Wednesday 19 June 2019


Nose : It is the entryway to the head and diseases of the head, brain, and senses
Nasya does not mean nasal drops, but it means ‘having to do with the nose’ and the treatment of the nose is vast. It can be liquid, oil, smoke, or powder. Depending upon the details of the diagnosis of why it is being done. 
Nasya is used for elimination of the doshas in the head. It is also used in various vata diseases. 
There are different dosages given in the different types of nasya. There are different times of day that it is given for the dosha treatment. There are different times of the day it is also given in the different seasons.
When smoke of various herbs is used it is Dhuma nasya. Dhuma Nasya is given for mental diseases, epilepsy, parasites in the head, and in poisoning cases. 
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Acharya Vagbhattahas compared human being with a tree, with roots at the top and branches at the bottom and defined head as a site where all sense organs along with the Prana resides.
It works on the whole body by improving the functioning of the endocrine glands and nervous system. 
The healthy person who undergoes the Nasya Karma in suitable season with suitable drugs will never suffer from the impaired functions of eyes, nose, and ears. 
Nasya administered in the suitable season nourishes the veins, joints, ligaments, tendons of the head and makes them strong.
It prevents the diseases of supra clavicles region of the body. 
The drug administered through nose as Nasya reaches to the brain and eliminates only the morbid doshas responsible for producing the disease.
Nose is the gate of the head, nasya dravya is reaching the brain and acting on important centers controlling different function and thus showing systemic effects and Nasyakarma is the treatment for all the diseases related to head.
Nasya Karma which involves nasal route of drug administration can be taken as the best line of treatment in the management of cervical spondylosis.
This is one of the Panchakarma treatments that not only alleviates the vitiated doshas but also causes complete eradication of the vitiated dosha and the disease. 
It not only removes doshas but also gives strength to organs, channels, etc., in the head so useful in healthy conditions also.
The drugs administered Nasya karma will reach the karma and spread through the opening of the shiras of the eyes, ears, throat, and so on, to the head.
Nasya karma is beneficial to cure migraine headache, hemicranias, and dryness of voice, constriction of the eyes, defects of the vision, toothache, earache, tinnitus, and difficulty in speech, nervousness, anxiety, fear, dizziness, and emptiness.
Highly efficient in psychosomatic disorders. Negative thoughts can be vanished by undergoing Nasya karma treatment.
The nose is connected through vascular system, nerve plexus of olfactory nerve, and ophthalmic and maxillary branches of trigeminal nerves to the brain. So the drugs administered through nose stimulate the higher centers of brain which shows action on regulation of endocrine and nervous system functions.
Nasa Karma provides nourishment to the nervous system and helps in removing the irritation. It may act as an anti-inflammatory agent also.
The drug administered through nose enters the paranasal sinuses, where the ophthalmic vein and the other veins spread out.
Regulation of emotional and behavioral patterns
Hypothalamus together with limbic system participate in expression of rage, aggression, pain, pleasure and behavioral pattern etc. Thus directly helps in preventing various psychosomatic disorders.
Nasal medication is advocated in many mental disorders, it is considered a port for brain for drug delivery.
Stress and brain have a strong relation with each other. By providing nourishment to the brain, stress can be eliminated from root and hence helps in preventing psychosomatic disorders.
Diseases like Migraine, Rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, headache, throat diseases, chronic colds, chest congestion, epi- lepsy, facial paralysis, eye diseases etc. can be alleviated with the practice of nasa karma.

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