Sunday 9 June 2019


Abhyanga : Get Healthy, Glowing Skin: An Ayurvedic Skincare Routine : Are you ready for your ayurvedic makeover of your Skin?
To cultivate glowing skin and a sense of inner balance, design an Abhyanga for beautiful skin: cleanse, nourish, and moisturise suited to your prakriti, or constitution.
According to the Charaka Samhita, abhyanga pacifies the doshas, enhances the complexion and the luster of the skin, tones muscles, and acts as a natural moisturizer.
Your skin is the largest organ of the body and requires routine care to look and feel its best. Being exposed to the external environment on a regular basis, your skin faces many challenges including weather, pollution, chemicals in toiletries, food and water, stress, poor nutrition, excessive drinking or smoking, and changes in body chemistry.
Abhyanga helps the skin release toxins and also facilitates the transdermal absorption of nutrients and healing properties from the herbs and oils used in this beauty treatment. 
There are seven layers of tissue in the body (called dhatus)and each successive layer is more concentrated and lifegiving. ..Skin is the body's largest organ. When it’s at optimal health , its layers work hard to protect us. It is e first layer of defense from external factors such as viruses, bacteria and o er environmental factors. Both your age and heal are reflected in your skin. But often the skin's ability to work as an effective barrier is impaired. Several factors including unheal y diet, hormonal changes, lack of sleep, environmental pollution and smoking affect skin adversely.
The benefits of Abhyanga as outlined in the Vedic texts (Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hrdayam) are as follows :
•Recharges and rejuvenates mind and body.
•Delays the aging process and promotes longevity.
•Produces greater vitality, energy, stamina and physical endurance.
•Lubricates the joints and promotes flexibility.•Increase muscle strength and firmness.
•Nourishes,tones and purifies the skin.•Enhances complexion and lustre of skin (more radiant/ attractive, softer/smoother).
•Stimulatesthe circulation and prevents impurities from accumulating in the body resulting in greater resistance to illness and faster recovery from trauma, injury or disease.
•Pacifies the doshas (especially vata & pitta).•Dissolves accumulated stress ortoxins from the mind and body (stress causes skin to age prematurely).
•In cr eases mental alertn ess.
•Calms the nerves and balances mind and emotions.
•Improves elimination of impurities from the body.
•Allows more refreshing, deeper sleep.•Reduces bacter ial in fection s.
•Nourishes the seven different types of body tissue and the seven layers of the skin.
•Applying oil to the scalp makes the hair grow luxuriantly, thick, soft and glossy; it also s oothes and invigorates the sense organs and removes facial wrinkles.
•Applying oil to the ears r ectifies disorders of the ear which are due to increased vata; it also improve s stiffness in the neck and jaw.
•Applying oil to the feet alleviates stiffness, roughness and fatigue whilst also strengthening and firming them. It also enhances vision, pacifies vata, reduces sciatica symptoms and tones local veins and ligaments.
The benefits of Abhyanga occur rapidly as oil quickly absorbs through skin layers, carrying important infused ingredients along with it. You will notice your skin stays moisturized even after you bathe. A wonderful experience to start incorporating into your daily regimen: Sadhana.
This treatment will leave your skin feeling silky smooth, deeply loved, and powerfully revitalized, but the benefits reach well beneath the surface of the skin.
Clean and Glowing skin
Reinforces the immune system
Enhanced skin tone
Nourishment and moisturizing through suitable massages to enhance tone and Revitalize skin.
Abhyanga beauty treatments help to flush out the accumulate toxins, exfoliates and ensures clear skin pores so one can sweat adequately.
It helps remove sweat, dirt and environmental toxins from the skin. 
Abhyanga works on building skin health through skin cleansing and skin nourishment. It works to enhance and rebuild Immunity and promote healthy ageing and improving digestive and Musculoskeletal health and this acts to reduce wrinkle formation by nourishing and hydrating and improves blood circula on by cleansing the channels of lymphatic circulation on thereby enhancing the immunity.
When waste and tension are removed then tissue and organs return to their ground-state status of natural functioning.
Abhyanga is “one of the most effective means of slowing the skin’s aging process…. It works to purify, nourish, and tone the body on a deep cellular level.”
Are you ready for your ayurvedic makeover of your Skin?
Nourish your skin with Abhyanga as Ayurvedic philosophy offers an understanding of caring for your skin, from within.
CALL 9774170560/9825463394
Skin Care According To Season
Constitution-based skin care has it’s place, “there are seasonal approaches that are even more important. Even if someone has a Vata constitution, they will have to balance Pitta during the heat of the summer. Our climate is a significant energetic input. All approaches to summer beauty from an Ayurvedic standpoint are about balancing Pitta dosha, or bringing in the opposite qualities of Pitta.
To cultivate glowing skin and a sense of inner balance, design a dinacharya (daily routine) with ME.
Try this two-pronged approach to ayurvedic beauty: an external routine and an internal routine that will give you healthy, glowing skin.
Try MY Ayurvedic regimen for one to three months and keep a journal about your experiences. Ask yourself: “Is my skin clearer? My body healthier? My sense of inner wholeness expanding?” The answers will be written all over your face.
Abhyanga for nourishment of your entire body which decreases the effects of ageing.

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