Monday 29 July 2019


Ayurveda, the ultimate medicine of empowerment can equip the modern woman with its time tested wisdom and help her achieve optimal health of body, mind and spirit. 
Ayurveda as it pertains to correcting the imbalances that arise during the women’s menstrual cycle – specifically PMS and other related menstrual disorders - menorraghia, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and the transition to menopause. 
As people embark on the journey of healing through Ayurveda, they realize that good health is related almost directly and proportionally to proper lifestyle and state of mind. The path to perfect health parallels the path to enlightenment.
Menstruation is regarded in Ayurveda as a time of purification – a time for the woman’s body and mind to purify and rejuvenate each month-The menstrual cycle is Nature’s gift to women...
Women are losing touch with their innate primordial inner rhythms, which control not only the menstrual cycles, but also the physical, mental, emotional and intuitive well-being.
All three doshas have a strong influence on the menstrual cycle. During the follicular (also known as proliferative) phase (end of menses until ovulation or the first half of the cycle) Kapha is on the rise. The hormone Estrogen (Kapha-like in many ways), peaks during this stage of the cycle. During the next phase of the cycle – the luteal or secretory phase (ovulation till flow begins), progesterone, a more Pitta type hormone takes center stage. So during the second half of the cycle, Pitta dominates in the woman’s body. The time of the actual flow or menses is the time of Vata – specifically Apana Vayu, as it transports the menstrual blood out of the body.
PMS from an Ayurvedic point of view, is viewed primarily as a Vata and Pitta imbalance. Since Low ojas is a contributing factor in PMS, rasayana therapy should be implemented. In case of ama being present, a period of purification should precede rejuvenation..
However menstrual cycles get disrupted due to a variety of reasons – birth control pills, different medications, poor diet & nutrition, low body fat, excessive weight loss, or being overweight. Stress, exhaustion, or very hard exercise and inactivity also can change or disrupt the menstrual cycle. 
Excessive caffeine and alcohol (interferes with the metabolism of estrogen and progesterone in the liver) consumption, smoking can also disrupt the menstrual cycle. Disorders such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and uterine fibroids, cysts, polyps and endometriosis can also cause imbalances. And last but not least increased stress can cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle.
Ayurvedic practices to re-balance the woman’s menstrual cycle:
Uttar Basti : Tae Care of Your Womb : Bring Back Female Cycle in Rhythm.
Uttar Basti is one of the best Ayurvedic wisdom, and is one of the single most essential practices for a woman. Uttar Basti, a powerful method of healing, is the practice of cleansing and nourishing the womb and one of the main reasons of this practice is to restore balance to the womb, and bringing the female cycle back in rhythm. It helps fortify hormones and a woman’s sensuality, while revitalizing her spirit during menopause. 
Conditions managed with Uttar Basti : 
Vaginal infections, dryness, soreness of vaginal passage, PMS, irregular or excess menstrual flow, venereal diseases, infertility, hormonal imbalance, menopause, and uterine disorders. 
Panchakarma to Purify Female Reproductive System And Rasayana therapy to build Ojas.
Schedule Your Appointment
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Ayurveda, the ultimate medicine of empowerment, can equip the modern woman with time tested methods of healing support– diet, herbs, lifestyle, purification and rejuvenation therapies, asana, meditation and pranayama, aroma and color therapies. Specifically, as it relates to a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle. 
Ayurveda offers guidelines and therapies not only to alleviate symptoms of menstrual disorders, but to bring regularity and balance to the monthly cycle, by addressing the root cause of the imbalances. All women have the power to heal within them – Ayurveda helps them to connect with their own inner wisdom and guidance and heal from within

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