Sunday 16 June 2019


Catch your imbalances at the right stage so they don't become an ailment and they don't become a disease and transfer it at Chronic level.
Determining Your Ayurvedic Constitution..Calculate the difference between your ideal state-Prakriti – and your current state – Vikriti – and create a program to restore the balance.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Dosha-Quiz During Consultation
Ayurvedic Body Type Quiz: Are you a Pitta, Vata, or Kapha Dosha?
Do you want to know more about yourself and your temperament?
Do you want to know when and what changes you should be making to get back into balance?
Take the body/mind quiz and get more insight into the many issues you may be facing and how to move past them.
These questions are intended to assess your current life situation, including any recent stresses, illnesses, or life changes. It is most helpful if you answer these questions according to what has been true for you over the past few weeks and months. 
Dosha means elements. There are FIVE elements that everything in the world is made from- Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. In Ayurveda we group elements together to only mention THREE- Ether/Air, Fire/Water, Earth/Water. These are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Your body and mind’s health are determined by how balanced your elements are and how much they move around. The more balance of air, fire and earth you have the more health you will enjoy.
You do know that you should be checking in and taking the quiz every couple of weeks, so if the body is shifting excessively into one element or another that you can react by changing a habit to stay in health and avoid any oncoming ailments.
The basis of Ayurvedic philosophy is prevention. It is much harder to cure a disease than to stop it from developing. This is where the quiz can help you avoid many common ailments that will set into the body without you even knowing.
What's happening inside of you? You don't always know because you're not aware of it. The quiz is a nice way of checking in where you see, oh, this element or these elements are out of balance and this is what I can do about it. So here's a practice or here's a tool and here's a herb that you can drink, and suddenly you're back into balance. And what it does is it keeps you in check so you don't get too far out of balance. It brings you back in that normal range of imbalance because we keep moving in and out of balance.
So we want to catch imbalances at the right stage so they don't become an ailment and they don't become a disease. And this is what t the quiz is really good for. Go through it. See how the elements are moving in your body and your mind. And then take it once a week and see how you're shifting back into balance and what you can do to become the most balanced human being you know.
Doshas can fluctuate for many reasons such as stress, age, and diet. One must determine their imbalances as they can result in different effects on the body. For example, an excess or imbalance of each dosha can be seen in the following ways:
Excess Vata can cause disturbances with the large intestine, nervous system, immune system, and joints.
Excess Pitta can results in problems with the small intestines, liver, spleen, thyroid, blood, skin, and eyes.
Excess Kapha can result in issues with the stomach, lungs, mucous/water retention, and weight gain.
Schedule your consultaion
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Prakriti (Prakriti)-Vikriti 
Prakriti is an individual combination of Vata,Pitta, and Kapha qualities for this particular person one’s unique constitution, an inborn metabolic pattern. Prakriti also means Nature, the set of tendencies that was set up at the time of our conception.
Besides Prakriti (which doesn’t change) lets understand of Vikriti – a constitution of the moment, one’s current state of health. Vikriti reflects any aspects of diet, lifestyle, emotions, age, environment, etc. that are not in harmony with one’s Prakriti.
How are both Prakriti and Vikriti determined? 
I can calculate the difference between your ideal state-Prakriti – and your current state – Vikriti – and create a program to restore the balance.
Call 9773170560/98825463394

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મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર

  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...