Thursday 21 May 2020


Basti therapy is primarily used for Vata disorder. 
Basti is one of the five procedures of Panchakarma.
Vata dosha is responsible for all important functions of the body like heart beats, Inspiration and Expiration, Peristaltic movements, musculo skeletal movements, urination, defaecation, Menstrual discharge, semen ejaculation and even delivery process.
Basti is used to treat conditions of chronic constipation, sciatica, lower back pain, arthritis, infertility, Oligozoospermia, mental conditions and neurological disorders such as facial paralysis, sciatica, hemiplegia, paraplegia,poliomyelitis, menstrual disorders,PMS, endometriosis, infertility and osteoporosis, Dry Bronchial Asthama, Dry cough, Hiccough and other such conditions. Highly effective in addressing acute skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis as well as rheumatism, gout and arthritis. 
Basti provides herbal cleansing and nourishment directly into the intestines and colon.
Basti can be helpful in preventive & curative aspect for all these conditions. Vata dosha gets vitiated due to faulty diet & life style and in this pathological state, it is responsible for many diseases. Basti karma helps to reset and maintain the balanced state of Vata dosha and thus helps in treatment of many diseases.
Basti also an excellent step to prepare the body for couple who are planning for pregnancy (for both men and women).
Excellent preventative treatment for the toxins that are accumulated in the digestive tract from migrating to other parts of the body.
Vata is a disorder dominated by pain affecting the joint. This systemic imbalanced vata can affect almost any system in the body, as vata is a necessary presence throughout the body. Vata Dosha is most powerful among three Doshas and it controls the other two Doshas as well as it is very difficult for treatment. When these two factors (Toxins and Vata) simulteniously take part in the pathogenesis, then the resultant disease becomes very difficult to treat.
Basti enhances digestion, body strength, voice, complexion, intelligence, prevents ageing and promotes longevity. There are two types of basti, each differing in their composition of ingredients.
1. Niruha Basti - Wherein Decoction mix is administrated. Prevents aging of the body, Promotes happiness, longevity, strength, agni, intellect, voice and complexion,It enriches semen and ovum, Cleans toxins from the channels of the body. Help in expelling out the morbid Doshas and increases the strength of the body.
2. Anuvasana basti - Wherein Oils and Fats are administrated for any dryness caused by vata can support a healthy, supple colon. The oil helps to ground vata and promotes energy and vitality. BENEFITS : Defect in semen, Pain in smaller joints, Diseases of lower abdomen, Deficiency in strength, Complexion & Muscle tissue, Pain in anal region, Scieatica, Stong immunity & digestive capacity and Diseases purely die to Vata Dosha.
Due to elimination of morbid factors, the glands of gastro- Intestinal tract are revitalised and perform their functional effectively. So, it increases the digestion and absorption of the digested food material, which increase immunity.
Other Benefits :
* It purifies all the systems and makes a clear passage up to the micro channel level.
* Increase the quantity and quality of sperm.
* Effective to restore the normal function of the blood and other Dhatu.
* Improves intellectual power
* Provide clarity of mind
* Improves clarity of sense organ
* Induce sound sleep
* Lightness 
* Invigorates eye sight 
* It evacuates impurity quickly and easily. 
Sushruta has scientifically described the effects of basti treatment. where he has given his importance to the qualities of the herbs administered. 
The active qualities of the herbs used in the basti spread from the colon and move all throughout the body. Sushruta relates this to water being poured at roots of a tree and eventually reaching up to the leaves.
Just as a tree irrigated with water at the root produces blue leaves, become beautiful with tender leaves, and during the course of time grows to produce flowers and fruits, similarly a person becomes young and beautiful by the administration of Anuvasana.
Charaka Si 1:29 
There is no treatment equivalent to Basti in the protection of Marma and in the management of their affliction, which are considered as vital parts in the body (Ch. Si. 9/7). 
It provides immediate strength, hence it is supreme line of treatment particularly in children and aged person (Ch. Si. 11/36). 
It can be used in almost all the disease by using specific drugs indicated in that disease condition (Ch.Si.10/4; Su.Chi. 38/111).
Basti is said as half of the treatment of Ayurveda (Charak Samhita Siddhi Sthana 1/39). Basti is so highly revered in the Panchakarma process that it is said that the benefit received from basti is equal to the cumulative benefit of the other four processes in Panchakarma.
Ayurveda define 80 Vata, 40 Pitta and 20 Kapha Disorder. According to Acharya Charka & Vata is the prime factor of the body building and also the diseases.
We can conclude from the above discussion that here Basti denotes Karma in which the drugs are administered through the ANAL CANAL and it stays for the certain period of time and then they draw the waste substances from all over the body into the colon and eliminates them out of the body by producing movements in the colon resulting into the pleasant effect. 
Basti is not merely the enema one, rather it is a highly complex, sophisticated and systemic therapy having wider range of therapeutic actions and indication. It has been considered as prime treatment modality for Vata Dosha. Innumerable Basti can be formulated using various drugs in different proportions for various diseases and for different patients. Specific rules and regulations are indicated for the administration of Basti which must be followed to obtain the desirable result.
Basti can be administered at any age and stage of disorder after proper examination. It can also be given in the healthy person too. Applicable in all the season.
Call 9773170560/9825463394 
Janu Basti for the treatment of Osteoarthritis :
Brings in lubrication in the knees & regulates the movements. Also protect knees cartilage against damage & nourishes and strengthens the joints of the knees. 
Also try our Sirobasti, Katibasti, Greevabasti, Urobasti.

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