Thursday 29 October 2020



Which make up our constitutions of vata, pitta, and kapha.
Purifying The Five Elements Of Your Being With Ayurveda And Bring The Five Elements Into Harmony.
This Ayurveda program is designed to bring you more deeply in touch with your own true nature as you awaken, balance, and come into contact with all the energy that you are and you will activate the gifts of vitality, beauty, fluidity, strength, power, and creativity that only the elements can bring. So you can begin building a more intimate connection with the energy of each element.
It is said that understanding the theory behind these five elements of nature can help understand the laws of nature and to use this knowledge to achieve greater health and happiness.
Each element is responsible for different structures in the body. Earth forms solid structures, such as bones, flesh, skin, tissues, and hair. Water forms saliva, urine, semen, blood, and sweat. Fire forms hunger, thirst, and sleep. Air is responsible for all movement, including expansion, contraction, and suppression. Space forms physical attraction and repulsion, as well as fear.
If any element is impure or out of balance with another, disease and suffering may occur.
The element of Earth is usually referred to as grounding and calming. It keeps the ego in balance and regulates the energy of bones, muscles, and tissues and plays a role in inflammations and infections..........Imbalance in the EARTH element can lead to overall weakness in the body, high cholesterol, weight loss or weight gain, bone or muscular pain and issues.
Water is characterized by its ability to flow, adapt, and bind substances as well as its healing nature that nourishes and binds the body. It regulates the blood and other bodily fluids and is associated with health conditions like joint pain........Imbalance in the element WATER can cause cold and sinusitis, asthma, swelling of glands, blood thinning or clotting.
The element of Air acts as a channel for clear communication and self-expression. It’s responsible for breath, nervous impulses, and movement. It influences the ability to act with love and compassion.......Imbalance in the AIR element may result in nervous disorders and depression, blood pressure issues, lung disorders, or muscle pains and spasms.
The Fire element acts as a cleanser that burns up toxins and impurities, thereby keeping diseases at bay. It is the source of heat and power and brings confidence and courage. It’s the energy of your metabolism and creativity. Excess in Fire can express itself as anger or hatred..........Imbalance in the element FIRE can manifest itself as extreme variations in perceived temperature, coldness or fever, skin diseases, diabetes, or mental disorders.
Space acts as the container for all the other elements and is the element from which all other elements originate, and to which they all return. It can be cold when lacking fire, dry when lacking water; it can be immobile due to lack of air, or lightweight because it lacks the heavy earth. It’s omnipresent since it’s the space between all the other elements.....Imbalance in the SPACE element can become visible as thyroid disorders, throat and speech problems, epilepsy, or ear diseases, etc.
Ayurveda helps purify and balance the five elements of nature.
If you are really interested in experiencing an Ayurvedic approach to the 5 elements of nature and how to establish balance of these 5 elements of your body.
Schedule Your Consultation
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Understanding the five elements theory and how it forms the world and the structure of our body and mind.
The five elements theory has its roots in various ancient traditions and has survived until today. It can certainly increase your sense of well-being and the connection to your body as well as restore your energy,inner balance and your health.
When experiencing trauma, you may feel like losing grounding, i.e. your connection to the Earth element, while at the same time the Air element shoots up and you feel as if you become detached from the physical world and your body.
If you feel heavy and stuck in your life, you probably need more fire to ignite your power and your passion.
The 5 Elements, providing a beautiful lense to not only observe ourselves but also the entire world and establish a relationship with nature. It also provides a kind of grounding spirituality that everyone can bring into their practice as “we’re all spiritual beings” and the elements provide a beautiful map.
If anyone who wants to come more fully alive and craves to experience the energy inside. Ayurveda helps with each element to increase your sensitivity and awareness. This will enable you to tune into your body and find out which element you need to support you on any given day.
These FIVE great elements are the basis of all creation. Our bodies are not separate from these sacred elements but are comprised uniquely of the powerful energies, characteristics, and strengths each one beholds. Each element feeds, delights, sustains, purifies, and inspires us with a particular healing and nourishing tone and movement.
This Ayurveda program is towards anyone who wants to come more fully alive and craves to experience the energy that is inside of you.
Every Chakra is also associated with one of the Five Elements of Nature.
Ayurveda balances our contemporary lifestyle and health-related habits with the ancient wisdom and knowledge of using natural substances, herbs and medicines to assist us to lead a happy, healthy, and disease-free and stress-free life.
Nature allows us to remember we are more than “this body” and “this mind,” and that we are whole and connected. The more in tune we are with nature and the elements, the more we can invoke our self-healing. From an ayurvedic perspective, reconnecting with nature is crucial for developing a relationship with the elements: space, air, fire, water, and earth.
Also Schedule Your Consultation For :
Ayurvedic maps
The bhutas and doshas
Relationship between the three gunas
Ayurvedic models of mind
How to build prana, tejas, and ojas
The prana vayus
The doshas and sub-doshas
How the elements relate to mind
The Mahagunas in relation to the elements
A vata-reducing practice
A pitta-reducing practice
A kapha-reducing practice
Ayurveda weight loss
Ayurveda weight gain
Panchakarma tretment
Ayurvedic Dincharya
Gunas in Ayurveda Body Type
When you turn unwholesome, Panchakarma is the undisputed, undeniable way to open up your blockages and get it all flowing again.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...