Friday 5 July 2019


Dinacharya – Daily Routine To Perfect Health
Set An Ayurvedic Morning Rituals for a Calm, Energising Day.
I am a modern woman, but I practice & living life with Ayurveda and Yoga..
With Ayurveda, I focus on self-care rituals, especially in the morning. This creates a routine that has the power to balance your mind and body and fight disease.
Changing your morning - change your life.
One of Ayurveda’s powerful tools for healing and change is called dinacharya: a healthy daily routine. A healthy dinacharya may help heal both physiological health, as well as optimal mental and emotional balance. 
According to Ayurveda & Yoga’s thousand year old sister science, one of the keys to good health and feeling great all day long is living in tune with nature’s cycles. 
My daily morning ritual, leads you through a brief practice of setting an intention for your day, offers a set of practices for cleansing your five senses, and leads us through a short and effective joint rolling practice. Anybody can do both for their physiological health as well as their mental emotional balance is to have a morning routine.
Literally and energetically, that means rising and setting with the sun. To help you align your system more closely with the cycles of nature, Ayurvedic tradition recommends a routine of morning and nighttime practices collectively known as dinacharya. These rituals are designed to give you calm, focused, sustainable energy to support meditation, yoga, and everything you do throughout the day.
To get back in sync, make over your daily routine with the simple Ayurvedic practices. The morning practices are cleansing and energizing; they’ll infuse you with a calm sense of presence. The evening ones will help you wind down for a restful sleep. Movement, such as yoga asana, and meditation are also essential to dinacharya. Consider incorporating asana before breakfast and meditation in the morning and evening.
Choose one or two of these practices to start, and after a week, take note of your energy level and mood. Then add a few more and repeat the observation process. Over time, these practices may become as routine as brushing your teeth.
The natural world at large is deeply infuenced by the rhythms of nature – the rising and setting of the sun, the cycles of the seasons.
Daily anxiety and stress that pervades modern life, and it is no wonder that so many of our nervous systems now exist in a chronic state of high alert – hyper-vigilant, increasingly unable to relax. In effect, having a Ayurvedic daily routine
offers the grounding, stability, and predictability that are largely absent from our hectic modern lives. 
Live The Traditional Ayurvedic Morning Routine According to Your Constitution:
Vata Balancing Daily Routine
Pitta Balancing Daily Routine
Kappa Balancing Daily Routine
Welcome to My Morning Routine Program.
Are you wondering how can you incorporate Ayurvedic practices into your everyday routine? Well, that’s why we’re here.
Call : 9773170560/9825463394
Ayurveda is a science of life, guiding us not only towards vibrant physical and mental health, but also towards a deeper connection to our spiritual nature. It provides us with daily and seasonal routines, diet, nutrition, behavior and the proper use of our five senses & Ayurvedic self care practices.
Dinacharya, the Sanskrit word for daily routine, is a simple and effective way to balance the body. Our daily activities have a profound effect on our health. A routine, practiced daily, is stronger medicine than an occasional remedy. Dinacharya establishes healthful habits through attunement of the body to the natural.
Today like everyday we wake frightened and empty, but don't let it to be....Call ME...
An Ayurvedic consultation on general Nutrition, the best foods to eat to bring your body and mind back into balance. 
Learn what foods are best for your dosha and what forms of yoga postures and exercise are best for your body.
Each consultation begins with a number of questions based on your health and overall wellness history, five sensory observation, and then a plan of general life balancing measures based on the teachings of Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation and Intuition.
For healthier gums, whiter teeth, and glowing skin.
You will feel that your hands, face, and scalp were way less dry. And your gums had a rosy pink color and finally stopped bleeding (if it is).
In addition to cleaning up dirty mouths, oil pulling has helped in digestion, hormonal issues, migraine headaches, joint pain, and even fatigue. Oil pulling improve tooth decay, bad breath, bleeding gums & weak teeth with possible perk of glowing skin.
On a deeper level, the use of the neti pot maintains balance within the Kapha dosha. In Ayurveda the body goes through three stages each day know as doshas and are defined by the 5 elements in our universe: Kapha (earth/water) in the morning, Pitta (fire/water) in the mid day and Vata (air/ether) in the evening. In the morning the Kapha dosha is more active with possible sluggishness and congestion. Doing nasal irrigation will relieve some of these excesses and benefit the eyes, ears, throat and mind.
Using oil is beneficial for lubricating the sinus passageways, relieving sinus problems, mucous congestion, dryness, and snoring. Nasya also helps to relieve headaches, stiff necks, fatigue and insomnia. It reduces stress and anxiety, clears and strengthens the mind, and stimulates the nervous system.
My morning routine includes a lot, but I so cherish the very first hours of the day! Making my mornings sacred and dedicated to my well-being gives me energy to work hard and stay balanced for the rest of the day.
Incorporate Abhyanga as an Ayurvedic Beauty Ritual.
Also Learn How to Enhance Natural Beauty with Ayurvedic Rituals.
Self-care is what we do everyday to nourish ourselves. I uses the Koshas, the energetic layers or sheaths, as a practical guide to inspire your own daily practices, rituals, and self-care systems. Learn how you incorporate the Koshas into our daily lives.
If you are ready to take your holistic health, integrative nutrition, and self transformation to the next level, you re at the right place.
To help bring us in tune with nature, and rather our own intelligence, following a dinacharya (daily routine)
is essential for establishing great health and regularizing our own biological clock.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...