Friday 5 July 2019


Schedule Your Consultation to Learn How To Develop Ayurvedic Daily Health Practices..
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Jala neti: cleansing the nasal passages using salt water.
This is a simple washing of the nasal septi by slightly saline water made by adding approximately 1/8 teaspoon of pure salt to a cup of warm water.
Neti is used to cleanse the entire area above the chest.
Jal neti is especially designed to clean out irritants in the nose and upper pharynx and to rehydrate and moisten the delicate goblet and ciliated cells of the nasal passageway.
Your nasal passages are clearer, your sense of smell better, you breathing easier. 
Neti removes all the dirt and bacteria filled mucus from within the nose. It also helps to drain the sinus cavities. This in turn, will help to reprogramme the body’s natural mechanisms against nasal infections such as hayfever, allergies, sinusitis and other upper respiratory complaints like sore throats and coughs, post nasal drip, inflammation of tonsils and adenoids.
Neti improves sensitivity of the olfactory nerves, helping to restore lost sense of smell, and thereby benefits the relationship with taste and the digestive processes.
The function of the nose is to warm, filter, moisten, clean, and smell the air, testing for any noxious materials or danger (such as fire) and/or giving us vital information about food, herbs, plants, weather, people, or other animals. These functions can be drastically altered during colds, sinus congestion, illness, stress, excessive dry weather or cold weather, the presence of environmental toxins, poor diet, extreme weather, grief, etc. When the function of the nose is compromised, the risk of contracting other disease is greater.
Has a positive influence on all sense organs in the head. Strengthens vision and relieves tired eyes (e.g. after working long hours at the computer). Neti can also be helpful in relieving headaches. Memory and concentration are improved. It is also beneficial for problems associated with the nasal and sinus cavities. Neti has a preventative effect against head colds and sinusitis. With regular use, Neti can also cure or at least ease hay fever and pollen allergies.
With the ever increasing incidence of respiratory illnesses such as asthma, allergies, hayfever, sinusitis, colds, influenzas, etc, the practice of Jala Neti could serve as a panacea for helping to improve the lives of many people.
Neti is a practice which is very beneficial to the cleanliness of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, as well as the thinking processes.
It has subtle effects on the pineal and pituitary glands which control the hormonal system. This has a harmonising effect on emotional behaviours.
Jihva Mula Dhauti: cleansing of the tongue.
While we sleep the waste and the poisonous part of whatever we have eaten before going to bed comes up to our mouth and stays like a layer on our tongue. In the morning you can see it on your tongue. As it is full of bacteria and makes a bad smell, it has to be cleaned and this Kriya is very helpful for that.
Tongue scraping is another technique that has had some dramatic results for me. It’s amazing how much more alive my tastebuds seem when they are free to experience all the flavors, not masked by bacteria and residue.
It will stimulate your hunger and appetite when you have the problem of not feeling hungry. Also your digestive tract will benefit from Jihva Dhauti. As you clean your mouth with this exercise, your tongue will be more able to taste things better. Everything will taste more intensive again!
Stimulates throat chakra, throat, cleans the breath, increases digestion, reflexes positively to swadhistana chakra, prevents tooth decay, prepares for khechari mudra.
Danta mula dhauti: cleansing of the teeth and gums.
One uses the stiff hairlike fibres of the neeml tree to clean the teeth and the spaces between the teeth. Neem tree twigs (called dentoon ) contain a special herbs and resins created by the neem tree. One chews on the end of the twig until it becomes soft and hairlike (many fine bristles), then first insert the stiffer bristles between the teeth and then rub the teeth and gums like a tooth brush. Today most people use tooth brushes, picks, or special appliances but the point here is to stimulate the gums as well as the nerve roots of the teeth while taking advantage of the special herbs available by the plant, rather than to only mechanically clean, disinfect, or manage the PH of the mouth, tongue, and teeth. 
It is recommended to massage certain oils and herbal powders (AVAILABLE AT MY HOSPITAL) directly on the gums utilizing well manicured finger nails and a clean thumb and index fingers squeezing, gently wiggling, and manipulating the teeth and gums, thus gently stimulating the tooth roots and nerves of the region. In this respect utilize a clean and well manicured index finger to massage the base of the gums all the way to the floor of the jaw. This lower gum/jaw massage will also impact upon the tongue and throat and will increase the quality of the voice. The upper gum massage will prove to be quite a bit less complex than the lower, finding any tense or congested areas and gently stimulate them with the index finger. Be sensitive to any bumps, swellings, adhesions, hard spots and so on massaging in a gentle circular motion. Use of a finger cot insures any sanitation issues, although one's sensitivity decreases as a result.
