Monday 29 July 2019


i have developed Ayurveda Mama Therapy along with Panchakarma Treatment according to Ayurveda..
Marmas are centers for the vital-force or Prana. Marmas serve like pranic switches that can be used to turn Prana up or down, on or off at various places on the body.
The use of pressure points during Ayurveda Body Treatment has become a popular therapy in natural healing today. In Ayurveda, these pressure points are called mamas, meaning 'vulnerable' or sensitive' zones. Such points can be used specifically for the diagnosis and treatment of disease or generally for promoting health and longevity. Marmas are integral to all Ayurvedic therapies from simple self-treatments to complex clinical procedures. 
They form one of the main pillars of Ayurvedic thought and
practice. The body has its own special sacred points just as the Earth has its sacred sites and energy currents according to sacred geography.
Marmas adds a new dimension of insight to both systems, helping us tap into the currents of vitality and creativity within and around us.
The science of karma or Marma Vidya is another extraordinary and dynamic Ayurvedic therapy that has tremendous value in health, disease, everyday living and in spiritual practice. Marma therapy is an important method of Ayurvedic treatment for the entire spectrum of health complaints major and minor.
Marmas range in size from very small to very large, from special points along the hands and feet to significant regions on the trunk of the body like the heart or the navel.
Through the right use of marmas our entire physical and mental energy can be consciously increased, decreased or redirected in a transformative manner.
The condition of marmas is an important diagnostic tool in Ayurveda. At marma sites toxins, stress and negative emotions get lodged and are held, sometimes for years.
Disease is reflected in pain, blockage or swelling in these areas even before it may manifest outwardly in the full range of disease symptoms. Ayurveda palpate marmas as an integral part of patient examination and gain much information from them. Relieving pain, blockage or swelling at marma sites is an important therapeutic aid and one of the first stages of many Ayurveda treatments.
Ayurveda treats marmas with pressure, heat, herbal oils, herbs or aromatic oils, providing many tools for working with your internal energies through them.
Marma therapy can be used along with all Ayurveda therapies from detoxification to tonification and rejuvenation, from self-care to intricate clinical procedures like Panchakarma.
Marmas as energy zones on the body, we could say that, on the highest level, marmas are places in the body where Purusha and Prakriti interface, where consciousness and Prana (Purusha) are reflected in our psycho-physical structure and dynamic (Prakriti). Marmas help us harmonize our Prakriti (our practical manifestation) and our Purusha (our quest for Self-realization).
Doha And Marma Therapy
Marmas can be used to balance our Prana or vital energy and increase sattva.
Marma therapy is an important way of working on Prana, which governs our entire functioning. Prana in turn is connected to Vata dosha or the biological air..humor, which therefore is the most important of the humors in the development and treatment of disease. This makes marmas particularly important in dealing with Vata, which relates to deep-seated, chronic and degenerative diseases.
Vata is divided into five types or subdoshas...Prana, Udana, Vyana, Samana and Apana. Marmas are most connected to Vyana Vayu, which governs the skin, circulation and the movement of Prana or vital energy. Therapeutic touch occurs mainly through Vyana, which distributes Prana throughout the body and can direct Prana as a healing force outside the body as well. Vyana also distributes the effects of herbs and oils through marmas to the rest of the body.
Pitta dosha is divided into five types or subdoshas......Pachaka, Ranjana, Bhrajaka, Alochaka and Sadhaka—which govern specific forms of digestion.
Marma therapy can increase or decrease heat in the body, directly impacting Pitta dosha. Marmas have a special connection to Bhrajaka Pitta which governs the skin and joints where most marmas are located. This means that Bhrajaka Pitta is usually the most important form of Pitta relative to marma therapy. The application of therapeutic touch, heat or the use of aromatic oils directly affects Bhrajaka Pitta and through it the other forms of Pitta.
Pitta's main site in the body is the small intestine, where it accumulates in the form of acid and heat. From there it gets transported by the circulatory system to weak sites in the body and causes various Pitta diseases like ulcers, infections and inflammation of different types, particularly blood disorders. 
Kapha's subtypes or subdoshas are called—Tarpaka, Sleshaka, Avalambaka, Kledaka and Bodhaka—which govern specific forms of lubrication. Marma therapy can be used to promote the circulation of Prana and break up accumulations of Kapha, which is increased by stagnation and lack of movement. As marmas are commonly connected to joints, they have a special association with Sleshaka Kapha.
Kapha's main site in the body is the stomach, where it accumulates in the form of mucus or phlegm. From there it gets transported by the circulatory system to weak sites in the body and causes various Kapha diseases like asthma, diabetes, edema, heart disease and obesity.
Abhyanga as a Marma Therapy
Abhyanga —Using various forms of pressure and movement with the hands or other parts of the body like the feet and elbows. This is aided by applying special Ayurvedic medicated herbal oils, so it includes not only massage but also oil therapy. Some forms of Ayurvedic Body Treatment may also use dry powders, so many techniques fall under it.
Ayurvedic Oil Therapy is part of oleation (Snehana) therapy. Oleation is part of detoxification or reduction therapy (Shodhana) used for loosening toxins in the bones, joints, muscles and skin. The use of hot herbal oils is part of sweating or sudation (Swedana) therapy, which is also part of this same type of therapy. It aims at drawing toxins out through the blood and skin. In Ayurveda, oleation and sweating therapies (Snehana and Swedana) are used together to help draw the doshas out of the deeper tissues and bring them through the circulatory system and into the digestive tract for their elimination from the body by other therapeutic methods
This means that oil therapy on marma points can be viewed as a special or localized Snehana-Swedana therapy.
Shirodhara As Mrma Therapy
Shirodhara stimulates these mamas ( Sthapani Marma/Shankha Marma/Utkshepa Marma/Adhipati Marma)
and improves circulation , as oil used for shirodhara which causes vasodilatation of all the channels and thereby improving their circulation which in turn improves blood circulation of the brain. This improves the higher intellectual functions also. So an improvement in psychic symptoms is achieved. Improvement in circulation to hypothalamus also improves the function of Autonomic Nervous System as its stimulation during stress causes many physiological disturbances.
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There are two more channels in women: The menstrual system or Artavavaha Srotas and lactation system or
Stanyavaha Srotas. These are a subset of the reproductive system (Shukravaha Srotas). Marmas function as trigger points for regulating the movement of energy through these channels. They are closely connected to the anatomical structures, organs and orifices through which these channels flow.
In fact, every point on the body is potentially a marma point because the entire skin or surface of the body is itself a marma or sensitive region. One could say that the skin itself is the 108th marma, linking all the other marmas together.
Also schedule your consultation for
Marmas and Yoga Practices
Marma and Asana Practice
Marmas and Pranayama
Marma Meditation
Marma and the Use of Mantras
Herbal Treatment For Marmas
Marma Therapy with Herbal Pastes

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