Friday 5 July 2019


Shirodhara : Awakening of Ajna Chakra..
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Continues streaming flow of oil have very definite meta-physical effects which come from stimulation and balance of the two pranic flows, Ha and Tha.
In the psychic physiology of yoga, this prana (or energy) flows in energy channels within the framework of the spine. The true point of confluence of these two energy meridians is called Ajna Chakra, a point directly in line with the mid- eyebrow centre and directly below the crown of the head. It is also known as the Third Eye, or the Eye of Intuition. It has a subtle connection with the functions of the pineal and pituitary glands.
When the flow of the physical breath at the nostrils is balanced through practices such as Nadi Shodhan Pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) the pranic energy in Ida Nadi (parasympathetic nervous system) and Pingala Nadi (sympathetic nervous system) is thereby balanced, and increased energy begins to flow in Sushumna Nadi (central nervous system). When this occurs, activation of Ajna Chakra takes place.
The effects of stimulating Ajna Chakra on a daily basis are both specific and general - clearer thinking, better powers of concentration, greater sense of well being, less mental stress, better non-verbal communication, lightness in the mind.
People of an artistic/visual nature gain better powers of visualisation, more lucid dreaming, increased creativity and artistic inspiration. On the psychic planes, the mystics have experiences of light, visions of the deities, perception of the astral body. Those of a religious/devotional nature experience greater revelations and communion with their Ishta (symbol of God/Guru). All of the above effects lead to a more meditative expression in life. 
As one progresses along the yogic path, and delves deeper into the mysteries of life, it is the supra-mental faculties of intuition and spiritual perception, as associated with Ajna Chakra, which need to be developed for that deeper knowledge to unfold.
Balancing the sixth chakra
When we move into the ajna chakra, we gather all of the data collected from past experiences, sensory inputs, and future desires to recognize that time has no boundaries, limitations, or set order. 
We are all made up of the same energy coming from the same single source. When we connect with our third eye, our left and right sides merge. No longer do we search for balance in another person, place, or experience, rather we understand the unity within. There is no duality—light and dark, black and white, man and woman. When your sixth chakra is balanced and open, you see beyond the perceived dual natures and into the light of energy.
Trusting our intuition is the first step to opening the third eye and balancing the sixth chakra.
Ajna chakra is also associated with creative visualization: the idea that we can imagine. To strengthen your third eye, Shirodhara is an important tool.
Ajana Chkra 
Physical location : Between the eyebrows, behind the forehead
Organs associated : Eye , Nervous system , Brain , Ear , Pituitary gland , Pineal gland.
Yoga poses (strengthening the chakra) : Balasana , Janusirsasana , Ardha Pincha Mayurasana.
Colour associated : Indigo
Mantra associated : AUM..

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