Friday 5 July 2019


Experience Ayurvedic Living With Dr Unnati Chavda..
Prepare yourself for an amazing journey as Dr. Dr Unnati Chavda walks by your side as you walk the Ayurvedic path of Healing
Radiantly You-Living Ayurveda With Dr Unnati Chavda..
Invest your time in your health & Ayurveda..
* Ayurvedic Dosha meals for all body types
* Introduction to Tridosha theory
* Ayurvedic “Dosha Pacifying” Yoga.
* Learn how to integrate Ayurvedic principles into daily living.
* Learn Ayurveda and how to apply the science of Ayurveda to the holistic practice of Yoga.
* What is ayurvedic health care and how is it applicable to the Modern Day?
* Rejuvenating Body & Mind through Panchakarma (One of the most powerful healing practices in Ayurveda).
* Ayurvedic Body Therapies ( Which are a significant part of the healing process in Ayurvedic medicine).
* Punchamahabhutas Ayurvedic Five Element Theory
* Mental Health Aspects of Ayurveda ( The holistic basis of Ayurveda implicitly incorporates mental health in most aspects of health promotion, disease prevention and treatment).
* Ancient wisdom for our modern lives.
* Ayurvedic lifestyle principles to enhance your inner and outer glow
* Daily routines and seasonal living
* Eating for health using Ayurvedic principles
* The Ayurvedic view of life, health and spirituality.
* The meaning of life- an ayurvedic approach
Samkhya philosophy - The evolution of consciousness into matter
The seamless, fundamental relationship between Yoga and Ayurveda
* How to determine your body type and your current state.
Discover ways to increase your vitality and sense of wellbeing, from the inside out that are specific to your personality and body type. This covers daily routines and rituals, nutritional and general lifestyle wisdom to get you feeling your vibrant best as we explore and experience natural ways to increase your vitality from the inside out through Ayurveda.
Aims of Ayurveda
Ayurveda has two basic aims: First, to preserve the health of healthy people and to help them attain the four principle aims of life. Second, to treat illness and disease. Thus, the ayurvedic defination of health by Sushruta: One whose doshas are in balance, whose appetite is good, whose dhatus are functioning normally, whose malas are in balance, and whose physiology, mind and senses are always full of bliss, is called a healthy person.
Health, according to ayurvedic theory, is defined as: uninterrupted physical, mental, spiritual happiness and ful llment; a true balance of organs/systems, psyche and spirit, and balanced and creative relationships with fellow creatures and nature as a whole, family, friends, work, climate, ideals and customs, truth and ourselves, the universe and ourselves; balance and harmony of the three doshas. 
According to the Charaka samhita, well-being is a "disease free state" to be pursued for the attainment of "virtue, wealth and gratification". A person whose self, mind, and senses are harmonious and cheerful is healthy. 
My goal as a Ayurvedic Practitioner is to enhance the health and well-being of an individual by reducing symptoms, restoring balance, increasing self-understanding, encouraging prevention, and facilitating healing at all levels. Many tools of yoga and yoga therapy and the wisdom of Ayurveda medicine can be incorporated into holistic healing towards an individual. I am very grateful to have this opportunity to learn and share this great learning with my patients. 
Ayurveda offers the chance to live without disease. Not only to treat existing conditions but to avoid them before they begin. This frees up our energy to pursue whatever is truly important to us.Ayurveda gives me access to spirituality in everyday life.
I rely on my Ayurvedic knowledge and practices to help me connect with the divinity in every moment. I may not always do it perfectly, but my life is full of purpose because I have an example of perfection through Ayurveda that guide my actions and intentions.
I realized that Ayurveda is very much needed in the healing process. I felt Ayurveda gives the patients natural intelligence of the body and allows them to apply more than one aspect towards healing. Researching Ayurveda made me want to learn more about experience Ayurveda Living.
Schedule Your Consultation
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Most distinct about ayurvedic medicine is its roots in peaceful, spiritual concepts which connect it to a larger philosophy and way of life.
Ayurveda is a time honored modality which has as its goal, optimal health and longevity for the individual. The emphasis is on prevention and maintenance of the body/mind and consciousness. Rather that waiting until we get sick, Ayurveda looks to our day to day habits and suggests practices done over a persons lifetime to keep the body healthy and balanced. 
So come and be part of experience Ayurveda Living
Invest your time in your health & Ayurveda..
Learn the fundamentals of Ayurveda from ME as Its the best gift you can give yourself.

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મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર

  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...