Sunday 17 May 2020


Postpartum Hair loss : Hair fall after Pregnancy
it was too much, the reason was not just the hormones trying to settle but the over stressed out life made it more cumbersome. Handling the work, baby and house all together single handedly took a lot of toll to your health. I really feel lot of hair thinning has already done disaster to your personality. I’m sure many mother’s would have similar problems of hair loss and thinning after baby birth.
Why do new mothers lose hair after Baby birth?
For a first time mom, getting lustrous and thick hair during pregnancy is all the more to boast upon.The simple reason can be pointed out to increased levels of“Estrogen/Oestrogen Hormone”. This hormone is responsible for less of hair fall and more growth. This results in thickening and getting beautiful hair while you carry your baby. Further, since we take lot of Iron, folic acid, healthy foods during pregnancy, this all sums up to lustrous hair in return.
What happens after Baby Birth?
That is where the toll takes. Yes, the Estrogen levels after baby birth change and come back to normal levels drastically. This is where many hair follicles enter the resting stage. Even the eating habits go for a toss slowly. And soon the hair strands come out in bulk. Instead of a normal 100 hair strand fall/day, after baby birth a mama can have more than 500 strands fall/day. Yes, I know that’s a quantum, but in some mama’s , it really takes a toll and they give us more of the on going stress.
There is hardly much to do in this phase, but what all we can do is to maintain the best of all nutrition for our hair so that the growth spree fastens up soon. 
Stress – Stress can upset hormonal balance and increase the rate of hair loss. Be sure to take enough rest, have a balanced diet and don’t be afraid to ask for help after delivery.
Reduce stress
Postnatal stress is normal because the baby is born when you have a lot to worry about. But stress is the enemy of health and beauty. In fact, stress makes the problem of postpartum hair loss more severe because it breaks the normal development cycle of the hair. So, control stress by meditating, deep breathing, listening to light music, exercising and learning how to relax. And do not forget to get enough sleep to restore your hair health.
Vitamin deficiencies – It is important to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet, and in particular, have enough vitamin B, C and E, zinc and biotin which would help reduce hair loss.
Massage scalp with oil
Whether you have just given birth to a baby or not, scalp massage offers countless benefits to your health and hair. Scalp massage helps relieve headaches by increasing blood circulation and nourishing hair growth. The method is very simple. It is to use coconut oil, warming and applying to the hair. Use fingers and massage gently scalp for 5-10 minutes, leave it overnight or wash after 30 minutes. Please do 2-3 times per week for best results.
Coconut oil is one of the best natural remedies for hair growth. Lauric acid, present in coconut oil, is responsible for preventing hair loss, paving the way for longer, stronger hair. Plus, it has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that help in eliminating the free radicals and infections, keeping your hair strong and healthy. Warm a little coconut oil and massage it on your scalp before bedtime. Rinse off the extra oil using a mild shampoo the next morning, if necessary.
One other hand, you may consider using oil rich in vitamin E to massage your hair and scalp. This will greatly slow down or prevent hair fall or loss, as the vitamin E rich will strengthen your fragile hair, as well as prevent you from having a flaky and dry skin/scalp.
Diet and Hair Loss:
For proper growth of hair, there is a need of healthy and balanced diet where the proportion of Carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin and minerals should be equally balanced. Hair is primarily made up of protein, so more thrust should be towards proteinus products. Here, some of the important diets are given for for hair care and treating hair loss. To reduce hair loss, weightage should be given on diet therapy, diet chart and food pyramid
1. Stick to protein rich diet-fish, yeast, soybean, low fat cheese, eggs, beans and yoghurt for proper growth of hair. These diets to prevent hair fall.
2. Increase the intake of iron as it is essential for hemoglobin and blood formation. So increase the quantity of green vegetables, raisins, dates, etc.
3. Zinc is related with hair fall. Take zinc rich foods like Seafood’s.
Restrict burger, fries, cold, spicy, sugary foods, caffeine, fat, carbonated drinks, animal protein, excessive raw food, etc. as these are the culprits for hair thinning.
Top foods that promote hair growth: beans, cottage cheese, yogurt, tofu, whole grain cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, dates, raisins, walnuts, soy, avocados, nuts, seeds, olive, legumes, onions, raw oats, dried fruits, cherry juice, beets, brown rice, root vegetables, Black beans, pumpkin, black pepper, brown rice syrup etc.
Take calcium to your diet to make hair stronger
Vitamin E too stimulates hair growth.
Avoid harsh shampoo, conditioners
Don’t rub your hair strongly.
Eat a balanced diet.
Do meditation and exercise regularly.
Yoga for Hair Loss and Control
The practice of Yoga not only makes you fit and fine, it also gives your body a beautiful look by protecting your hair and making it internally stronger. Yoga is beneficial for hair growth as it increases blood circulation to head and scalp region.
