Sunday 3 May 2020


Are you looking for alternative ways to lose fat? Then you can add this to your weight loss programme!
Udvartanam is one of the procedures explained in Ayurveda in the context of daily activities for healthy living. “Ud” in Sanskrit language means “upwards” and “vartanam” means “mobilizing”. Thus the word conveys the meaning of the techniques used and the benefits of it. Udvartana in which dry powder of herbs is rubbed against the body.
This Ayurvedic Body treatment coated with warm medicated oil and then a herbal powder mix rubbed in the opposite (upward Strokes) into the body to break up stagnation which produces friction at fat deposits and burns them naturally. Specially designed for weight loss, cellulite and low immune system.
Benefits of Udvartanam:
Reduces & Burns excess fats
Reduces wrinkles
Natural therapy for obesity
A Natural & Effective way to manage Paralysis
Stimulates the blood circulation
Improves skin Immunity
Reducing excess cellulite and fat accumulated under the skin.
Detoxify the body
Increases Skin Glows
It also reduces the body weight and stimulates other weight loss problems.
Udvartana provided good result in almost all parameters because they eliminates Dosha from the body and simultaneously perform the action for breaking of pathogenesis at cellular level. Reducing psychophysical parameters such as weight, BMI, WHR and serum lipid values and other scales like stress inventory, quality of life and sleep are also seen in Udvartana.
Udwartana opens the minute channels and improves blood as well as lymphatic circulation. 
Udvartana alleviates Kapha Dosha, reduces excess body fat, increases stability of the body, improves skin color and has many positive effects on various other psycho-physical parameters.
If you have a loosen skin on arms, thighs or suffering from any abdominal fat accumulation, then Udvartanam is very beneficial.
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Ama (Toxin) is the main element that causes this ailment. Udvartana (herbal powder body therapy) reduces Kapha and ama of the body, so it can be the best therapy for reducing symptoms and inflammation of the joints. In Ayurveda, kapha imbalance (atherosclerosis) is an underlying mechanism of heart diseases.
In Udvartana due ti increase friction in all parts of the body, the increase fat is depleted and increase heat generated during this procedure, which helps in digesting the ama thus correcting the digestive process in obese people.
Vayu dominates in the tactile sensory organ, and this sensory organ is lodged in the skin. So Udvrtana is exceedingly beneficial to the skin, enhances skin texture and beauty.
Acharya Sushruta very clearly mentioned that udvartana mitigates aggravation of vata, kapha, liquefies fat, bestows stability to the body and cleanses the skin. 
Udvartana is a very simple, affordable procedure with no harmful effects and has advantages over costly fat reducing packages and treatments.
The therapy is used to manage Motor neuron disorders, Parkinson’s disease, muscular dystrophy, Hemiplegia, cerebral palsy, Sciatica, and Rheumatoid arthritis.
The Ayurvedic herbs detoxify the blood in the body. It also removes dead skin cells and opens up the clogged pores for removing the dirt, leaving an unmatchable glow on your skin. It is a relaxing treatment, in turn stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and inducing a sense of calm.
If you’re concerned about your increasing weight, then Udvartana body treatment can help you for gaining the optimum metabolism level (by increasing metabolic rate) & gives the refreshing feeling of lightness.
Udvartana is very encouraging in reduction of weight, B.M.I. and body circumferences.
In Udvartana process, due to increased friction to all parts of the body, the increased meda(fat) is depleted and the increased heat generated during Udvartana digested the AMA thus corrected the Agnimandhya which causes obesity. The properties & virtues of herbal powders, it helps in reducing the excess meda and kleda, and reaches to cellular level to correct the agnimandhya.
Increased heat Improvse circulation further associated with improve nutrition of the body, excretion of morbid matter from the tissue, hence it removes srama (tiredness), improves body strength and endurance power.
The blood vessels of skin become dilated and the skin pores open up during Udvartna which consequently wash out several metabolic wastes from the body through increment of sweat excretion.
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Abhyanga conceal the age related change specially maintaining the skin and muscle health. It removes waste material from the body by facilitating sweat excretion as well as by improve circulation. Improve circulation further associated with improve nutrition of the body, excretion of morbid matter from the tissue, hence it removes tiredness, improves body strength and endurance power. Abhyanga effectively helps in disease prevention, health preservation as well as health promotion, pacify exertion and vata dosha, beneficial for eye health, provides nourishment to the body, helps in long life, good sleep and healthy skin. The blood vessels of skin become dilated and the skin pores open up during this treatment, which consequently wash out several metabolic wastes from the body through increment of sweat excretion. More oxygen and blood supply help to maintain skin health. Vayu dominates in the tactile sensory organ, and this sensory organ is lodged in the skin, thus Abhyanga is exceedingly beneficial to the skin.
Regular oil application on head prevents headache, hair becomes black, strong and long and deep rooted hence prevents baldness and premature greying of hair. It provides strength to the head and forehead, brightness of the skin of face, better sleep, and happiness. It also helps the sense organ to work properly.
Pad abhyanga bestow more blood in active circulation which contributes positive effects on general health.

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