Sunday 17 May 2020


Ayurvedic Medicines & Treatments have been used to treat asthma, osteoarthritis, diabetes, and depression as well as a variety of other illnesses across the life span. The major aims of Ayurveda are to rid the body of toxins that can cause disease and reestablish harmony with the universe without the high cost and side effects.
Ama, which is the by-product of partially digested food that can clog the physical channels in the body.
When Ama is not cleared completely from the body through the digestive tract. With increased stress over time, Ama is eventually converted to Ama Visha (become difficult to treat) , which is a more acidic and reactive form of Ama. So Ama is considered as a root cause of all disorders in Ayurveda. It is clear that Agni (Agni is the energy responsible for transformation of food substances, which is converted to Dhatus, and Upadhatu are produced.) (jatharagni) plays an Important role in the production of Ama. Ama is also being produced whenever there is Malfunction of Agni in the body. Impairment of Agni at cellular level causes the generation of free radicals i.e. Ama. The primary source of Ama is the digestive system. Ama produced in liver also or at other tissue or cellular level, depending on the etiological factors..... 
Ama Visha:
If the ama sits too long in the physiology, it ferments and creates acidic environment for free radials to thrive. These are endogenous toxins (made within the body), and depending on where they are seated, they can cause different inflammatory reactions and diseases. Ama Visha can result in an autoimmune response and produce diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome or colon cancer. 
Ama is formed with overeating, drinking cold beverages, eating food that is difficult to digest (such as meat and hard cheeses), eating when digestion is sluggish (at night), eating while stressed, eating raw foods, eating when not hungry, eating in a standing position, and eating leftovers. 
Sometimes due to external negative influences (emotional stress, strains, adverse weather, in appropriate food and habits) and improper secretions of digestive juices by liver and pancreas, not all the food digested. In that half of it absorbed as a nutrients and rest of it, as a waste products. But there still remains a half undigested, unmeabolised food product that circulates in the body as toxins.
Ama as Free Radicals 
Free radicals are pathologically correlated with ama. In this regard it is said that property and manifestation of free radicals are similar to those of ama. Free radicals are unstable chemicals formed in the body during normal metabolism or exposure to environmental toxins such as air, food and water pollution. Free radicals help our body to generate energy and fight infection, but when we have too many free radicals they attack healthy cells causing them to age prematurely.
While you eating food in standing position was that blood, necessary for digestion, pools in the legs. While in seated position, more blood would be available to the digestive system and thus aid in more complete digestion of foods.
Cooking food softens cellulose fibers and releases nutrients, which facilitates more complete nutrient absorption into body cells. While eating leftovers because once food is cooked, the nutrients are now exposed to the environment and can quickly get oxidize. Oxidation then causes an increased risk of toxin formation in the body. Prana in the food could also be damaged if food were frozen - cells absorbing nutrients with corrupted Prana begin to exhibit abnormal functioning and contribute to the onset of diseases such as depression.
It is from this universal intelligence that the cells of the body are able to choose correct substances for nourishment. For example, the cells of the bones (osteoblasts) will choose calcium, magnesium, and zinc to build and maintain bone function. According to the principles of Ayurvedic medicine, with stresses coming both internally and externally to the body, cells can lose their universal intelligence and give rise to disease. Prana has THREE components: Soma, Agni, and Marut. Once the flow of Prana is blocked, cells lose their universal intelligence or their capacity to perform their various functions and diseases can occur.
The internal functioning of the body is governed by the Doshas—Kapha, Pitta, and Vata—whereas the universe outside the body is governed by Soma, Agni, and Marut.
Prana can enter the body through inspiration of air through the nasal passages and through consumption of foods and fluids.
Ojas is considered to be the finest end product of a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. According to the Ayurveda Ojas gives an individual a healthy glow, strength, immunity to disease, and happiness. Ojas increases with the consumption of pure food such as fresh organic vegetables, grains, milk, clarified butter (ghee), olive oil, pure air and water, loving relationships, laughing, and going to bed before 10:00 PM. In order to stay healthy and produce Ojas, all individuals need the 3 pillars of health, which are proper foods, adequate sleep (at least 8 hours per night), and a regular daily routine. 
According to Ayurveda, when toxins enter the body, they can burn the Ojas layer, cause the cells to lose their intelligence, and increase susceptibility to diseases.
Ama originates from improperly digested toxic particles that clog the srotas in body. Some of these soratas are physical and include the Gastrointestinal Tract, lymphatic system, Arteries and Veins, Capillaries and Genitourinary tract also Respiratory and Cardiovascular system. Others or nonphysical srotas called Vatanadimandalas through which your energy flows. Ama the toxic substance accumulates wherever there is a weakness in the body and this will result in disease. 
Sometimes Toxins caused by outside the body in the form of medications, vitamins, artificial chemicals, flavorings, and additives in food, electromagnetic radiation emanating from cell phones, microwaves, computers, X-rays, and other electronic devices. 
Book our Ayurveda Therapies (Panchakarma) & Cleans Along With Herbal Medicines To Remove Toxins From Your Body.
Schedule Your Consultation Online or Personally.
Call 9773170560/9825463394

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