Sunday 16 June 2019


Heal Depression By Using Your Dosha 
Ayurvedic Approaches to the Treatment of Depression
Depression is a major health epidemic, while almost everyone has experienced depression to some degree in their life.
From the perspective of Ayurveda, depression comes in three types, each treated differently. Vata from the colon, pitta from the intestine or kapha from the stomach enters the general circulation and lodges in the nervous system, interfering with its functioning.
If you’re not sure, which dosha – vata, pitta or kapha – you are, please book your consultation and discover your Dosha.... Take our quick quiz to discover your ‘dosha' and unlock the path to greater wellbeing.
For the treatment of Vata, Pitta and Kapha Depressions
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Mental health issues are present in vata, pitta, and kapha forms. 
Psychologically, we need the creation of new ideas (vata), the ability to articulate them (pitta) and then the resolve to realise them (kapha). 
A key aspect of Ayurveda is living in harmony with ones constitution/dosha. Dosha (physical/emotional blueprint) and everything in the Universe is made up of a combination of the five elemental forces of space, air, fire, water and earth. 
In Ayurvedic philosophy, the elements group together to form doshas, the three basic energies or principles that are present, in varying degrees, in all people and things. We each have a unique genetic blueprint, a unique constitution that accounts for the many differences in the way we look, feel, and behave. When the doshas are in balance in our bodies and minds, our health is optimal and we are peaceful and at ease. However, the doshic balance can easily be disturbed by stress, environmental factors, and improper diet, which gives rise to negative emotions and physical and mental disease.
Vata dosha is the energy of movement, comprised of the elements of air and ether. When vata is in balance, we are creative, flexible, happy, and joyous. When out of balance, vata creates fear, anxiety, and ungroundedness. Vata is related to prana, the pure life force that animates us without which we could not survive for one second. Prana provides us with a sense of excitement about life, an inherent enthusiasm and joy.
Pitta dosha is the energy of metabolism or transformation, composed primarily of fire but always contained within water. When pitta is in balance, or perception is clear and we are logical, understanding, and quick to learner. As pitta goes out of balance, anger, jealousy, criticism and hate arise. Pitta is related to tejas, the strength of the intellect and the capacity of the mind to understand, discriminate, and know truth.
Kapha dosha consists of water and earth, and creates structure, strength and immunity. What kapha is balanced, love, compassion, and gentleness are expressed. When there is a vitiation of kapha dosha, the mind tends towards attachment, greed, and clinging. Kapha is related to ojas, the force of stability and contentment. When our ojas is strong and healthy, we have endurance and are able to withstand physical and mental stress. Without adequate ojas, we lack the reserve strength to contain all the motion and activity of prana and tejas. Ojas is the protective foundation of good health.
Another important concept in Ayurvedic physiology and psychology is ama, or toxicity as ama can clog up all bodily systems and suppress their healthy function. The same is true of the mind. A process of purification or detoxification is often necessary to return to a state of optimal health.
We offer an understanding of mental illness that addresses many of the symptoms, root causes, and treatments of depression. They also provide instruction on the maintenance of health and prevention of disease.
Pancha karma is also recommended as a treatment for mental illness :
The mental health benefits of panchakarma are numerous.
Panchakarma is a specific procedure in ayurvedic science for purification and detoxification of the body. It leads to expulsion of toxins from the body with the help of five therapeutic treatment procedures, i.e., vamana, virechana, basti, nasya, and raktamokshana. Panchakarma therapy is extremely effective in improving/restoring physical, mental, and emotional well-being of an individual. Panchakarma is a series of individualized therapeutic treatments that clear ama (toxins) and excess doshas (subtle energies) from the deep tissues of the body.
These procedures help in the removal of deep-rooted stress and disease-causing toxins from the body along with balancing the doshas.
Also Panchakarma therapy has been found to be extremely effective in improving the quality of life, cardiovascular health, and body fat.
Panchakarma can slow the aging process and enhance vitality.
To book your treatment for depression...
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Ayurvedic science more concentrated on the aspect of mind, body and soul and thus molded the system of Ayurveda as treating process combining both mind and body.
Tridosha as well as psyche pervade the whole body, therefore, in health and disease one will have to consider the person as a whole who is known as ‘Purusha’ in Ayurveda.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...