Monday 29 July 2019


Panchakarma is the most essential part of Ayurveda treatments. It is preventive, preservative, promotive, curative and rehabilitative therapy.
Pancha Karma is the process of removing ama and excess doshas from the body and mind and then rebuilding the internal strength and ojas, immunity. 
Ayurveda believes in the strong relationship between macrocosm and microcosm and states that the seasonal changes will influence the biological systems resulting into the accumulation and aggravation of particular Dosha in a particular season like accumulation and aggravation of Kapha in winter season) and spring season respectively, accumulation and aggravation of Pitta in rainy season) and autumn season respectively. Ayurveda emphasized to practice these therapies to eliminate the vitiated Dosha in accordance to the seasonal variation for preservation and promotion of health and prevention of disease.
Panchakarma follows the natural wisdom and function of the body. These purification therapies are not meant to be in conflict with the natural movement of the doshas and srotas. On the contrary, the Panchakarma system - when done - uses all natural functions to radically clean the body. 
Pancha karma is a system to remove (purify) the Srotamsi (channel system).
The Srotamsi become congested or blocked when malas increase; when dhatu malas increase; when doshas increase; and when ama mixes with either mala or dosha.
Pancha Karma literally means the five actions. Vamana (Therapeutic vomiting), Virechana (Purgation), Basti (Enema), Nasya ( Nasal Purgation), Rakta Mokshana (Bloodletting). 
Ayurveda Therapies Administrated At My Hospital.
(For Women Only)
Nasya (Tonic Treatment for The Head ) : It is used when there is severe derangements of five senses and Prana Vayu. This can be used when there is any chronic problems related to the ears, mouth, eyes, nose or throat....The nose is the doorway to the brain, mind and consciousness...When an excess of bodily fluids accumulates in the sinus, throat, nose or head areas, it is best eliminated through the nose...It opens and clears breathing channels and is a great relief for allergies, sinusitis, migraine headache and frequent colds.
Nasya helps restore the organic equilibrium of the mind and body and hormonal secretions that hormonal secretions that are ruled by Prana. Nasya is important treatments of Vata conditions in the nervous system and mind.
Nasya lasted for 3-7 days. You will experienced immense clarity and a heightened sense of intuition, and you could breathe deeply and fully with ease.
In Pancha Karma Nasya is also called Shirovirechana - shiro (head) - virechana (purgation).
This is a form of body treatment that uses rice bolus to apply large amounts of oil to the body. Its main function is to pacify the five sub vayus through reconnecting them and stimulating the marma points. To be effective it should be done nos of time. 
Pindasvedana (Navare Kizi - bolus heat application) :
Pinda Svedana or Navare Kizi is a form of local svedana that uses rice bolus to apply heat to the body. The rice bolus is cooked in milk decoctions with special Dosha pacifying herbs. The heat and the herbs are very effective to lower vata in the rasa and mamsa dhatus. It is usually done directly after Pishinchhali to help the oil penetrate the skin and dhatus. 
Nurturing and nourishing, regular Body Treatment is truly an essential part of a one’s self-care and healing. It stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, restoring balance to all bodily systems and functions. In the parasympathetic state, we reduce stress hormones that accumulate in our bodies, assimilate nutrients, eliminate wastes, increase blood circulation and relax and rest in a deep way that promotes regeneration and healing to the mind, body and heart.
This involves dropping oil slowly over the forehead. It is used to pacify Prana Vayu and is the main treatment for psychosomatic disorders. It is given for 30-45-60 (depends on severity) minutes 3 to 4 times during the 7-15 days time.
A Bliss therapy consisting of abhyanga, shirodhara, and svedana treatments would be beneficial as these treatments are pacifying to vata and very nourishing to the system. 
In addition to the Bliss therapy, anuvasana and uttara bastis would help to encourage healthy downward movement and svadhisthana basti would localize energy and release to the 2nd chakra. These treatments would be most helpful if the woman repeated them every month several times until menstruation returned.
Therapies like anuvasana basti, tonifying enema, are employed to heal and calm vata at its root site. These therapies are the tonifying and rasayana portion of the treatment and is the key in building immunity, ojas, as well as strengthen agni, the fire of digestion. The fire of agni is key in the overall health of the individual. If the fire of agni burns to low, ama is left behind; if the fire of agni burns to hot, it smokes and burns and metabolizes the individual. When in balance agni burns clean and clear with no residues left. This is the goal of Pancha Karma. 

Call 9773170560/9825463394
Increased energy
Increased mental clarity and positivity
Improved sense of happiness & wellbeing
Reduced inflammation in the body
Reduction or elimination of pain in the body
Increased flexibility/agility
Boosted Immune system function
Panchakarama is the gift you give to yourself that keeps on giving.
You will felt fully alive with renewed vigor and creativity – everything seemed possible.
With the march of time, most of the dietary habits, social structure, life style, and environment have been changing.
Ayurveda guides one on the journey toward equanimity and harmony. The two goals of Ayurveda are: to keep the body in a state of health and free from disease, and, To show us how to use health as a basis of, or as a part of, the path to enlightenment.

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