perform as it works through the nose and primarily on the ether bhuta. It has a therapeutic effect on all doshas and sub doshas as it pacifies Prana Vayu immediately. Prana then balances all other doshas. Once the doshas are controlled they are evacuated through the nostrils. In Pancha Karma Nasya is also called Shirovirechana - shiro (head) + virechana (purgation). Nasya Karma is indicated for disorders of the head, neck and shoulders.
NASYA can be used who have a stiff neck or head muscles, who have pain the jaw, throat inflammation, tonsillitis, reproductive disorders, cataract, diseases of the eye or eyelid, discoloration of the facial skin, disorders of the neck or shoulders, diseases of the mouth or teeth, disorders of the ears, disorders of the nose, headache or migraine, facial palsy, hysteria, tetanus, goiter (thyroid), and disorders of the voice or vocal cords.
Nasya karma is an important therapy in panchakarma for the management of the diseases of shalakya tantra (ENT, eye, and dental diseases) and other systemic disorders like vata vyadhi-unmada, apamara, moorcha, kesha vikara, and pumsamana karma. 
The current scenario of disciplinary life pattern, excessive movements with vehicles, use of wrong postures, lack of exercises, anxiety and strain etc. leads various diseases.
Health Conditions In Which Nasya Therapy is very Useful : 
In nasal disease
In eye disease
In ear disease
Healthy hair
strength to scalp
Improves tone of voice
Improves mind
Remove oral stink
Give power to head, teeth, throat
Premature Grey hair can get rid of it of regularly Nasya Treatment.
Strengthens the Visual site of the person.
It is helpful to improve skin problem and health, improve voice. also helpful in a migraine and various types of diseases.
Nasya therapy offered symptomatic relief and beneficial effects in all aspect in the management of facial paralysis.
It is a special and important therapy, in which the medicine is administered through the nose in the form of a power, liquid, oil, or smoke which rapidly transfer to the central nervous system. This treatment is very valuable in cleaning all the canals of head through nose. Nasya-karma recovers path of prana as in oxygenation that straight persuade on execution of brain. 
It is well established in Ayurveda classics, that there is a close relationship between the nasa (nose) and siras (brain). Nasa is one among the five sense organs whose function is not limited to olfaction and respiration but is also the pathway to Siras. 
Ayurveda, the holistic healing science, propagates health for mankind with the motto of prevention is better than cure.
Panchakarma- A Rebirth
Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s profound detoxification program, which cleanses on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. 
Panchakarama is the greatest gift you’ve ever given yourself. Physically, you will felt and looked different. The lines of stress on your face disappeared. you lost the excess weight you were carrying. Your hair and skin glowed. You felt fully alive with renewed vigor and creativity – everything seemed possible.Your mind will be bright and your heart with full of joy. You will feel anew and pure, as you’ve been reborn. Today, more than two years later, I still feel the effects of the process. Panchakarma would continue to unfold within you for the rest of your life. Panchakarama is the gift you will give to yourself that keeps on giving.
Prevention and Maintenance of health is the aim of Ayurveda, when disease occurs, Ayurvedic medicine can help to restore health and bring people into balance.
Panchakarma is a beautiful and profound gift to give to yourself – and the benefits continue to unfold for weeks and months after you’ve finished your panchakarma. People choose to do panchakarma for many reasons. Some choose it as a way to annually cleanse, detoxify and maintain health. Others feel that to bring balance into their lives on the physical, mental and emotional level, they need to make significant changes to their diet and lifestyle and choose panchakarma as a meaningful and significant way to begin. 
You can schedule an Ayurvedic consultation with me, and together we will determine your Ayurvedic constitution, as well as any imbalances you may have. Based on the wisdom and principles of Ayurveda, I will offer you a plan for regaining health and balance on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Specific Ailments & Conditions, Treatments & Body Therapies will be decided solely as per the individual’s requirement, after an extensive consultation process.
Diabetes Management – Gastro intestinal disorders – Cardiovascular – Liver disorders – Urological Disorders – Respiratory Diseases Vata Vyadhi – Neurological disorders – Muskulo Skeletal and Joint Disorders – Hormonal and Metabolic disorders – Allergic Disorders Sthreeroga – Gynec disorders Vandyatva chikitsa- Infertility – Cancer Care and management – Mental Health – Healthy raging and – Skin disorder

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...