Sunday 3 May 2020


Your agni is a protective force that defends you from all types of illness. 
But sometimes this fire within you begins to diminish. 
If you’re going through a phase where you don’t feel 100% well or energetic, chances are that your agni might be impaired.
If that's the case, you may need to rekindle your digestive fire.
An Ayurvedic cleanse is done to bring your agni back on track, to make it stronger and remove toxins which are disrupting it. And how does that help?
It makes a massive improvement to how you feel in your mind and body, and helps restore you to your shining self again!
Such a cleanse also helps to get rid of all the ama (toxins) that has accumulated in your body over the years.
If you’re suffering from any illnesses and looking for a deeper Ayurvedic cleanse, then a Panchakarma might be the answer for you. 
Why you want to cleanse or detox your dosha in particular?
If you’re Vata, then try detoxing your dosha to boost your immunity and improve your digestion.
When this dosha is heightened it can result in depleted tissue, poor muscle quality, dehydration, premature signs of aging and a feeling of scatteredness. In order to eliminate a build up of Vata, you must nourish your tissues and cleanse the colon. This will increase your ability to absorb nutrients.
Ayurvedic cleanse for PITTA:
Pitta is fire and heat energy and this dosha is related to all bodily inflammation. When it is in excess this can translate into high acidity, ulcers, skin irritation, inflamed boils, breakouts and rosacea. Detoxifying Pitta involves purging heat from your constitution.
Are you a hot-headed Pitta? Then do an Ayurvedic cleanse to slow down, relax and focus on detoxing your liver and kidneys.
Cleansing the blood, small intestine and liver is another excellent way to clear out this dosha as these are all governed by Pitta and tend to accumulate heat.
Ayurvedic cleanse for KAPHA:
The primary characteristics of Kapha are: Heavy, slow, cool, loving, loyal, strong, consistent, cohesive, sticky, wet, prone to routine, stable, growth, abundance, endurance, and sweetness
When out of balance, this can lead to water-retention, excess mucous, weight-gain and a heavy feeling of lethargy.
For extra Kapha purgation, heating up herbal remedies are ideal – these include: trikatu (a blend of three hot peppers), cinnamon, cayenne and cumin.
Kapha’s strength also shows itself in the immune and reproductive systems too, meaning that even though allergies and sinus issues can manifest in Spring, the body is less likely to catch an illness or infection, and we’re generally a little more fertile than in other months. 
As per your Dosha and lifestyle preferences, choose theDetox Program which is right for you.
Ayurvedic Detoxification Program According To Your Body Type
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Ayurveda is essentially a way of living and being in harmony with nature, the seasons and stages of life, and getting to know yourself so you’re able to cultivate a lifestyle that suits your unique prakriti or ‘nature’.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...