Yogic centres in the body are described in the classics by name of Chakras. among these 7 Chakras, 2 Chakras are located in head. Ajna chakra and Sahasradara chakra by this we can hypothesized that, with SHIRODHARA probably these 2 chakras are getting stimulated and activating the hypothalamus functioning normally (hypothalamus plays a crucial role in many important functions, including: releasing hormones)). It influences sleep rhythm and behavioral pattern, nourishment to the sensory organs.
Ajna : The energy in this chakra represents psychic power, emotional intelligence and intuition. Additionally, the person embodies qualities of truth, clarity, non-attachment to material possessions, focus, and constancy. The third eye chakra is our connection to the spiritual world, which is situated at the center point between the eyebrows - referred to as the Third Eye – your point of intuition. It’s the access to clear thoughts and self-reflection and provides you inner guidance on your life path. It’s the control center and the seat of the mind, and the connection between body and mind. As such, it has a great spiritual significance as it’s said to unite the two major pranic forces in the body to open up the mind to inner stillness, divine sight and intuition. Without that integration, you stay trapped in the consciousness of ordinary reality and the realm of the senses.
A misaligned Ajna Chakra may result in confusion and express itself in physical symptoms such as headache, migraine, and dizziness. It may also lead to difficulties in following and trusting your intuition.
Balanced Ajna chakra With Shirodhara: There are feelings of wisdom, inner peace, spiritual awakening and awareness. You might feel closer to Spirit, and closer to your Self. It’s easy to sort the significant from the insignificant, creating intuitive knowledge and understanding.The third-eye chakra sits at the top of the spine between the eyebrows and relates to how we connect the external world with our internal dialogue.
To heal and purify this center, try our SHIRODHARA treatment to balance out the right and left sides of your brain. This helps you bring everything in toward the middle and feel your sense of alignment.
When the energy flow in the chakras is clear and unhindered, then a person’s body, mind and soul experience a sense of well-being. But, if the energy flow in the chakras is blocked, then, there is an imbalance in the person’s being. Yogis say that chakras are centers of spiritual energy.
Most of us have energetic blocks and imbalances as well as energy-sabotaging habits that prevent us from accessing our full vitality, which leads us to feel exhausted, scattered, dull… even ill...
Optimizing your energy system with Shirodhara.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Improves and rejuvenates central nervous system health.
Relieves pain, headaches, migraines, stress, and insomnia.
Improves vision, eye refraction errors, and eye strain.
Prevention of diseases pertaining to body, mind and sense organs.
Prevents diseases of Vata origin mainly degenerative diseases.
Prevents dryness of head and itching of the scalp.
Improves hair growth and nourishes the hair roots.
Delays premature greying of hair.
This treatment combines Ayurvedic therapies to relieve neck and shoulder tension. The therapy begins with Abhyanga, a rhythmic body treatment which uses herbal oils to stimulate the circulation of blood, lymph and prana (energy). This is followed by Shirohara, during which a steady stream of oil is gently poured over the forehead to improve clarity of mind. Leave relaxed and refreshed, with a renewed sense of energy.
The goal is to clear blocks in these energy channels that cause a build-up of negative energy that are purported to cause ailments. When the energy does not flow properly, negative energy builds up, causing common ailments, including stress,anxiety, hypertension, baldness or hair loss.
The accumulated toxins that cause diseases are eliminated from the body and the tissues are nourished.
The physical human body does not only consist of bones, muscles, organs, and skin. It’s rather made up of various layers of energy fields surrounding the physical body. These layers are said to form the so-called subtle body, which is also called the energy body.
According to yogic beliefs, the human body has seven Chakras, which can be thought of as intersections of different energy channels. The life force, called Prana, travels through these channels or Nadis. Consequently, each Chakra is responsible for different behaviors and values in life, such as security, communication, compassion, and love. They’re also said to regulate various bodily systems and senses. Every Chakra is also associated with one of the Five Elements of Nature (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space) and represented by a color of the rainbow. If energy is blocked in one of the Chakras – due to bad habits or inhibiting environmental factors – this can result in emotional, mental, or even physical imbalances. These, in turn, may even become apparent in symptoms like anxiety, lethargy, digestive or other health issues....Shirodhara helps in unblock of energy..
Call 9773170560/9825463394
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