Sunday 3 May 2020


Relieving Seasonal Allergies with Ayurveda..
Ayurveda believes that a strong agni, or digestive fire, one of the most important factors for our health. 
if the environment is polluted or something in it, allergies are caused by a faulty response by the immune system. The immune system reacts as if the pollutant substance (in the environment) such as dust and pollen that triggers the allergic attacks leads to dysfunction in the digestive process. This results in local inflammation as the immune system irritates the affected tissues. In the nose and sinuses, this cause sneezing and mucus to form. In the eyes there is redness and itching. In the intestines there is inflammation causes loose stools, nausea, and vomiting. On the skin there may be a rash. Some respiratory allergies tend to be kapha dosha predominant. Deposits of ama (toxins in the form of mucus) in the lungs and respiratory tract create obstruction in breathing and cause wheezing, coughing or sneezing.
When your immunity is strong, you can take in energy from our environment, extract whatever is beneficial to us, and eliminate everything we don’t need.
According to Ayurveda, an allergy is the result of a particular substance (the allergen) aggravating a specific dosha- vata, pitta or kapha. Ayurveda believes that allergies originate from an imbalance of the doshas or bio-energetic principles that govern the function of our body and mind.
Every time an individual get in touch with an allergen, the doshas becomes imbalanced, and leads to release of toxins which further leads to specific symptoms.
When Pitta Dosha is imbalanced, it releases specific heating toxins that accumulate in deep tissues like Rasa (nutrient plasma), Rakta, (blood), Mamsa (muscles) and Lasika (lymphatic) of symptoms of various skin allergies. Therefore there are often skin-based reactions such as hives, rashes, itching, allergic dermatitis, eczema, and may also involve bloodshot eyes. Pitta allergies can cause heartburn, acid indigestion, stomach upset, nausea, or vomiting & can also induce hot flashes.
When Kapha is imbalanced, it gets accumulate in the respiratory channels, causing blockage and respiratory allergies, hay fever, cold, congestion, cough, sinus infection, water retention, bronchial congestion, asthma, and even sleeping disorders. Kapha types of allergies can create a certain heaviness in the stomach and sluggish digestion as well as feeling of “heaviness” and excessive mucus in the head and sinuses
Vata types of allergies are often experienced symptoms of constriction such as wheezing or headache, as well as sneezing, ringing in the ears, joint pain, sciatica, muscle twitching or spasms, insomnia, nightmares, and other vata-type discomforts. They can also include digestive tract symptoms such as bloating, digestive discomfort, gas, gurgling intestines, vague abdominal pain, and intestinal colic, as well as sneezing, ringing in the ears, joint pain, sciatica, muscle twitching or spasms, insomnia, nightmares, and other vata-type discomforts.
By strengthening your agni, you can reduce, or possibly eliminate the physical discomfort associated with allergies.
Beat Allergies By Balancing Your Dosha
Call 9773170560/9825463394
BY balancing the Dosha we can reduce the quantity of allergens that enters in the Body.
Panchakarma therapy is a combination of five procedures, which detoxify the body and balance the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha).

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...