Thursday 29 October 2020



The head is the seat of both the brain and the eyes. Marmas of head or life centers, are the vital points in the body where the Prana or energy is converted, regulated, and stored for use by the body and mind. They are also the sites of the Tridoshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Shiro Abhyaga is one of the best Ayurveda Treatments which re used to prevent and treat many psychosomatic diseases. It is the best stress relieving treatment which provides good strength, freshness, energy,improves metabolism, circulation and nerve conduction.
Ayurveda uses several herbs to prevent, rejuvenate, and cure. These herbs can be taken internally or infused with base oils. Shiro Abhyanga oils can consist of a range of a single herb to others, depending on the purpose for which the Abhyanga is performed.
The most important Marma Points for a head are:
Adhipati: The “soft spot” located 8 finger widths above the eyebrows in the center of the skull.
Simantaka: Located 12 finger widths above the eyebrows on the skull where the hairs gather in a swirl.
Krikatika: These are 2 points located on either side of the first cervical vertebrae behind the head where the neck meets the skull (occipital – cervical joint).
Vidhuram: The depression behind both ears, just behind the earlobes.
Shankha: The depressions on both sides of the forehead between the end of the eyebrow and the hairline (temples).
* Promotes hair growth,making the hair soft in texture; prevents hair fall and delays premature greying of hair, prevents dandruff & hair loss,Improves hair growth and nourishes the hair roots.
* Stimulates central nervous system.
* Highly rejuvenating for the senses of sight, smell and hearing.
* Used in management of & cure of various ailments like Facial palsy, Hemiplagia, Rhinitis etc.
*Increases blood and oxygen circulation in the brain
* Improves vision.
* Relieves pain, headaches, migraines, stress, and insomnia.
* Balances the pineal and pituitary glands.
* Prevents diseases of Vata origin mainly degenerative diseases.
* Revitalising the nervous system.
* Enhancing blood supply and nutrition to brain.
* Healing marmas.
* Improves the glow and complexion of the face.
The master gland pituitary gland and hypothalamus associated with many physical and mental functions are located in the head. When all these relaxed and function properly the circulation of blood and nutrients take place in proper way.
When vata is out of balance and aggravated, hair becomes dull, rough, dry and brittle. It is more prone to breakage and split ends. It loses its natural lustre and colour and becomes weak and dull. Therefore, when you do Abhyanga with herbal infused oil you help bring down this effect of excess Vata and reduce hair dryness, roughness and breakage. Vayu is the driving force of all the activities of the body and mind. Pitta, Kapha and the tissues of the body are dependant on the Vayu. If Vayu functioning properly, all these elements are in equilibrium and if it disturbed causes wide array of diseases.
Shiro Abhyanga helps treat and prevent a wide range of health conditions such as stress, sinusitis, insomnia, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure,eye health, Crohn’s disease, chronic fatigue, anxiety, and several other ailments.
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Try our Abhyanga Body Treatment: (Women Only)
Abhyanga retards ageing, overcomes fatigue and annihilates effects of aggravated vata. It improves clarity of vision, nourishes the body. It promotes longevity, good sleep & good skin. Abhyanga acts on skin, which is the seat Vata. In this way the lymphatic drainage will be the prime effect of Abhyanga. The oxygen capacity of the blood can increase 10-15% by the procedure of Abhyanga. With the help of indirectly or directly stimulating nerves that supply internal organs, blood vessels of these organs dilate and allow more blood supply to them.
Abhyanga helps to move lymph.
Lymph is a milky white fluid that helps in draining of impurities and waste away from the tissue cells. A component of these wastes is called as toxins which are the by-products of metabolism. That’s why, it is a vital to our health. Muscular contraction is having a pumping effect that moves lymph.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...