Friday 5 July 2019


Abhyanga : A Yogic Cleanse and Renewal of Skin Care..
(Women Only)
The amazing powers of Abhyanga..
Abhyanga fuels me to do more, be better, and push my limits until all of a sudden I burn out physically, mentally, and spiritually. And this is exactly what happened to me the other day.
Abhyanga increases energy, creates lustrous skin, regulates the digestive system, removes toxins from the body, calms the nervous system, and stabilizes the mind.
Skin is our first line of protection from the outside, and the reflection of everything going on inside of us.
Allow your mind body and soul to be revitalized with Abhyanga! 
Your skin is the largest organ of the body and requires routine care to look and feel its best. Being exposed to the external environment on a regular basis, your skin faces many challenges including weather, pollution, chemicals in toiletries, food and water, stress, poor nutrition, excessive drinking or smoking, and changes in body chemistry. 
Skin care is that many of the factors that damage skin can be managed by practicing mindfulness throughout the day and establishing healthy routines for your constitution along with ABHYANGA. Activities such as eating wholesome organic foods; using chemical-free products; incorporating yoga, pranayama, and meditation into your daily routine to reduce stressl will make your skin healthier and more beautiful.
In Ayurveda, we suggest a few extra steps to promote healthy glowing skin with practices like dry body brushing, abhyanga are great to avoid drying out skin.
During the change of seasons , I’m a big fan of abhyanga Abhyanga Body Treatment is said to be one of Ayurveda’s most effective means to slowing down the skin’s aging process. 
The benefits of Abhyanga occur rapidly as oil quickly absorbs through skin layers, carrying important infused ingredients along with it. You will notice your skin stays moisturized even after you bathe. A wonderful experience to start incorporating into your daily regimen: Sadhana.
Increase flow of prana
Lubricates joints
Produces softness, strength, and color to the body
Decreases the effects of aging
Helps reduce facial wrinkles
Increases longevity
Benefits sleep patterns
Imparts tone and vigor to the dhatus (tissues) of the body
Stimulates the internal organs of the body, including circulation
Pacifies Vata and Pitta, and harmonizes Kapha
Makes hair grow luxurious, thick, soft and glossy
Soothes and invigorates the sense organs
Benefits disorders in and of the ear that are due to increased vata
Alleviates coarseness, stiffness, roughness, fatigue and numbness of the feet
Enhances vision
Increases strength of bones and muscles
Works directly on the sense organs to soothe and stimulate
Improves blood circulation, lubricates the joints, calms the nerves, increases mental alertness, helps the body efficiently eliminate toxins, improves your sleep, and increases stamina throughout the day.
In Abhyanga, oils and strokes are chosen according to body type and body condition. Some of more benefits of abhyanga are: Reverses, prevents aging and increases longevity. Removes fatigue and stress from work and life overall. Promotes good vision. Nourishes the body and promotes sturdiness. Relieves insomnia. Oil rubbed into the skin prevents dehydration and strengthens the nerves. Stimulates antibody production and thus strengthens the immune system.
This treatment will leave your skin feeling silky smooth, deeply loved, and powerfully revitalized, but the benefits reach well beneath the surface of the skin. 
Clean and Glowing skin
Reinforces the immune system
Enhanced skin tone
Nourishment and moisturizing through suitable massages to enhance tone and Revitalize skin.
Abhyanga treatments help to flush out the accumulate toxins, exfoliates and ensures clear skin pores so one can sweat adequately.
Abhyanga Help stimulate and detoxify lymph.
And since the lymphatic system is the body’s natural detoxification center it collects toxins and filters them out of the body, abhyanga’s combination of healing oils and lymphatic drainage technique makes it more effective detox treatment.
It also promotes inner radiance by calming the nervous system, lubricating and rejuvenating the deeper tissues of the body, and encouraging healthy circulation. 
This was a much needed rejuvenating treatment. It was very relaxing and my body felt so nourished after! You will surprised by how much your skin absorbed the oil and clearly needed it. 
In Sanskrit, "Abhyanga" means "loving hands." In Ayurveda, if we use oil regularly infused with herbs and/or essential oils specific to our current needs (vikruti). "Sneha" refers to "oil" or "love". Such as the experience of being loved, receiving Abhyanga can bring about the feeling of being loved and cared for.
CALL 9825463394/9773170560
Vata-Pacifying Abhyanga
Pitta-Pacifying Abhyanga
Kapha-Pacifying Abhyanga
Restore balance with this ancient healing treatment. Herb-infused oils are warmed then poured into the skin using soothing friction strokes. The healing properties of the herbal oils benefit the nervous system, reduce muscle tension, relieve joint pain, and eliminate impurities from the body.
This ancient "Science of Self-Healing" is rooted in nature and perfected by the centuries. Expand self-awareness and cultivate your innate state of balance with therapies that treat holistically.
A multi-sensory experiences that will transport you to a world of profound healing and complete rejuvenation of the mind and body.
Pre-Natal Abhyanga
The practices of Abyanga, yoga asanas and meditation help in the proper development of the fetus. Pre-Natal Abhyanga also provides relaxation, promotes flexibility and facilitates an easy delivery. 
Post-partum Abhyanga 
A woman’s body undergoes a lot of physical and mental strain during the process of delivery. Postpartum treatment helps the new mother’s body to recognize itself and to relax, thus promoting a quick recovery. Regular massage with oil can help the muscles regain their natural shape after delivery.
Set Your Abhyanga Body Treatment With us.
Whether you have collapsed arches or simply feel sore and tired at the end of a long day, try setting our Abhyanga Body Treatment which not only alleviates stress and fatigue, but activates the immune system, eases emotional imbalance, and balances all three doshas. By nurturing and connecting with your soles, you set a foundation for vibrant health of mind, body and soul. 
In the ayurvedic tradition, therapeutic oil body treatment is said to balance the three bodily humors, or doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha.
its individualized approach based on the Ayurvedic concept of doshas, or body types and its focus on the mind-body connection.
Abhyanga is believed to help all the systems of the body, while increasing strength and flexibility of muscles and joints. It is also a natural and chemical free way to encourage youthfulness and improve the quality of the skin and hair.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...