Thursday, 29 October 2020


 Health does not stand only for the freedom from diseases but it is called as healthy only when a person’s mind, sense organs and the soul are in a perfect state of equilibrium to endow happiness and the body is free from diseases. Abhyanga is the Ayurvedic ritual of massaging your entire body using oil. It promotes lymphatic drainage, helps to balance your Dosha and creates soft supple skin.

Abhyanga is a form of massage where medicated oils are infused into the skin or scalp.
Abhyanga is the therapeutic intervention of Panchakarma in which the body is treated with simple or medicated oil on particular body part according to need.
Abhynga provides huge benefits to the human body to make it strong and free of disease. Abhyanga is a selfcare ritual for anointing and nourishing the entire body. It stabilizes and relaxes the mind, alleviates parched skin, promotes improved circulation, and maintains the skin’s youthful glow. It helps to improve the vision, improves the health of eyes, beautifies and strengthens the skin.
It moves energy through the body, which helps to clear the lymph system (supporting the immune system and the body's ability to nourish the cells and release toxins), relaxes muscles, releases stagnation, and alleviates trapped emotions, initiating a deeper connection to self.
Abhyanga retards ageing, overcomes fatigue and annihilates effects of aggravated vata. It improves clarity of vision, nourishes the body. It promotes longevity, good sleep & good skin. Abhyanga acts on skin (helps to maintain the elasticity of skin), which is the seat of Vata. Abhyanga helps to improve the quality of skin by getting digested by the Bhrajaka Pitta. In this way the lymphatic drainage will be the prime effect of Abhyanga. The oxygen capacity of the blood can increase 10-15% by the procedure of Abhyanga. With the help of indirectly or directly stimulating nerves that supply internal organs, blood vessels of these organs dilate and allow more blood supply to them.
Abhyanga beautifies skin and hair from the inner core, in a healthy way & acting as an excellent anti-ageing therapy.
Also Abhyanga heals damaged muscle, reduce pain and tension and induce a calming effect, nourishes Dhatus, pacifies the Doshas, relives fatigue, perfect sleep, nourishes all parts of the body, relieves physical and mental fatigue,improves the body complexion, improves the functioning of musculoskeletal system, clears stiffness and heaviness of the body and leads to feeling of lightness, helps in improvement of body figure, recuperates the body tissues and reduces body weight as well as fat, reduces the effect of trauma if any, improves eyesight, recuperates and nourishes the body tissues (by nourishing the body tissues Abhyanga prolongs one’s lifespan).
Acharya Charaka similes the human body as a wooden wheel which becomes much stronger by proper application of oil and thus prevents the wear and tear, in the same manner the Abhyanga process prevents the wear and tear or we can say prevents the degenerative changes of the body.
Abhyanga helps to move lymph:
If you really want to up your lymphatic drainage, abhyanga is key. You literally move the lymph around, and help it with the detoxification process. Lymph is on of the main tissues responsible for detoxification, and so ensuring it is moving properly is important if we want to stay healthy and strong for our life and our practice. Lymph is a milky white fluid that helps in draining of impurities and waste away from the tissue cells. A component of these wastes is called as toxins which are the by-products of metabolism.That’s why, it is a vital to our health. Muscular contraction is having a pumping effect that moves lymph. The body’s major purification systems work together, as the lymph nodes clear lymph, the digestive system alkalizes and clears toxicity by means of the GI tract, as the liver and kidneys purify the blood.
Any impediment to the natural flow of lymph leads to the build up toxic substances within the tissues of the body, which is a fundamental cause of disease. In the venous system, muscular contraction and a system of one way valves help to return blood to the heart. Lymphatic channels also contain a system of one-way valves similar to those found in veins. Lymphatic massage can succeed in increasing lymphatic flow in the direction of the heart and, it is believed, enhance lymphatic flow, aid in detoxification and promote relaxation. Lymph from every part of the body must ultimately pass through the nodal stations of the body and be processed by the immune system. Many pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and malignancies frequently involve the lymph nodes at some point in the disease process. The base of the neck, along the cervical chain, and beneath the mandible are frequent sites of viral and bacterial infections as well as malignancy and are also a important target of therapeutic lymphatic massage.
Abhyaga Body Treatment soothes the two master systems of the body, the nervous system and the endocrine system mainly. Nervous and endocrine systems are seen as communication systems connecting all cells with information about what is happening in the body, which provides knowledge and instructions for control and integration. This pleasure from touching is mediated through the limbic system which causes the secretion of hormones physically equivalent to health and happiness. Massage or touching, from the perspective of modern physiology, has been found to increase secretion of growth hormone.
Aacharya Charak adds that the body becomes exceptionally strong, capable of lifting heavy weigh its and youthful by regular oil massage. Acharya Sushruta also advocates the same regarding Abhyanga. He also states that the body becomes strong, toxin-free, Dhatus become nourished and Kapha and Vata Dosha are maintained in their proper proportion. Further he adds that the time period required for the oil to reach the roots of hair is 300 Matras, skin 400 Matras, blood 500 Matras,muscles 600 Matras, Meda Dhatu 700 Madras, bones 800 Matras and 900 Matras to reach the bone marrow and destroy various diseases.
All the benefits of Abhyanga are directly or indirectly related with the stimulation of autonomic nervous system and central nervous system.
“The body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much even if subjected to accidental injuries, or strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed body parts and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age.” – Charaka Samhita Vol. 1 V 88-89
During this Corona Pandemic period,reaching a point where we are becoming increasingly more conscious of our bodies and the need to keep them in the best possible health condition. Staying in the best health condition reflects in all our life’s activities. Daily balancing of our physical state provides not only maximum performance also a richer emotional life.
Ayurvedic practices are tools for balance, health and holistic well-being.
Schedule Your Consultation to book Abhyanga Body Treatment (Women Only)
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Ayurveda is a lifestyle science which endeavors towards preserving health and prevention and treatment of disease.
Beauty cannot reside inside a diseased body and mind. So the most important component of beauty is good health, which can only be achieved by maintaining a discipline in daily routine.


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