Friday 5 July 2019


Lose Weight and Energise Your Body
If you don’t know how & what to eat to lose weight with all the conflicting information out there, and have forgotten what it feels like to really love your the Transformation with me..
I know how easy it is to gain weight, get out of shape, lose your healthy daily routines, and not knowing where to even begin to get back in shape, look great and feel even better!
If you want to successfully implement the behaviours that will help you get in shape, gain energy, and lose weight, I will support you and help you make it a reality!
I’ll create an exercise and Ayurvedic Nutrition Program tailored to your goals and your body-mind type, so personalised and suits to you..
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Losing weight becomes more easier with identifying your Doshas. 
Weight Loss And Dosha
​In Ayurveda, weight loss is depends on your dosha. Even Vatas, who are normally thin, may have problems with weight gain. For Vata types, weight gain may be because of a metabolism change, or because they are mentally stressed. Under stress, Vatas often eat irregularly, which disturbs the digestion. So for Vatas, routine is crucial. Vatas need to eat warm, cooked meals at a regular time each day, and make sure they get enough sleep. They need to eat in a relaxed, calming atmosphere and not be rushed.
Pittas have problems with weight gain when they don't eat regularly. They have a lot of fire in their system, and that fire needs something to eat. If it doesn't, then their metabolism slows down and toxins build up. It is important that Pitta types not skip breakfast. Hyperacidity is also an issue with Pittas, so they need to avoid both sour and spicy foods. 
Kaphas are naturally prone to weight gain, and usually this comes from a slow metabolism. So Kaphas need to start with balancing the metabolism, increasing the ability to digest sugars and carbs, and getting on a Kapha diet and lifestyle routine. One way to boost metabolism is by adding some of the fire element into both food and lifestyle. Avoid heavy, cold, and fried foods. Exercise vigorously on a regular basis.
According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of health and healing, the Kapha Dosha (humour) is primarily responsible for fat and adipose tissue in the body and therefore reducing Kapaha is the key to a successful weight loss program. Obviously an anti-kapha diet is the place to start when looking to lose weight. 
Obesity is the result of Kapha imbalance.
If you are overweight it could likely be a problem with your metabolism - this can affect you no matter which dosha type you are! 
An excess of Kapha may manifest in conditions such as congestion, weight gain, lethargy, a feeling of heaviness, sluggish digestion and loss of appetite.
This dosha hydrates all cells and systems, lubricates the joints, moisturizes the skin, maintains immunity, and protects the tissues.
Learn Eating to Balance Your Mind-Body Type
Learn about an ayurvedic diet and experience our Ayurvedic cleanse that helps to gently eliminate accumulated toxins in the body & helps to lose weight naturally. The body begins to melt the stored fat and toxins from tissues, releasing them into the blood stream, just as snow would melt from a mountain top and pour into a river. As there is a lot of kapha to release from the body.
Learn How To Eat For Your Kapha Dosha 
As a result, cultivating a relationship with each of the three doshas can have a transformative impact on your overall health and well-being. We would love to support you in beginning to befriend the doshas in your life.
Set Ayurvedic Morning Routine With Me For Balancing Kapha Dosha.
This Ayurvedic Morning Routine Will Help You Feel Grounded & Balanced All Day Long.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Gaining weight with the help of Ayurveda
If you are experiencing difficulties gaining weight, Ayurveda can help by balancing Vata and Pitta doshas. Vata has to be decreased because primarily this energy is related to low weight and when this energy is increased, it makes the problem deeper, making it a health problem.
And at the end
“We can’t talk about our own health without understanding our place in our environment, because in order to fulfill our potential we have to live in the context of our surroundings. We have to know our place in the ecosystem of which we are a part, and this means living ‘consciously’: being aware of nature and how it affects us and how we, in turn, affect nature.”

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...