Monday 29 July 2019


Pancha Karma is effective for all eight branches of Ayurveda. It is a versatile and effective therapy for all kinds of problems.
Panchakarma is important in treating a chronic condition. It helps to kindle dhatu agni and improves the quality of both sthayi dhatu and asthayi dhatu. Rakta moksha is the specific form of panchakarma that targets rakta dhatu.
In panchakarma cleansing we stimulate pilu and pithara agni and try to remove excess doshas and ama (toxins). More simply, ama is the by-product of poor digestion and according to the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda – ama is the root cause of nearly all diseases. When ama goes into a cellular energy field, it becomes cellular ama or mental ama. Through the actions of snehana (oil massage), swedana (sudation or sweating), and panchakarma cleansing therapies such as basti, we kindle pilu agni and pithara agni and help to burn the ama stuck in the intercellular energy fields.
The signs and symptoms of ama are …
clogging of channels, sense of heaviness, low energy, restlessness, lethargy, indigestion, kapha-type congestion [i.e. expectoration], accumulation of the three wastes/malas [i.e. feces, urine, sweat], loss of taste, and sexual debility.
– Ashtanga Hrdayam
The five methods for eliminating excess dosha and/or ama from the body for internal purification: vomiting, (vamana), purgation (vire- chana), decoction or oil enema (basti), bloodletting (rakta moksha), and nasal administration (nasya). In the panchakarma process, excessive dosha and/or ama is brought back to its main site in the body and then eliminated through one or more of the five measures.
Panchakarma is mainly concerned with removing the vitiated doshas and malas from the body. Mala is the normal result of Agni metabolism. For every agni in the body there is a mala. When the level of mala increases beyond the body's ability to remove it then it accumulates and impairs dosha movement and function. This aggravated dosha function is the root cause of disease. Additionally, other factors that impair the function of agni create ama (toxins) which mix with either mala or dosha. In both cases accumulation restricts dosha movement in the srotas and thus causes a weakening in dhatus - this causes chronic disease.
Pancha karma is a system to remove (purify) the Srotamsi (channel system).
Shirodhara : It is used to pacify Prana Vayu and is the main treatment for psychosomatic disorders.
It is used when there is severe derangements of five senses and Prana Vayu. This can be used when there is any chronic problems related to the ears, mouth, eyes, nose or throat. In Panchakarma Nasya is also called Shirovirechana - shiro (head) + virechana (purgation).
- to remove the doshas from the head
- to maintain and reduce doshas
- to strengthen and nourish the body
Indications of when to use Nasya 
Those persons who have the following indications should receive Nasya: 
who have a stiff neck or head muscles, who have pain the jaw, throat inflammation, tonsillitis, reproductive disorders, cataract, diseases of the eye or eyelid, discoloration of the facial skin, disorders of the neck or shoulders, diseases of the mouth or teeth, disorders of the ears, disorders of the nose, headache or migraine, facial palsy, hysteria, tetanus, goiter (thyroid), and disorders of the voice or vocal cords.
Prana, life force as nerve energy, enters the body through the breath taken in through the nose. Prana is in the brain and maintains sensory and motor functions. Prana also governs mental activities, memory, concentration and intellectual activities. Deranged prana creates defective functioning of all these activities and produces headaches, convulsions, loss of memory and reduced sensory perception. Thus nasal administration, nasya is indicated for prana disorders, sinus congestion, migraine headaches, convulsions and certain eye and ear problems. 
After Nasya Treatment You Will Feel : 
Lightness in the body, deep sleep, clearness in the head, the channels are open and clean, the senses are clear and sharp, and happiness.
That process by which medicated oils and decoctions are administered into the large intestine is called Basti Karma. Basti is the main therapy for Vata dosha in its primary site of the colon and works mainly on the air bhuta. Basti Karma is the most versatile of the Karmas and can have a therapeutic effect on almost all regions and functions of the body.
Indications of when to use Basti
Diseases affecting the whole body (sarvangaroga), localized diseases (ekangaroga), abdominal disorders, retention of semen, flatus, urine or stool, muscle atrophy (mamsaksaya), nervous disorders (vatavyadhi), doshic deficiency (doshaksaya), heart disease, psychosis, hiccups, disorders of udana or apana vayu, fever, venereal diseases, and infertility.
Basti karma is easy to perform and is the safest. Patients should be examined according to vikriti (dosha, sama conditions, etc.), current medication, climate, season, strength, diet, habits, psychology, prakriti and age.
Preserve Your Health With Ayurveda..
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Increase Praṇa (vital energy), Tejas (radiance), Ojas (essence of life)

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