Sunday 28 July 2019


Women, Your Body is Medicine
Ayurveda : A sanctuary for women’s health, wisdom, and empowerment
New Thought + Modern Research + Ancient Wisdom (Ayurveda)
Our goal is to return wellness practices to women in our society where it has been largely lost. Great for all phases of womanhood.
Our specialty is health, wisdom, and empowerment for all the phases of a woman’s life. It is my passion and dream that all women live healthfully and connected in body, mind, and spirit.
Now a days women used to suffer from depression, acne, painful periods, constipation, and migraine headaches. Women are experiencing great fatigue, stress and anxiety. Hormonal health, immunity, mental and emotional health is commonly and chronically imbalanced, often without even knowing it.
We’re living in a chaotic, crowded, hectic lifestyle... always on world with enormous demands placed upon women.
This has come at the expense of woman’s radiance. Her vitality, ease, clarity and fulfillment and purpose.
Now as women, it’s time to reconnect women with our womanhood.
Guides women in the healing power of Ayurvedic lifestyle.
Vast, deep wisdom about the divine feminine..
Balance your hormones..
Establish daily rhythms and routines to nourish your inner life for life...
Have healthy menstrual cycles...
Have a rich menopause experience...
Live a golden life beyond menopause...
Your body as sacred space...
The body is the vessel carrying the spirit throughout this lifetime. In order to live vitally, we must care for them both, and together.
The term I like to use to merge the care of our bodies and our spirit is embodiment. Embodiment is a powerful practice is that allows us to use our bodies as a tool to receive our own inner guidance and wisdom.
When we are embodied we can hear the messages of what we are being asked to do or not to do!
Embodiment is the core aspect of everything mentioned in all of these detailed practices. When we are embodied we know what foods to eat for our unique bodily needs, what stretches, movement, and exercises we need, what relationships feel nourishing, and when to be still.
Through embodiment we learn how our spirit wants us to listen and to live in accordance with her. Our inner wisdom will tell us when it’s time to slow down, eat more or less, move a certain way, be in nature, be social or not... we contain all this wisdom inside!!
All parts of the body speak their own language. Often times when we get injured or ill, it is our body communicating a need or a message from spirit.
But our bodies also communicate regularly without injury or illness! 
Sometimes my legs will guide me to run, my hips ask for a stretch, my eyes ask to gaze with the setting sun, my cells demand a certain food to be nourished with, etc.
Our bodies are constantly speaking to us, it is our responsibility to learn how to drop in and listen.
Some of my favorite ways to practice embodiment and connect with my body and spirit are: 
-Movement + exercise -Meditation
-Extended time in nature
-Mantras Chanting
Embodiment is the core aspect of self care. When we are aligned with our guidance through embodiment, we know what our truth is and how we need to be nourished each moment.
My favorite tips and tools to live the best version of you!
Ready to start implementing with a care plan designed just for you with support along the way? Schedule a one-on-one Well Woman Consultation!
By exploring the ancient healing wisdom of Ayurveda and living life processes, you can embody this great feminine essence, your radiance as a woman.
I believe in women uniting in our health, wisdom, and empowerment for the benefit of all of creation.
I share beneficial time tested Ayurvedic healing tools for women to learn and apply to their lives to transform, uplift, connect, and restore women’s wellness around the commuinity!
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
I also offer an Ayurvedic Mentorship Program to women ready to rebirth themselves into an upgraded life of wellness and empowerment, inside and out.
My deep wisdom of Ayurveda will inspire you:
We provide the most innovative approach helping to bring the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to the modern world on a global scale. We aim to provide simple, elegant and powerful lifestyle modifiers for those seeking to find greater balance, connecting with purpose and to improve one’s overall health and well-being.
Together, we’ll work step-by-step, through the seasons, using proven habit changing techniques to establish optimal daily routines to create vibrant health and wellness.
Makes this ancient wisdom of Ayurveda accessible to all women..
"The health of woman is essential for wellness of all beings and the planet. She is the source, the mother, the ultimate nourisher and creator."
Learn to support this natural transition on a day-to-day level. Discussions include the common issues due to Dosha imbalances that women often experience and how to address them with Ayurvedic and yoga practices. Learn how to use specific pranayama & asana practices, oils therapy, plus deep relaxation to ease our transition from the Reproductive years to Wisdom years.
Ayurvedic Clock:
Aligning our hectic modern-day lives to the ayurvedic clock can prove challenging, but it can lead to a big payoff.
Want to restore your balance and improve your health? Find out how matching your mealtimes, sleep cycle, and activities to the cycle of doshas will help.

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મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર

  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...