Saturday 3 October 2020


 Basti has been described in nearly all texts starting from Veda, Purana upto Yogic and all Ayurvedic Samhitas. Basti is the most important Karma among Panchakarma Treatment.

Basti Karma is the major procedure in Panchakarma therapy. Basti works in the region of the colon, but its impact is so far reaching and deep.
The site of action of Basti karma is Pakwashaya i.e. lower gastrointestinal tract. It is the main site of Vata dosha. Hence enema is mainly useful for the treatment of vitiated Vata (Ashtang Hrudaya Sutrasthana 19/1). Imbalanced Vata can affect almost all system in the body, as Vata is a necessary presence throughout the body. Vata first accumulates in the colon, and then as it begins to overflow, it will spread and create imbalanced vata in other susceptible parts of the body. This systemic imbalanced vata can affect almost any system in the body, as vata is a necessary presence throughout the body.
Basti provides herbal cleansing and nourishment directly into the intestines and colon.
Vata is the Bioenergy responsible for all voluntary & involuntary activities of the body. In normal or physiological states vata dosha is responsible for all important functions of the body like heart beats, Inspiration and Expiration, Peristaltic movements, musculo skeletal movements, urination, defaecation, Menstrual discharge, semen ejaculation and even delivery process. So basti can be helpful in preventive & curative aspect for all these conditions. Vata is mainly responsible for the excretory functions. Vata control and facilitates the separation as well as removal of mala from the human body. When vata get vitiated there are disturbance of equilibrium of all activities. Vata alone is responsible for more than 55% of the diseases encountered by humans. Vayu is responsible for the separation and combination of stool,urine,pitta,including other malas of body, when all this get exceedingly aggravated there is no remedy other than basti for its allevation. Basti is one among five therapeutic measure in Ayurveda, specially indicated in vata and vata dominant conditions, mainly of three types Asthapana basti ,Anuvasana basti, Uttara basti.
In this process Medicated decoctions and oils are administered in the body through anus with the help of instrument specially made for Basti process.
Basti is the first line of treatment for the elimination of Vata-Dosha from the body. It eliminates vitiated Vata- Dosha and regulates the normal-functions of Vayu in the body.
Basti, induces restoration of Semen, increased anabolic activities in emaciated persons, improvement in vision, prevention of aging, increase in luster, strength and longevity. Thus, Basti karma in its different forms has a very broad scope.
The Niruha–Basti promotes strength, appetite and intellect and body luster. It is useful in all kind of diseases, in all kind of patients including children, old and young. It regulates. It gives strength to all the body especially to Shukra Dhatu removing the accumulation of Doshas from the body.
Basti Karma mentioned in Ayurvedic classics is having broader therapeutic index on almost all the tissues of the body and have rejuvenative, curative and preventive and health promotive
Basti is said as half of the treatment of Ayurveda (Charak Samhita Siddhi Sthana 1/39).
Anuvashan Basti : Mainly contained medicated oils. Asthapan or Niruha Basti – It contains other material in addition to oil like decoction, herbal paste, honey, etc.
Basti is commonly used alone or along with herbal medication in all Musculo-neurological disorders, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lumbosacral spondylosis, Distended Abdomen, Constipation and various types of other diseases i.e. Gout, Splenomegaly etc.
Digestive tract problems - like abdominal pain due to gas Constipation, Ulcerative colitis etc, retention of flatus, urine or stool. Basti therapy which while moving in the umbilical region, lumbar region, sides of chest and pelvic region churns up the stool including all other morbid matter located there and appropriately eliminates them with ease after nourishing the body.
Basti by clearing vata from the system also helps create energy and vitality as well as clarity in the mind. Basti promotes overall well-being, a graceful aging process, luster and a healthy glow as well as joint, back, and bone health.
Basti treatement increases longevity of life & complexion
After doing Basti, one should take care to follow Vata balancing food. Eat light, grounding, warm, oleative food. Rest and avoid Vata provoking activity, including excessive talking, extremely windy or cold weather, travel, and busy activity.
External Basti Treatment
1. Shiro-Basti (Over the scalp)
2. Kati–Basti (Over the lumbosacral area)
3. Uro–Basti (Over the Chest)
Scheule Your Consultation to book Basti Karma..
Call 9773170560/9825463394

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...