Friday 30 November 2018


Book Your Shirodhara : Call -9825463394/9773170560
Shirodhara at its core is truly calming for any Vata imbalances. Vata is the dosha that governs movement which is air and ether. By nature, this helps with any Vata imbalances, which may be in the form of insomnia, nervous disorder, anxiety, worry, fear, and over work or stress. Shirodhara is a slow constant stream of warm oil on one’s third eye that stimulates and calms the pituitary gland, which is the master gland that controls the endocrine system. The third eye governs our intuition and provides perception beyond ordinary sight. By practice, Shirodhara takes one into a very tranquil, relaxed and meditative state.
Regular shirodhara treatments enhances blood circulation to the brain, improves memory, release stored emotions, and purify the mind.
Brings balance and harmony to body, mind and spirit
Generates a profound state of relaxation in body and mind, relieving stress.
Opens up the flow of energy in the body, stabilizes the nervous system.
Regulate all hormones in the body by activating the pituitary and pineal glands, as well as the hypothalamus.
Promotes fertility by stimulating the pituitary gland, where sexual and reproductive hormones are activated.
Opens the Third Eye, increasing spiritual awareness and intuition.
Relieves stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia through release of natural body hormones: serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin.
Helps relieve fatigue, tension, anger, chronic migraine headaches, rheumatism, hypertension
Improves mental focus, concentration, intelligence, confidence and self-esteem.
Nourishes hair and scalp, and strengthens hair follicles to avoid hair loss and premature graying.
Softens lines and wrinkles on the face by clearing the mind, dissolving stress and relaxing face muscles.
For thousand of year Ayurveda practitioners using Shirodhara procedure to turns on the body’s healing mechanisms, rejuvenates and purifies body and soul in their Patients.
Takra Dhara gives stability to the Life Force (Prana Vata), taking heat out very effectively, it reduces speed of neurotransmitters (producing a state of deep relaxation for the patient), enhancing neurological function to pave the way for:
Remarkable Benefits and Transformation:
Klama – Mitigates fatigue.
Shirorak – Effectively cures headache.
Regulates Hormonal function.
Ojahkshaya – Replenishes depleted “ojas” (our vitality, our immunity, a vital essence of our whole physiology).
Kasaiharana Paristodana – Relives the pain and prick sensations of extremities.
Murta dosha – Abnormalities of the urine.
Sandhi-Vishlatha – relaxed stiff joints.
Hridaya ruk – Cure precordial pain – (the region in front of or over the heart).
Aruchi – Improves the taste in the mouth
Agni mandya – Improves the digestive power
Shiro roga – Diseases of the head
Karna roga – Diseases of the ear.
Akshi roga – Diseases of the eyes.
Dosha Kopa – Alleviates the vitiation of doshas in general.
Takra Dhara is Indicated and Effective for:
Mental stress
Psychological illness
Mental exhaustion
Dermatological conditions like eruptions, eczema, etc.
Pediculosis (lice)
Premature greying of hair (Palitya)

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...