Wednesday 19 June 2019


Restoring Your Body, Your fertility & Your Hope
We appreciate the benefits of a Natural, Ancient Holistic, and integrative Ayurvedic approach to fertility care. Whether you are just considering parenthood or you are an established patient, natural fertility support can help ready your mind, body, and spirit for your next cycle. When you are between cycles, we encourage you to take advantage of this time with a positive approach to improving your fertility.
Plan your pregnancy by choosing the suitable Ayurvedic Fertility Treatment.
Schedule your session
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Building Families Naturally
Every woman has the right to know how her cycles function in order to understand the way her body works.
Preparing for Pregnancy
A Couple's Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility
Infertility problems are increasing these days for many young couples. There are many factors which account for this like Lifestyle changes, delayed marriages, Diet, Lifestyle Patterns, anxiety, stressful life and so many factors which are responsible for infertility. Stress, trauma, and anxiety have been shown to affect fertility rates, as well as the quality and quantity of sperm and testosterone. But Ayurveda not only does explain how to increase fertility with Herbal Medicines, Panchakarma, Body Therapies & Ayurveda Tools but it also focuses on how to have healthy & brainy child. 
Ayurvedic treatment for male infertility and female infertility both have very effective and more chances of conceive by the detoxification of body through Panchkarma treatment (fertility cleaning) and other is rejuvenation of the body therapies after that starts the oral herbal medication. Panchakarma is usually prescribed for infertile couples. 
This ayurvedic treatment will increase the successes rate of IVF also. 
We are also offering detoxification packages For Men and Women as well as Panchkarma ( (Ayurvedic deep internal cleansing procedure) treatment.
As you enhance the health of each of these factors, your fertility will begin to blossom. 
The first phase is a three-month cleanse period, followed by a three-month rejuvenation period. 
Cleanse (Months 1–3)
This is an opportunity to start new, on a blank slate. Anger, grief, toxins, emotional heaviness, and more all have a profound impact on your pregnancy. In fertility cleansing, there is a specific effort to remove toxins and excess doshas from the field, the nutrients and fluid, and the seed, which are deeper tissue layers and therefore require deeper cleansing.
The cleanse serves to clear toxins (ama) and excess doshas so that channels flow freely and toxins do not inhibit the proper functioning of any tissue. Traditional Ayurvedic cleansing for fertility lasts for several months in order to cleanse and revitalize the deepest tissue layers.
I empowered as a couple—emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Ayurveda has remarkable tools that can help assist you in completing your family.
Achieving fertility is also about achieving the healthiest baby possible on all dimensions so that the soul may fulfill its purpose to the highest degree.
Body therapies
Ayurvedic body therapies such as Shirodhara, Abhyanga, marma therapy, Nasya, Basti help in releasing tension, impurities and trapped energy within the body. They nourish the body, revitalize the mind and strengthen the immune system. Rejuvenation therapies are beneficial in reducing stress, nourishing all dhatus of the body and pacifying Vata. 
Rejuvenative therapies are basically recommended for Vata Dosha, and cooling light therapies for pitta Dosha. Shodhana chikitsa helps in uterine hostility, and non-ovulatory cycles. To remove local disorders, to remove obstructions in passage and to facilitate proper coitus, and to increase receptivity of the genital tract to the entry of the sperm, Basti is recommended.
A sedentary lifestyle results in believed to stagnant lymph flow. If the body is too active, the body may not be able to carry away all the waste that is produced. Therefore, the deep tissue body therapy work to stimulate the flow of lymph. This bodily fluid carries wastes and impurities away from tissues and needs muscle contractions to move efficiently throughout the body. This can help in increasing the chances of conception by clearing blocked fallopian tubes.
Ayurveda addresses the internal balances and external influences contributing to the problem by building the Ojas, improving the overall health of the individual, stimulating the hypothalamus and pituitary glands thereby indirectly inducing the ovaries to ripen and release eggs.
Ayurveda guides us to connect to our inner wisdom and grace and heal from within.
Each person is a unique balance of physical, emotional, spiritual and mental traits that govern the body, called doshas, expressed in three elements: Vata (air), Pitta (fire), Kapha (Earth/water).
A woman has to prepare her body to conceive with full body-mind integration, timing (Rtu), free of toxins or a cleansed body, connection, and self care. The pillars are; her mind, body, and attitude. 
An Ayurvedic fertility diet is gentle and strengthening, and can be customized to balance the doshas. Both partners are recommended to switch to an organic, sattvic diet meaning the diet is filled with fresh, light and nutritious foods that are easily digested and not too spicy or heavy.
Lifestyle, diet, ease, and balance of internal temperatures in your body are the pillars of preventative infertility. As you know every day is an action to keep your body clean, harmonized and balanced for fertility to be achieved. 
A focus on your Ojas (Vitality) is also crucial as well.
Also Fertility is seen from a conscious and holistic perspective from my end - where the mind, body, and spirit all play a major role in men & women's life.
Ayurveda gives great importance to the preparation of both partners prior to conception. The birth of a healthy child is seen as equivalent to planting a tree, for which we need a seed, soil, time and the right nourishment. This approach can be seen as the ultimate in preventative medicine with actions a few months prior to conception having lifelong effects for your unborn baby.
Both partners are suggested to follow a fertility diet and mind-body therapies for at least three months before the desired conception time.

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