Wednesday 23 September 2020



Tubal blockage is responsible for female infertility. It is one of the most notorious factors of female infertility and very difficult to manage. Tubal blockage was considered as a Vata-Kapha-dominated condition. Uttar Basti with specific herbal oil is highly effective in removing the tubal blockage with an amazing rate of conception.
Uttar Basti may also be effective for other factors of female infertility and menstrual disorders, namely, oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, and dysmenorrhea; due to its various contents having an effect on the ovarian and hormonal functions.
Uttara basti is one of the many forgotten gems of Ayurvedic wisdom, which bringing back the woman’s cycle in sync and is one of the single most essential practices for a woman. Uttara Basti, a powerful method of healing, is the practice of cleansing and nourishing the womb and one of the main reasons of this practice is to restore balance to the womb, and bringing the female cycle back in rhythm with the moon cycle. Uttara Basti helps fortify hormones and a woman’s sensuality, while revitalizing her spirit during menopause
Uttara basti is recommended for the following conditions – vaginal infections, malodor, dryness, soreness of vaginal passage, PMS, irregular or excess menstrual flow, venereal diseases, infertility, hormonal imbalance, menopause, and uterine disorders. Contra-indications to Uttara Basti are when there is vaginal bleeding, hemorrhaging, extreme hot or cold weather, directly after eating, diarrhea, pregnancy, fibroid treatments or bleeding fibroids.
Uttar Basti plays an important role in the disorders Yoni and shows marvelous results. When Uttar Basti Dravya enters into the uterine cavity, network of Strotamsi (present throughout the system) carry it towards the desired sites (All layers of uterus, fallopian tubes, ovary). Uttar Basti is a very useful & used in the management of various Stree Rogas for the fruitful out comes.
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Menstrual cycles also get disrupted due to a variety of reasons – these include being on birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, other medications, poor diet & nutrition, low body fat, excessive weight loss, or being overweight. Stress, exhaustion, or very hard exercise and inactivity also can change or disrupt the menstrual cycle.
Although women of all three doshas have complications, menopause is a condition primarily related to Vata. Hence vata will need to be pacified first and in addition to any other doshic imbalance that needs to be addressed.
Vata type menopause symptoms – Anxiety, nervousness, worry, memory loss, insomnia, emotional instability Physical –Constipation, palpitations, vaginal dryness and atrophy, urinary incontinence, cystitis, feelings of excessive oldness after hot flashes, dryness ant thinning of the skin and hair, brittleness in the mucous membranes and the bones, joint and muscle aches, bone fractures and osteoporosis

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