Sunday 3 May 2020


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Having a dosha assessment is a great way to invest in yourself. 
You have a totally unique constitution, there is nobody else exactly the same. This is determined by the presence of the five elements —ether, air, fire, water, and earth— that are the building blocks of life. These are the forces that govern all psycho-physiological functions in the body and mind respectively. The way that those elements combine together forms what Ayurveda calls the dosas and understanding which doshas are prominent is key to knowing yourself and how to bring yourself back into balance. However, when these vital forces are aggravated, due to improper gross or subtle factors, the body- mind connection begins to suffer and the disease process begins.
Ayurvedic dosh assessment means which doshas are most prominent right now and the very specific things that you can do to restore balance in your life. The assessment is a powerful tool to help you understand yourself better and to gain a deeper insight into the things that you can do to improve or maintain balance in your life. 
Each of the doshas has a subtle aspect, meaning a form that is experienced as energy instead of matter. Vata dosha is associated with prana, or life force. Kapha is associated with ojas , or vitality. Tejas is the subtle aspect of pitta dosha. 
Just like the doshas, these subtle aspects all work together and influence one another. With balanced prana, tejas and ojas, we are able to do what will result in our highest good and experience the effects.
The doshas, however, do not just impact your physical body, that rule all aspects of your mind, body, and emotions. In this way, you can see that your emotional states are determined by the doshas. You can describe, analyze, and witness your emotional states in terms of the doshas.
You will discover the best place to start making positive changes so that your unwanted habits begin to drop away easily.
Ayurveda is a giant toolkit that offers all kinds of practices that help you prevent illness and maintain health. 
Through close attention to creating balance in your diet, lifestyle, emotional life and through the use of herbs, herbal medicines and spices, you could see a dramatic improvement in your wellbeing.
So although there are only 3 doshas, we all have a unique mix of kapha, pitta and vata and a i will prescribe a unique plan for you. The root cause of your symptoms is unique to you and so are the solutions. 
Vata in balance
Creative, flexible, lively, enthusiastic, vibrant, clear and alert mind, imaginative, sensitive, talkative, quick to respond. 
Pitta in balance
Sharp, penetrating mind, articulate and precise speech, enjoys challenges, intellectual, contented, strong digestion, lustrous complexion
Kapha in balance
Loving, compassionate, forgiving, affectionate, steady, relaxed, good memory, balanced, slow, methodical, natural resistance to sickness, good stamina. 
I literally eat, sleep and breathe Ayurveda…
Create an Ayurvedic Plan that Fits in With Your Life & Schedule. Learn your Prakriti (mind-body constitution), Dosha (current imbalance), and how to tailor Ayurvedic wisdom to your needs. 
Balancing Your Dosha During COVID-19
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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...