Sunday 3 May 2020


Ayurveda medicine can give us very effective insights into how the different times of day support different activities. According to Ayurveda, the hours of 6am-10am are governed by Kapha energy. Kapha refers to the sort of energy that holds things together; it has the qualities of being heavy, dense, cool, soft, stable, slow, loving, cohesive, loyal and enduring – are all representations of Kapha energy.
As Kapha’s slow and steady energy governs 6am-10am, it’s especially important to do something active to prevent too much ‘heaviness’ from building up and turning into lethargy. Now a days, during Lockdown Period staying at home, head out for a jog, dance around in your kitchen, or step into your garden to move in a way that feels good to you. Consuming bitter herbal drinks with spices like cayenne and ginger, and things that are stimulating like herbal teas are also best tolerated by the body at this more stable time of day, so use this to your advantage. 
Kapha also embodies the watery energies of love and compassion. This dosha hydrates all cells and systems, lubricates the joints, moisturizes the skin, maintains immunity, and protects the tissues.
Early morning is a very supportive time for almost anyone to exercise because of the strengthening and stabilizing influence of kapha, (which is prevalent in the atmosphere from about 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.). 
The best time to exercise is between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m., during the kapha period of the morning. 
As a result, the early morning hours are an especially powerful time to engage in loving self-care. Beyond that, this is the time-frame that sets the tone for our entire day. Which is to say, the early morning is a great place to start when establishing a routine. When we care deeply for ourselves every morning, we create enormous potential for positive change—truly transformational potential. Changing your morning really can change your life.
Wake Up Between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m.:
This is a vata time of day; the atmosphere is infused with lightness and clarity, which helps us to more easily awaken for creating a connection with our deepest inner nature and consciousness.
A Traditional Ayurvedic Daily Routine
Our daily activities have a profound effect on our health. The three doshas, vata, pitta and kapha, each have their own periods of time within a twenty-four hour day in which their energies predominate. By establishing a routine that "goes with the flow " of these elemental energies, we are able to more easily support the body 's natural rhythms and healing potential. 
A routine can have a soothing effect on your entire organism, but much of the benefit will be lost if you can’t do it regularly.
If you're looking to achieve and maintain proper balance of your own unique combination of Doshas, you first need to understand the qualities of the three Doshas and how they vary with the cycles of Nature. You also need to have a reasonable idea of your own Prakriti (constitution or essential nature) and Vikriti (imbalances). Furthermore, you'll do well to assess your own current habits against the general Ayurvedic guidelines.
Discover Your Dosas & In order to fully understand your body constitution, book a consultation where we can get a much more accurate picture of your natural state. 
What is Your Dosha type? How do they relate to your health and overall well being? 
Call 9773170560/989254463394
Optimum health is claimed to be achieved when these dosh (Vata-Pitta-kapha) are in perfect harmony with each other.
These doshas can also affect an individual’s temperament and personality. These energies actively change in response to a person’s thoughts, actions, food, and environmental factors such as the seasons. Identifying a person’s dosha composition will enable him or her to take measures that will bring their state to balance.
They give insight not just into the tendencies of our bodies, but of our mental, emotional, and behavioral characteristics. Knowing your body type is the first most critical step you can take to gain control of your health.
Understanding yourself is key to your ability to handle stress, interact with others and develop a unprecedented harmony in your life.
Know your Ayurvedic skin cycle - Skin changes with your hormones.
The Ayurvedic Menstrual Cycle 
The vata phase lasts from approximately day 1-5 (from the first day of bleeding).
The kapha phase lasts From the end of bleeding until ovulation (approx. days 4-14).
The pitta phase lasts from ovulation until your period starts (days 14-28).
I invite you to get to know you and your body better, our Herbal Medicines and body treatments aim to engage you in a sacred celebration of Self and restore balance to your individual needs. Once you understand your elemental make up, its one step towards finding balance in your life.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...