Wednesday 23 September 2020


 Life without joints health is hard to imagine; our joints really are crucial to living life as we know it, and caring for them can have a huge impact on how comfortable we feel in our bodies.

Physiological functions of the body will be governed by three Doshas, that is, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Vitiation of these Doshas leads in disease manifastation.
In Ayurveda as shleshaka kapha (a subtype of kapha- which is found in all 360 joints of the body) which links the joints to the health of meda dhatu (the adipose tissue, or fat) as well.
Sleshaka Kapha ( responsible for cushioning the joints) which keeps intact the joints and other similar structures. The ama shares many qualities with kapha dosha and therefore has an affinity with shleshaka kapha, that is primarily responsible for cushioning the joints. In the absence of proper nourishment, lubrication, and cushioning in the joints, the bones themselves can become rough, exposed, damaged, or deformed. Shleshaka Kapha is responsible for lubrication in all of the small and large joints of the human body. Movement in all joints would be impossible without Shleshaka Kapha, which lubricates all of joints in human body. Shleshaka Kapha is not only helps lubricate the joints but also helps as a shock absorber. Without proper action of this Kapha the whole framework of the body would not be possible. It’s located all over the body. When this subdosha is out of balance or increased, your joints could become swollen and irritated, whereas if it’s weakened, your joints might become dry and may crackle and pop. Without Shleshaka Kapha, there would be no connection between bones and movement would be impossible. Kapha is responsible for maintaining tissues, body fluids, lubrication, flexibility and firmness in the body, which are important for the proper functioning of the joints. Shleshaka Kapha a slippery synovial fluid, which lubricates the ends of the bone surfaces and also accommodates a tough, protective covering into which the ligaments and tendons can insert themselves.
All of the supportive tissues, bones, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue, are kapha dosha, while the joint cavity (provides a container for synovial fluid) or space where the bones meet is an element ruled by vata dosha. Most commonly affected joints due to vitiated Vata dosha are knees, ankles, elbows, wrists, fingers, and toes and common symptoms of Vata imbalance in joints are dryness, popping and cracking, and muscle tics and spasms.. The dryness of Vata can deplete the lubricating qualities of kapha and joint surfaces can become rough and brittle
Impaired agni (undigested food) leads to the formation of ama—a toxic, sticky substance immensely disruptive to the physiology. Then vata, which is the most mobile and active of the three doshas carries the ama to the colon, the seat (home) of vata in the body. If agni in the bone and joint tissues is at all compromised, the ama can enter those tissues and create all kinds of disturbances—from inflammation and swelling to deterioration of the joint tissue itself. In a condition of amavata, ama is carried by vitiated vata into general circulation throughout the body, it interacts with the kapha in the joint spaces, the Shleshaka Kapha (synovial fluid) loses its highly viscous quality and changes into a sticky toxic substance. Which start to begin to block vital channels throughout the body that carry nutrients to the tissues, which results in symptoms of excess heat, redness, pain, stiffness, swelling and acute inflammation. If this acute inflammation left untreated, can cause damage or injury to the joint and bone tissue resulting in a chronic condition, which can lead to degenerative disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
For supporting the joints on a more general level is a matter of clearing any accumulated ama, moving it back to the GI tract, and from there, eliminating it from the body. We also want to reduce inflammation, support proper circulation, and balance agni in the tissues. At the same time, kindling agni will ensure that neither excess dosha nor ama are able to find their way back into the joints in the future. Also, the excess vata also compromises agni (the metabolic fire), which can initiate the formation of ama (toxins) in the GI tract. Vata involves in the diseases of the neurological, musculoskeletal, psychosomatic, and gastrointestinal system disorders.
In Ayurveda, therapies like abhyanga, swedana, snehapana, nasya karma, vasti karma, and shamana Aushadhi are mentioned to combat the Vata vyadhi. Nasya karma is one of the therapeutic procedures of the Panchakarma Treatment, wherein the drug is administered through the nasal route, which not only alleviates the vitiated doshas, but also causes complete eradication of the vitiated dosha and the disease. As the procedure of nasya itself involves massaging and fomenting over the marmas existing on the face and head, this also helps in the alleviation of marmaksobha and Vatashamana. Abhyanga reduces the provoked Vata, which is responsible for the decay in the Dhatus and for manifestation of features like pain, stiffness, and crackes, stimulates blood circulation and assists the lymphatic system, improving the elimination of waste throughout the body.
Matrabasti : It nourishes the body, promotes the strength, and cures Vata-related diseases. Basti, through its action on Vata and Agni, promotes the formation of Dhatus. The colon is considered as main seat of Vata, and Vata-alleviating substances administered through the rectocolonic route in Matrabasti are able to have their optimum effect on the seat of Vata.
A periodic cleanse of your body is a way to support the joints because it so specifically kindles agni and clears impurities from the system. As the deeper the cleanse, the deeper the impact on specific tissues like the joints.
Ayurveda offers simple guidelines, herbal remedies & therapies for supporting healthy function of the joints. Ayurvedic perspective can support the health of joints even further by incorporating important diet and lifestyle principles.
Schedule Your Consultation to book our Panchakarma Treatment for balancing Vata, Pitta and Kapha constitutions.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Panchakarma to Purify/ Rasayana therapy to build Ojas
“When the ojas is diminished, the person is fearful, weak, always worried, having disordersin sense organs, deranged lustre and mental ability, rough and emaciated”
- Caraka Samhita
The purification therapies of panchakarma (vaman, virechana, basti and nasya) are an excellent vehicle to balance the doshas and remove ama and other accumulated toxins in the body
Try our Herbal Medicines Package-Bundle (blend of best ayurvedic herbs) which contains Tridosha Shamaka (pacifier of three Doshas, that is, Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and Rasayana (rejuvenative) actions and it is recommended for the management of all Vata Rogas...which is anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions. It helps in prevention against degenerative changes that may occur in bones and joints due to arthritis & reduces inflammation and joint stiffness as well as pain associated with arthritis, and increases joint mobility. Our Herbal Medicines Bundle provides you with the right nutrients to maintain a healthy inflammatory and metabolic response as well as support overall muscle and joint mobility. Let’s have you moving and enjoying life without those achy muscles and joints.
Ayurveda treatments provided highly significant relief in the knee joint.

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