Friday 5 July 2019


Begin your healing journey with Dr Unnati Chavda..
Helping you intuitively connect to your body, mind, emotions & spirit Ayurvedically.
Body-mind-emotions-spirit healing is a whole person, energetic and conscious approach to living life more fully.
Learn about Vata, Pitta and Kapha and the five elements from the inside out with this Ayurveda Meditation. Shift from the head to the heart and body to get a real sense of how we have space, air, fire, water and earth within.
Perfect for anyone learning about ayurveda and wanting to bring this wisdom into your life to give deeper meaning to what it's all about.
We all have many choices each day that can affect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states. Once we understand our constitution (prakruti), and the state of our imbalance (vikruti), we can make healthy and logical choices to bring harmony to body, mind and spirit.
Ayurveda understands the doshas in relation to physical gunas, but it also considers our mental health and well-being in relation to the three universal gunas. The Charaka Samhita (an ancient Ayurvedic text) explains that Vata, as air and ether elements, is mainly associated with rajas and sattva, with the qualities of movement, clarity, creativity and expansiveness. Pitta, as fire and water elements, is mainly associated with sattva and rajas, with the qualities of transformation, focus and energy. Kapha, as water and earth elements, is mainly associated with tamas and sattva, with the qualities of heaviness, dullness and stability.
According to Ayurveda, creation expresses itself through the five elements. These manifest in our bodies as governing energies called doshas. The three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha define our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states. Each of us has a unique proportion of all three doshas, established at conception, which creates our constitution, prakruti.
Consists of a full Ayurvedic physical examination including pulse, tongue, nail, palm and eye evaluation along with mental, emotional and spiritual characteristics and tendencies. 
Call 9773170560/9825463394
What is your constitution? What are your qualities, tendencies, and proclivities—physically, mentally, and emotionally? Do you have a predominance of one of these doshas? Or do you find that the qualities of one come forth strongly while you also display a number of characteristics related to another dosha? What is your Ayurvedic blueprint?
Live Fully: Support for Chronic Pain & Illness
Ayurveda offers one of the world’s most comprehensive cleansing protocols, known as panchakarma. This ancient practice uses five primary therapies to release and eliminate accumulated toxins from deep within the tissues, and return the doshas to their proper seats in the body.
The Pancha Karma journey is an incredible and rare opportunity for you to dive deep into yourself, physically cleansing the body, removing toxins, molecules of emotions, and old patterns of behavior while quieting the mind and rejuvenating the nervous system.
Warm Herbal Oil Body Treatment with choreographed strokes and intuitive movements that are designed
to nourish the tissues, bring deep relaxation and calmness to the mind. Dissolves accumulated stresses and toxins,
Pacifies the doshas - especially vata - relieves fatigue, improves stamina, promotes pleasure and sound sleep,lubricates & strengthens the joints.

Shirodhara Therapy
Shirodhara balances, calms and stabilizes the activity of the mind by steaming warm oil over the Ajna Chakra (3rd eye) allowing the mind to journey inward.

Swedana "Steam Therapy
The word Swede means sweat and induced with medicated herbal steam therapy which draws toxins from the body while allowing the medicated oils used in the Abhyanga to be drawn into the tissues.

Marma Therapy
Marma uses the pressure points of the body and specific Body Techniques to connect with the energetic pathways of the allowing healing and restoration of the tissue, channels, digestion and mental functions by elimination toxins and blockages.

Pinda Svedana
A Body therapy that uses warm cloth boluses filled with medicated herbal rice that enhances circulation, muscle tone and strengthens the nervous system while restoring vitality, beneficial for Arthritis, Paralysis, & Parkinson’s.
Nasya Therapy
Medicated herbal oils to clean and purify the sinuses bringing mental focus and clarity.

External Bastis
Dough dams are used encasing a specific region of the body and then filled with medicated oil or ghee to concentrate the therapeutic affect to that area. Types of bastis include: adrenal, heart, thyroid, sacral, eyes and specific area with pain.

Ayurvedic Beauty Treatments
Ayurvedic facials are designed specifically to each person’s dosha skin type and includes; cleansing, toning,
Marma massage, steam therapy and moisturizing which increases oxygen-blood circulation and overall cellular repair.
Thus, this ancient ayurvedic medicine offers the promise of a more harmonious future for the people and planet. With a unique emphasis on total wellness, the art and science of Ayurveda work to harmonize our internal and external worlds.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...