In regards to the health of the teeth, sitkari pranayama is very beneficial to the gums, as the air is drawn in through the mouth through the clenched teeth while the lips are drawn wide open and up exposing the teeth to maximum oxygen contact.
These danta dhauti activities can be done once or more daily.
These are very few series of can learn more series of Dhauti for your health practices.
Benefits of the dhauti series
Dhauti - Purification of the Esophagus and Stomach 
Dhauti - Cleansing of the alimentary canal & sense organs of the head. Has a beneficial influence on high acidity, allergies and asthma. Eliminates halitosis (bad breath).
These days, with our unhealthy environment, impure food stuffs, ailing bodies and disturbed minds, these same techniques can be used just as effectively to improve the quality of our own & enlightened lives.
The 'Hatha Yoga Pradipika' states, "There is no doubt that cough, asthma, diseases of the spleen, leprosy and twenty kinds of diseases caused by excess mucus are destroyed through the effect of dhauti karma.' The combination of all the practices of dhauti cleans the entire digestive tract and respiratory tract. It removes excess and old bile, mucus and toxins, and restores the natural balance of the body's chemical composition, thus alleviating serious ailments caused by such imbalances.
The various practices help remove infectious bacteria from the mouth, nose, eyes, ears, throat, stomach, intestines and anus. The results are a reduction of excess fatty tissue and relief from flatulence, constipation, poor digestion and loss of appetite. The point is that even such insidious diseases can be alleviated through this powerful practice.
A weak digestion is the source of all health conditions in Ayurveda. The Agnisaara Dhauti or fire purification technique helps in curing all diseases of the stomach, and improving digestive power by increasing the digestive fire
Nauli - Turning of the Abdominal Muscles
There is a rule in Yoga that each muscle should move at least once a day. This brings our energy back into flow and releases blockages. Energy is like water. Water that stands still becomes impure and putrid. On the other hand, flowing water always remains pure. This is the reason why we should also move the muscles of our abdomen and intestines daily. Nauli very effectively supports digestion and the elimination process.
Nauli strengthens the abdominal muscles and massages the intestines and organs of the lower abdomen. It regulates blood pressure and has a preventative effect against diabetes. Helpful for heartburn and skin diseases (acne).
Call 9773170560/9825463394
We aren`t just what we eat! We are also an amalgam of all the things that enter our body, and the result of all things that we do, or not do, to our body.
In this modern lifestyle world, the body has all the systems it needs to keep the body clean and working efficiently. In the real world we just keep placing so many strains on our systems that in the end they are unable to cope - and something will go wrong. It is for this reason that Ayurveda has many methods of detoxifying and cleansing the body, externally and internally.
Ayurveda, the science of life advocates purification of body for promotion, prevention and maintenance of health. The ancient purification exercises called the shat (six) karmas (activities) or sometimes more simply called the kriyas (preliminary purification activities) which open the pathways of the body, the nadis, the energy body and the mind. 
These purification practices are mentioned in
many ancient yogic texts such as the "Hatha Yoga Pradipika", the "Gherand Samhita", the "Siva Samhita", the "Satkarma Sangraha of Raghavira", and many others. In traditional yoga, yogins are given the shat karmas in the very beginning. This help to open up the energy channels, activate the energy centers, and also unburden the physical body of accumulated obstructions and toxins.
Shat karma are dhauti, nauli, neti, basti, kapalbhati and trataka.
1. Nasal Cleansing (neti)
2. Stomach Cleansing (dhauti)
3. Intestinal Cleansing (basti)
4. Abdominal Churning (nauli)
5. Respiratory System Cleansing (kapalabhati)
6. Steady Gazing (trataka)
Daily Practice of Simple Yogic Methods is Vital for Mental Health also..
In each of the described techniques, one method of detoxification is given, with details of how it helps you maintain your health in day to day existence. It is important to understand that mental health is not separate from physical health. Physical health is not the same as absence of diseases as per modern science. 
These yogic methods of daily practices give you simple yet powerful ways to detoxify the body to keep it free of physical as well as mental health conditions,taking a few steps every day to keep yourself centered goes a long way in a blissful living.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...