Sunday 2 June 2019


We offers Ayurvedic Programs for Chronic Disorders :
* Management of Pakshaghata (Hemiplegia) with Basti and Virechana
* Management of Infertility with Uttar Basti
* Management of Vasomotor Rhinitis with Nasya..
* Management of Hypertension with Shirodhara..
* Management of Hypothyroidism with Vamana..
* Management of Obesity with Basti.
* Management of Chronic Diseases with Panchakarma..
* Management of Diabetes with Vamana.
* Management of Cervical Spondylosis with Greeva Basti & Nasya..
* Management of Bronchial Asthma with Vamana
* Management of Psoriasis with Virechana, Vamana and Matra Basti..
* Management of Facial Paralysis with Nasya & Shirobasti
* Management of Oligospermia with Basti
* Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis through Panchkarma
* Management of Bronchial asthma using Purgation Therapy
Use of Different types of Basti for Chronic Diseases :
* Management of Ulcer
* Management of Hemiplegia.
* Management of Muscular Dystrophy
* Management of Ulcerative Colitis
* Management of Obesity
Virechana For Infertility In Women
Infertility has been long standing problem since ancient period but it is most burning issue now a days because of improper lifestyle. This condition not only affects the couple physically but also disturbs them socially and emotionally.
Virechana karma is the radical purification that eliminates waste products, toxins and aggravated Doshas from the body. Along with purification Virechana Karma cleanse all the body tissues and to bring about the harmony of tridosha, which regulates the menstrual cycle and further helps in conception.
The disturbance in hormonal mechanism, obstructions, infections, psychological disorders etc. is the main cause of female infertility. Panchalkarma and Ayurvedic Herbal Medicines acts at root level can bring back deviations of hormonal system back to normalcy. Virechana Karma has direct effect on Agnisthana (hampered Agni is one of the initiating factors information of vitiated Raja). It pacifies the vitiated Kapha and Vatadosha and removes vitiated excessive Pitta & thus do Raktashodhan. So it will help in destroying the disease from its root rather than temporary relief from menstrual disorders. So Virechana therapy will be beneficial Shodhana therapy in menstrual disorders, for managing disease and maintaining healthy menstrual cycle, act on reproductive system and improve the functions of ovary/ovum and menstrual blood.
The Virechana drugs first get absorbed and then reach to heart, Dhamani, macro and micro channels of the body and reach where Doshas are accumulated. They soften the compactness of the Doshas and break the bigger molecules to smaller ones, so that they may be excreted secreted out in to intestine.
Virechana For Ulcer
Virechana Karma is very effective in ulcer-disease. Virechana karma (therapeutic purgation) is one of the Panchakarma therapies, which eliminates excessive vitiated Dosha in general and Pitta Dosha in particular from the body through the anal route. Virechana (purgation) is not merely the treatment of Pitta, but it also alleviates the vitiated Vata from its place i.e. large intestine and colon.
The prevalence of Psoriasis is increasing day by day. Ayurveda believes in managing psoriasis with Shodhana and Shamana treatments. In Shobhana Virechana Karma is effective in the management of Psoriasis as it helps in correcting the pathogenic factors, Virechana is important in managing, prevention and cure of Psoriasis. Also Vaman Karma, Basti and Nasya playes an important role in the management as well. 
Panchakarma is an effective therapy in management of Autoimmune, musculoskeletal, psychiatric and neurological diseases which are origin of metabolic and chronic. 
Panchakarma For Prevention of Diseases, Management and Prevention of Good Health.
Management of RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS through Panchakarma :
The total three or more weeks of panchkarma therapy was planned for the patient according to his/her condition.
In today’s world more and more people falling victim to the adverse effects of faulty dietary habits, stress, lack of exercise etc. which is leading to disease like improper digestions, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue resulting into serious illness like that of Rheumatoid arthritis in patient having hereditary factors. It can be managed by
following the line of treatment of vitiated Vata and Ama i.e Snehana, Swedana, baste and use of Herbal Medicines etc.
Panchkarma therapy is very beneficial and effective in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Blood Pressure According To Your Doshas..
Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries. Low blood pressure is related to weakness of the digestive fire. It is common in vata types, due to poor circulation; in kapha type, it occurs because of congestion and stagnation with phlegm clogging and reducing the blood flow; while in pitta type, it is mainly associated with anemia or damaged liver function. From Ayurvedic perspective, hypertension is commonly a pitta condition. However, it can occur in the other doshas as well. Generally, it is of three types. Vata hypertension is due to worry, strain, overwork, anxiety or insomnia, frequently associated with nervous system disorders. Kapha Hypertension is due to obesity, tiredness, edema, and high cholesterol. Pitta Hypertension is associated with liver disorders and the accumulation of internal heat.
Virechana therapy is the best in pitta eliminating ones.
Virechana Treatment is used to expel increased Pitta Dosha out of the body which causes certain types of Chronic Diseases such as abscess, liver disorders, gastritis etc. When Pitta Dosha increased to a large extent and and if it has moved from its natural place to other places, then it needs to be expelled out of the body.
Virechana is a process helpful in almost all disorders.
It detoxified the body and make the rejuvenation of the person. 
Virechana for diabetes treatment: 
Diabetic patients need good blood vessel care. They also need quick wound healing. Hence, Virechan plays a very important role in them. Also, burning sensation in palms and feet, which occurs as a complication of diabetes, has Pitta involvement, which can be very well treated with Virechana treatment. 
Virechana for Bronchial Asthma 
Bronchial asthma is a major disabling respiratory tract disease. Patient get distressed due to chocking of airways and become restless due to lack of proper oxygenation. Majority of patient suffering from this dreaded disease come in shelter of Ayurveda for proper management. In Ayurvedic system of medicine purification therapy get more importance than palliative therapy. In Ayurveda purification therapy is the major treatment procedure for approximately in every disease. The procedure which is use for elimination of toxins from alimentary tract through rectum is known as Virechana (purgation). This seems very amazing that a disease of respiratory tract gets cured or managed by purgation therapy. 
Avoid Vata Problems through Basti Treatment(Enema Therapy) :
Vata dosha is responsible for all important functions of the body like heart beats, Peristaltic movements, musculo skeletal movements, urination, defaecation, Menstrual discharge, semen ejaculation and even delivery process.
Basti can be helpful in preventive & curative aspect for all these conditions due to faulty diet and life style.
Basti works in the region of the colon, but its impact is so far reaching and deep. As the major seat of vata in the GI tract, the colon is critical in keeping vata balanced in the entire body. Vata first accumulates in the colon, and then as it begins to “overflow”, it will spread and create imbalanced vata in other susceptible parts of the body. This systemic imbalanced vata can affect almost any system in the body, as vata is a necessary presence throughout the body; it is likely to affect the systems which have some weakness. Basti provides herbal cleansing and nourishment directly into the intestines and colon, without having to be digested by the stomach and upper GI tract, as would be the case with anything taken by mouth.
There is no system in the body that is not touched by vata, and according to Ayurvedic Ancient tradition, vata alone is responsible for more that 55% of the diseases encountered by humans.
Basti karma helps to reset and maintain the balanced state of Vata dosha and thus helps in treatment of many diseases.
Basti can be used for a variety of reasons, including bowel regularity, joint support, excess vata in digestion causing occasional gas, nervous system support, and healthy sleep patterns. Clearing vata from the system also helps create energy and vitality as well as clarity in the mind. Basti promotes overall well-being, a graceful aging process, luster and a healthy glow, also show benefits to joint, back, and bone health, diseases occured due to vitiated Vata, problems of muscles and bones, Rheumatoid arthritis & Sciatica, Spondylosis, Digestive tract problems like abdominal pain due to gas, Constipation, Ulcerative colitis etc., Muscle atrophy, dystrophy, Nervous disorders or Neurological problems like Hemiplegia, Parkinsonism, Sciatica, Motor Neuron disease, disorders of udana vayu like Dry Bronchial Asthama, Dry cough, Hiccough. Diseases of Apana vayu like Menstrual disorders, Infertility, Oligozoospermia.
Basti is recommended for all types of Vata dominant conditions where pain & stiffness are the main features.
In the season of Rainy, chances of getting affected with various types of Vata disorders are more. The rainy season is also the seasonal period for natural Vata aggravation. Vata personalities are adversely affected by cold, windy, stormy, and rainy weather, which can directly imbalance their nervous system.
