Friday 21 June 2019


Detox and Purification of Your Body With Different Practices of Ayurveda Tools..
This body is Mother Nature’s most precious gift to you; soon you will return it back to her. In the time being, it is your duty to keep it alive...not just living..., bustling with energy and clear communication, and healthy tissues to support a luminous radiance.
One of the main processes of healing the system in Ayurveda is cleansing. The increase of water and air pollutants, food contamination, pesticides and chemicals in our environment all play their part in depleting and damaging our systems.
Ayurveda recommends a cleanse to accompany a change in season, to clear and open physiological and psychological channels in the body and mind.
1. Kitchari Cleansing Diet (3-11 days)
In addition to intensive and deep cleansing, kitchari helps rejuvenate and restore all the vital forces of the body.
It balance all three doshas.
It does not provoke the formation of toxins in the body.
It quickly and effectively remove toxins from the body.
It has the ability to purify the aura.
My Ayurvedic kitchari ...cleanse is so impactful; this meal is a complete protein that helps your body maintain a stable blood sugar, mineral balance, and, most importantly, adrenal function. 
Ayurveda's kitchari cleanse provides everything you need for an effective reset of your entire organism's digestive capacity.
The two powerful tools for this cleansing program are kitchari and ghee. Kitchari has a balancing effect on all three doshas; vata, pitta and kapha, while being excellent for detoxification and de-aging of the cells. Ghee is a digestive, improves absorption and assimilation of nutrition and lubricates the connective tissue. Both are very important aspects of the ayurvedic cleansing techniques.
The cleanse will be offered in 3-, 5-, 7 and 11- day packages
2. Oil Pulling – an Ancient Practice of Ayurveda..
This process, in which you swish a small amount of plant-based oil around in your mouth, is known as gandusha in Sanskrit, meaning -gargling or holding liquid in the mouth.
Oil is an adsorbent in this purification that binds all that is unnecessary and harmful to the body. Oil, like a sponge, absorbs toxins.
3. Sipping Hot Water Infused With Ayurvedic Herbs Will Cleanse Your Body:
If you simply sip your hot water infused with my AYURVEDIC HERBS throughout the day you will notice that your digestive system is purified and strengthened, your body – detoxified and rejuvenated. 
Unabsorbed or Undigested food or emotion turns into ama – a toxic, sticky, foul-smelling substance. Disease is actually a crisis of ama, in which the body seeks to eliminate the accumulated toxicity. 
Drinking boiled hot water infused with Ayurvedic Herbs is an ancient Ayurvedic method for flushing the lymphatic system, softening hardened tissues, and dilating, cleansing and then hydrating deep tissues. It also heals and repairs the digestive system. 
4. Chyawanprash made with ayurvedic herbs (Sp Prepared by Me) the Benefits for Body and Mind.
A blend of Ayurvedic herbs with multiple health benefits, provides endurance of life, memory, health, youthfulness, vigor, brightness, improved voice, and body stamina. It is good for all doshas, ages, and genders.
5. Ayurvedic Panchakarma..
Panchakarma is the ancient system of Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation therapies designed to facilitate the removal of deep-rooted stresses and toxins in the physiology.
Creating a balance of all humoral body & mind factors to achieve the optimum Health & wellbeing.
Enhance Satva Guna while creating a balance of Rajas & Tamasica Gunas of the Manas (Mind).
Expel doshas and correct imbalances as well as eliminate the harmful ama out of your system through organs and channels of elimination (colon, sweat glands, lungs, bladder, urinary tract, stomach and intestines).
Panchakarma intensifies the process in order to cleanse impurities from the very deepest layers of the body.
6. Ayurvedic Medicines to support detoxification.
Ayurveda offers unique insight into creating balance among all facets of wellness — physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual — using tools such as diet, plant remedies, daily schedule and lifestyle practices, movement and yoga, meditation, breath work, color, and aromatherapy to establish harmony between body, mind, and the natural world.
Ayurveda recommends a cleanse to accompany a change in season, to clear and open physiological and psychological channels in the body and mind.
Schedule Your Consultation To Book Cleansing Tools Of Ayurveda....And Purify and Detox Your Body From Head to Toe.
Call 9773170560/09254363394
I will introduce you insight into the basic principles of Ayurveda, identifying foundations for health and causes of disease. The theory of the five elements and three doshas will be discussed. 
My Ayurvedic cleanse program cleanse helps the body to identify stored fat tissue as useable energy, retraining and firing up digestive capacity within the GI tract, bodily tissues, and the mind. Accumulated and stored toxins are brought to the surface of tissues and gently escorted out through elimination channels. The results of the cleanse are empowered digestive and immune systems as well as a purified mind to transition gracefully and energetically from the heavy, dulled body into the light, auspicious system.
Ayurveda is about using the knowledge of (your) life, of every part of yourself and your sensory experience, to help you manage inputs like diet, movement (exercise), environment, behavior, and relationships with awareness, to cultivate longevity, vitality, radiance, and luminosity while simultaneously preventing physiological or psychological imbalance. 
If imbalance does arise, Ayurveda offers a diagnostic system to identify the source of the disease as well as a treatment plan inclusive of ayurved medicines, bodywork, dietary and lifestyle protocol to return you to a state of health.
If your body is stressed, it will not detoxify, it will not release its hold on all it has accumulated. The body is very intelligent; it is doing everything it can to stay alive! It is attached to that which it clutches so firmly for a reason. You must give it the optimal conditions to release. All forms of detoxification require care, patience, and rest. The process of loosening toxicant build up in fatty tissues must be partnered with an emphasis on efficient elimination of these chemicals from the blood stream and the body.

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