Shirsasana( the headstand pose) enhances blood circulation to the scalp and promote hair growth
Vajrasana is useful for the treatment of hair loss.
Do not wash it too much and shampoo 2-3 times a week gently.
Do not use hot water for shampooing, instead use warm water or cool water.
Do not brush, when hair is wet. Let your hair dry naturally.
Avoid excessive use of dryers.
Brush your hair gently and do not brush too many times a day.
Do not do many hairstyles in a short time.
Drinking water – The best way to keep your hair healthy!!
Water is a necessity for the human body. For the human body to function properly and effectively, it must be well hydrated. The enzyme and hormones in the body can only work when the body has sufficient amount of water. For your body to function properly and also realize proper growth of hair, take at least 8 glasses of water daily. Also, ensure that your diet is healthy and you take all the vital nutrients regularly. This is one of the most important notes to follow on the list of Ayurvedic treatments for hair loss control.
Good Sleep – Another way to have healthy hair!!
Apart from water, balanced diet and exercise, sleep is also a very essential component of good health. Your body requires enough sleep for it to rest. Just like machines, even the body requires a good rest following a tedious routine. It’s during sleep that majority of the body tissues regenerate and rejuvenate. Hence, it’s recommended to have at least 8 hours of sleep daily. This is important for staying healthy and fit. Hair growth is also promoted if you get enough sleep. Getting enough restful sleep is another very important suggestion on the list of ayurvedic medicine for hair loss control.
Ayurvedic Treatment for hair loss after Delivery :
Ayurvedic treatment plays a vital role in the treatment for hair fall post pregnancy. An Ayurvedic research on hair growth is very extensive and also well structured. The treatment regimen includes diet and herbal oil massages.
Balance Your Vata Dosha After Pregnancy :
The key to postpartum care of the mother is to calm vata (the ether and air elements). The mother is full of the mobile, light, dry, and cold qualities after the loss of energy and blood and fluids. Ayurveda says that, after delivery mothers agni, will be low and vata dosha is vitiated immediately after delivery. Elevated Vata Dosha can lead to dehydrated scalp, hair fall, thinning of hair, dry scalp, dandruff, cracked scalp surface and more. 
I can help you treat hair fall caused by the elevated dosas with herbs & herbal medicines, ayurvedic therapies which help in specifically pacifying the elevated doshas. Which not only pacify the elevated doshas, but also nourish hair and scalp, saving your follicles from further damage and arresting the hair fall caused by elevated doshas, altogether.
Supporting and Restoring Balance to the Mother 42 Days after Birth :
How do we rebalance our sacred womb after birth? Ayurvedic system recommends the mother receive care for 42 days after the baby is born. This means the mother is given the support to rest, sleep, eat, and get nourishment after the baby is born. This window in time is deeply critical for the mother and the child to acclimate to each other, heal, and bond as a family. In our western culture, we are asked to move quickly into the mother role and jump back to our responsibilities in and outside of the home. In addition, it takes a woman’s body a minimum of 1-2 years to fully recover from the birth experience. 
A special Ayurvedic regimen for the mother after delivery is recommended for this period to make good the loss of the fluids, dhatus and blood during the pregnancy and delivery. The proper adherence to this regimen results in faster recuperation and restoration of the health of the mother.
During pregnancy the fetus attains its nourishment from the mother’s body. This makes the seven dhatus of the mother weakened and diminished from the usual state. After delivery the mother’s health becomes weak due to the loss of fluid and blood and the emptiness created in the body after the the expulsion of foetus from the uterus. This phase is called ‘suthika period. Ayurveda places a great emphasis on the value of caring for the mother prior to, during and following pregnancy. 
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According to the Ayurveda, Vata tends to go out of balance in the perinatal period. If a woman consumes food that is low in Soma (lunar energy), goes to bed after 10 PM, and is exposed to high levels of electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices, the cooling, nurturing, and alkalizing energy of Ojas (neurotransmitters) becomes critically low; the coordination between the mind and the emotional heart weakens; and emotional strength diminishes. Therefore, women were told to eat warm, cooked, and unctuous foods; rest as much as possible; adhere to a routine of early bedtime and eating meals on time; have daily oil massages; and drink warmed milk before sleeping. When body toxin levels are high, Agni or digestive/metabolic energy is low, and Soma energy in food is no longer being transformed to Ojas. At this point when Ojas is no longer reaching the brain, treatments such as herbal medicines,herbs are recommended to increase the levels of Ojas and to decrease toxins in the body.
Ayurveda is that all living and nonliving things share the basic elements of ether, air, water, fire, and earth and that health of human beings and the universe depends on the balance and harmony of these elements.

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