Friday 5 July 2019


Ayurveda has the best treatment for thyroid.
Healing Your Life With Ayurveda
What is ayurvedic health care and how is it applicable to the Modern Day?
The sedentary lifestyle and stress filled contemporary era has led to alterations in the activities of neuro-endocrine systems causing newer health challenges like thyroid disorders
Thyroid is a butterfly like gland in our body which controls the metabolism. Such a tiny gland can have a profound impact on your overall health. It basically acts like the accountant manager of the available energy in your body by controlling and monitoring how your body uses the stored energy. Yet this gland influences the rate at which every cell, tissue, and organ in your body functions, from your muscles, bones, and skin to your digestive tract, brain, heart, and more 
Ayurveda has the best treatment for this ailment. This dysfunction can be cured or managed perfectly with combination of therapies, proper diet and with herbal medicines. Therapies like nasya,dough bats, vamana, vurechana, shirodhara are very effective in the management of thyroid. By combine of these therapies along with diet lifestyle changes & herbal medicines, we can manage or cured Thyroid.
One can go for panchakarma treatment like vamana in hypothyroidism as it helps in treating the kaphaja vikara and in hyperthyroidism virechana as it subsides pitta. Other treatments like basti, nasya and its mode of action on particular disease make way for better treatment.
Depression is one of the symptoms in hypothyroidism, shirobhyanga, virechana, nasya and basti help in balancing emotional disturbances.
Vamana karma is the line of treatment in hypothyroidism. Panchakarma is the prime branch of Ayurveda. Among five Karmas, Vamana has been considered as the best line of treatment for the Kaphaja disorders. Vamana removes the morbid kapha from the body which is responsible for hypothyroidism.
Virechana is the most preferred shodana in hyperthyroidism. As it corrects pitta related pathologies which are seen in hyperthyroidism. Periodically administered virechana delays the dhatupaka thereby preventing further tissue destruction.
Also kapha vata shamana as per dosha involvement and mano harshana as depression is one of the symptoms in hypothyroidism, shirobhyanga, virechana, nasya and basti help in balancing emotional disturbances.
And nasya by its action i.e., Peripheral olfactory nerve, which acts as chemo receptors are stimulated by nasya dravya, which stimulates the olfactory bulb. These further stimulating higher centres of hypothalamus and pituitary, thus showing the effect on endocrine system secreting the normal secretions of thyroid hormones.
The effect of SHIRODHARA on hormone secretion can be postulated, considering the effect on hypothalamus as hypothalamus is the main controller of endocrine secretions. Here the hypothalamic neurons which secrete the regulatory hormones in turn secretes the stimulating hormone like thyroid hormones.
Concept of thyroid-gut connection here gives an idea regarding how basti acts on thyroid functions.
Purification followed by palliative therapy was found as a suitable treatment plan to manage hypothyroidism. All the Ayurvedic therapies adopted as a part of various research studies proved to have significant results in the management of hypo-thyroidism. 
Five modes of purification, which include Vamana (therapeutic emesis), Virechana
(therapeutic purgation), Basti (therapeutic enemas), Nasya (nasal insufflations and instillations) and Rakta mokshana (therapeutic bloodletting). These five techniques of bio- purification done through several procedures purify the body system by removing toxic materials from the body. 
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Nowadays life style in every aspect is changing rapidly and “Hurry-Worry” becomes part of individuals’ life. This creates lots of diseases like hypertension, obesity and so many endocrine related disorders like diabetes, hypothyroidism etc. Increasing trend of hypothyroidism is common in the present society and more prevalent among the females. 
Prevention is better than cure” as hypothy- roidism is a lifestyle disorder – By following healthy regimens like dinacharya, rutucharya the disease can be prevented.

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