A vata imbalance may also manifest as rough skin, arthritis, emaciation, stiffness, constipation, dryness, thirst, insomnia, excessive sensitivity and excitability, and physical pain. There is a tendency to large intestine disorders such as excess gas, low back pain, sciatica, paralysis, and neuralgia. Vata personalities are adversely affected by cold, windy, stormy, and rainy weather, which can directly imbalance their nervous system.
Joint pain, Backache, Headache, Muscle pain, Muscle sprain, Joint stiffness, Constipation, Stomach ache etc. are seen in common.
The seasons, the time of day, and one’s age are also forces affecting the balance of the doshas.
You can schedule an Ayurvedic consultation with me, and together we will determine your Ayurvedic constitution, as well as any imbalances you may have. Based on the wisdom and principles of Ayurveda, I will offer you a plan for regaining health and balance on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Lasting Health Begins With Me
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Specific Ailments & Conditions, Treatments & Body Therapies will be decided solely as per the individual’s requirement, after an extensive consultation process.
Diabetes Management – Gastro intestinal disorders – Cardiovascular – Liver disorders – Urological Disorders – Respiratory Diseases Vata Vyadhi - Neurological disorders – Muskulo Skeletal and Joint Disorders – Hormonal and Metabolic disorders – Arthritis - Asthma - Allergic Disorders Sthreeroga – Gynec disorders Vandhyatva chikitsa- Bronchitis - Infertility – Cancer Care and management – Mental Health – Healthy raging and – Skin disorders - Weight Management - Sinusitis - Insomnia - Reduce cholesterol - Address anxiety - Balance blood pressure - Reduce bodily complaints and strain - Improve skin, eyesight and hearing- Rheumatism - Osteo Arthritis
Panchakarma for Weight Loss : 
Reduce Weight 5-10 kgs in a month with our PANCHAKARMA therapy.
For the Weight Loss Programme, the indications are: 
Too much Kapha, that causes several imbalances in the body, such as:
– Obesity
– Heaviness of body
– Lethargy
– Tiredness and excess sleeping
– Indigestion
– Cough
– Asthma
Through the special Panchakarma treatment , in combination with powder massages and absorption of medical ghee/oil that is given, the excess Kapha will be expelled from the body and
– digestion and metabolic power gets enhanced;
– excess weight is reduced;
– the person gains strength;
– the treatment helps to slow down the aging process.
This ancient, complete cleansing system comes from the integrative healing practice of Ayurveda.
The toxins (ama) are create various kinds of negative effects and diseases in our body. The most common effects are unhealthy skin conditions, bad hair, failing of eye sight, irregular body cycles, obesity, sleeplessness, anxiety, restlessness, hypertention, tiredness etc… Sometimes these toxins result in impotency, sterility, rheumatism, arthritis and cancer.
Symptoms such as fatigue, nervousness, gastrointestinal conditions, impaired nutrition, skin manifestations, endocrine disturbances, headaches, sciatica, various forms of low back pain, allergy, eye, ear, nose, and throat congestion, and even cardiac irregularities have been healed. 
To know more about Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Disorders: Eczema, Dermatitis, Uriticaria
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Shodhana Treatments
Basti Therapy-Colonic
Virechana Therapy-Purgation
Vamana Therapy
Nasya Therapy
Vamana means expelling doshas through oral route.
It is generally suggested in diseases which mainly involve kapha dosha. The disorders like cough, asthama, indigestion, poisoning, repeated attacks of tonsillitis, nasal discharge, tuberculosis are treated with vamana therapy.
In today’s mechanical life many people does not follow proper Ritucharya (seasonal regimen), do’s & don’ts about food & behaviour and cleansing therapies & hence large number of people consequently suffers from many chronic diseases.
For these chronic diseases, they usually take a symptomatic treatment but this treatment suppresses the symptoms rather than curing diseases. Hence, Dosha vitiates after some time. These vitiated Doshas accumulate in body. These accumulated Doshas in favourable environment start showing their Prakopa symptoms on body. 
Panchakarma (5 types of cleansing therapies) is the most popular and effective treatment of Ayurveda. Panchakarma achieves the cleansing or bio-purification of human body. This bio-purification achieves balance of the three Doshas and channels or system purification. Timely and appropriate cleansing therapies prevent many diseases.
Panchakarma gives you solution of almost all diseases.
Ayurveda can reestablish the harmony of your biological makeup through PANCHAKARMA.
To Book Your Panchakarma Treatment
Call 9773170560/9825463394

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...