Sunday 17 May 2020


Women's well-being appears to be more seriously affected by infertility than men's -psychological, social and physical suffering - anxiety, depression, lowered life satisfaction, frustration, grief, fear, guilt, helplessness, reduced job performance, marital duress, economic hardship, loss of social status, social stigma, social isolation, physical violence, weight, diet, smoking, medical conditions, other substance abuse, environmental pollutants, medications and family medical history, infections might have an effect on conception in couples. When she is not able to produce eggs regularly or because her fallopian tubes are damaged or blocked and the sperm cannot reach her eggs.
Doha Plays Important Role In Women's Infertility:
The most easily disturbed Dosha is the Vata which causes functional defects in the egg, difficulties with implantation and is often responsible for infertility. An excessive exercise, fear, anxiety or stress due to trauma, excessive fasting as is the case in eating disorders or diet including cold, light and dry substances can cause imbalance of Vata. However, infertility rarely involves only one Dosha. Women with Pitta nature may experience infertility resulting in scarring of the fallopian tube, inhibiting the ascent of the sperm or descent of the ovum. Excess heat may also be responsible for depletion of Sperm. On the other hand, Women with Kapha because of the dominant water element in their constitution that supports Sperm experience the healthiest and the strongest reproductive system. Infertility in those with Kapha is initiated by a cold, heavy and oily diet along with a sedentary lifestyle. When Kapha Dosha is predominant, fallopian tubes may thicken; uterine fibroids may develop, and often involves Pitta and Vata displacement. Scar tissue is due to Pitta pushing Kapha. 
Vitiation of Vata can be considered as the most important factor for tubal infertility. It is very important to note that all type of tubal blockages can not be the same. In some cases, there can be Vata dominance creating stenosis type of pathology, while in some other cases, block can be more structural (obstruction in lumen) manifesting the dominance of Kapha. In cases of tubal blockage with history of very active infection, Pitta can be considered a dominant factor. Hence, tubal infertility is not the manifestation of vitiation of any specific Dosha, rather sometimes an interplay of multiple Doshas and sometimes the sequel of vitiation of single Dosha. 
According to Ayurveda Ama (toxin created when undigested food forms in the stomach) is responsible for all the disease occurs due to imbalance in Agni (the power of digestion) which becomes main cause in infertility. Therefore, the treatment of Ama must always include the treatment of infertility in women. Panchakarma (Ayurvedic deep internal cleansing procedure), can also be utilized to eliminate Ama. Healthy Agni will also contribute to healthy Ojas. 
Ayurvedic preconception care takes advantage of our body’s natural ability to cleanse and renew.
Evaluation of Women's Dosha is very significant for prescribing the treatment and any blockages and weaknesses in body parts.
Ayurveda Body therapies To treat Infertility In Women:
Ayurvedic body therapies such as Shirodhara, Abhyanga, Marma therapy, Nasya, Basti help in releasing tension, impurities and trapped energy within the body. They nourish the body, revitalize the mind and strengthen the immune system. Rejuvenation therapies are beneficial in reducing stress, nourishing all dhatus of the body and pacifying Vata. Stress can literally shut down the pituitary, the hormonal center of the brain that sends the first messengers to the ovaries so that ovulation occurs. Constant stimulation from cortisol, the stress hormone, puts the nervous system in a state of alert and panic, which has a very drying effect as well. 
I usually prescribed Panchakarma treatment for infertile couples. Rejuvenative therapies are basically recommended for Vata Dosha, and cooling light therapies for pitta Dosha, which helps to remove local disorders as well as obstructions in passage and to facilitate proper coitus, and to increase receptivity of the genital tract to the entry of the sperm, Basti is recommended. Ayurvedic deep tissue work can not only decrease mechanical blockages, but also reduce pelvic pain and improve sexual arousal and orgasm for women.
Panchakarma For Infertility clease:
Anger, grief, toxins, emotional heaviness, and more all have a profound impact on your pregnancy. In fertility cleansing, there is a specific effort to remove toxins and excess doshas from the field, the nutrients and fluid, and the seed, which are deeper tissue layers and therefore require deeper cleansing. The cleanse serves to clear toxins (ama) and excess doshas so that channels flow freely and toxins do not inhibit the proper functioning of any tissue. Ayurveda recommends regular cleansing of our internal system to achieve the optimum functioning of our tissue nourishment.
The body is a system of channels like highways. If you’re driving on a highway and there’s a traffic accident, you’re stuck. Similarly, when you have health issues like infertility, you have to open the body’s channels to allow the body to work properly.
Keeping your digestive fire (agni) strong is very important. Take our Vata Digest, Pitta Digest, or Kapha Digest herbal tablets, depending on the strongest dosha that is out of balance in your vikriti.
Continue to replenish ojas through diet and lifestyle, while making sure your digestive fire remains strong.
Ayurveda offers a complete approach to fertility that embraces both the male and the female roles as equally important.
As you enhance the health of each of these factors, your fertility will begin to blossom. The following sections will walk you through a six-month preconception process and show you how each step enriches one or more of the four elements that we just addressed. The first phase is a three-month cleanse period, followed by a three-month rejuvenation period. 
Ayurveda pays attention to each individual body types, enhances the body systems participating in the process of fertilization and therefore serves as an excellent alternative for reaching fertilization.
Ayurveda supports health by strengthening body's own self-healing and balancing mechanisms.
Schedule Your Consultation Online or Personally. 
Call 9773170560/9825463394

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