Monday 6 May 2019


The human body is composed of 3 body doshas, 3 mental doshas, 7 dhatus and malas. The harmony among the body doshas of Vata (nervous system), Pitta (Enzymes), and Kapha (mucus) and the gunas, or mental doshas (which are human attributes: Satogun (godly), rajas (kingly) and tamas (evil), constitute health, and their disharmony constitutes disease. The management of illness requires balancing the doshas back into a harmonious state through lifestyle interventions, spiritual nurturing, and treatment with herbo-mineral formulas based on one’s mental and bodily constitution.
Ayurvedic Body Typing – A Window to Your Mind, Body, and Soul.
According to Ayurveda, Yoga’s thousandS of year old sister science, everything is governed by the natural elements of air, space, fire, water and earth. Each of these elements are associated with one, or in some cases two, of the Ayurvedic Doshas; the constitutional types. Vata Dosha, which I wrote about earlier in my status also, is governed by space and air; Pitta Dosha is governed by fire and water, and Kapha Dosha is associated with water and earth
Learn how to spot the triggers that cause physical and emotional concerns for greater harmony and ease, the Ayurvedic way. Discover your ‘dosha' and unlock the path to greater wellbeing..
This mind-body questionnaire gathers information about your basic nature – the way you were as a child or the basic patterns that have been true most of your life.
If you developed an illness in childhood or as an adult, think of how things were for you before that illness. 
A key aspect of Ayurveda is decoding and then living in harmony with ones constitution/dosha. Dosha (physical/emotional blueprint) and everything in the Universe is made up of a combination of the five elemental forces of space, air, fire, water and earth. 
There are three main dosha and each is made from a combination of the elements; these being Vata (air/either), Pitta (fire/water) and Kapha (water/earth).
Major Pitts imbalance today:
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Determine your body mind type or Dosha and begin your journey to radiant skin, excellent sleep, appetite and digestion. Learn more about the THREE Doshas.
Knowing your dosha type/combination is so important because your dosha predicts how your health is likely to fail, and therefore guides your choices for healthy living, wellness, and longevity.
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The philosophy of ayurveda is based on the doctrine of the pancha bhutas [five elements] or panch mahadev [five primal divine energies] of which all living and non-living things are believed to be composed. They are akasha [ether], vayu [air], teja [fire], apa or jala [water], and prithvi [earth]. The combination of these five elements is represented in the form of one of the three doshas [tridosha] or ‘body humours’ which are vata [ether + air], pitta [fire] and kapha [water + earth], also described as wind, bile and phlegm respectively.
In an Ayurvedic consultation, there is a focus on education so that you may identify the root cause of your health imbalance by understanding your unique dosh, so that you may make the choices to restore balance and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda can help you feel better about life and have greater energy and enthusiasm.
Together, we then craft an Ayurvedic program that includes foods, herbs, aromas, colors, body treatment, detoxification, yoga, and herbal meditation - all aimed at restoring or maintaining balance.
Your appetite, the way you digest, your reaction to stress, the way you sleep, what you think, the emotions you experience and the way you look is completely unique. So it makes perfect sense that physical and mental constitution plays a central role in your overall wellbeing.
In Ayurveda, we believe that your constitution is governed by three life energies that circulate throughout your whole self and influence your bodily functions, emotions, and mindset They are called doshas (psychobiological energies) – Vata (governs movement), Pitta (governs digestion and metabolism) and Kapha (provides stability and structure). Mind-body health and harmony may be challenged when any of the doshas become aggravated or imbalanced.
Among the Ayurvedic treatments to balance the doshas are breathing exercises, diet changes, lifestyle changes, yoga, meditation,mantras, mudras and stretching.
What Your Dosha Really Says About You
About your Ayurvedic Dosha (body type)
The Best Pranayama for Your Dosha
Mediation for your Dosha
How to eat for your Dosha
Yoga for your Dosha.
Yoga And Ayurveda: How To Develop The Best Practice For Your Dosha.
According to Ayurveda, your dosha must be considered when you decide what you should eat, when and how much you should sleep, what exercise you should do, and what your yoga practice should be like.
The essence from the doshas is Prana (related to Vata), Tejas (related to Pitta) and Ojas (related to Kapha)
Prana is not exactly the air, but the vital energy which allows us to live and fight diseases. Its vehicle is the oxygen. Tejas is the absence which allows to open and connect with the three levels; body, mind, and spirit.
Ojas is the subtle essence which maintains the body, the mind, and the spirit together and integrated per individual. Also is linked to the quality of our immune system.
Panchakarma :
Panchakarma will remove the excess doshas and correct imbalances in them as well as eliminate the harmful ama out of your system through the body’s own organs and channels of elimination (colon, sweat glands, lungs, bladder, urinary tract, stomach, intestines, etc). Panchakarma purifies the tissues at a very deep level.
My mission is to help individuals realize their full potential by living healthy lives according to their unique dosha. 
We’re all about vibrant health evolution, both personal and planetary. Let’s step deeper into dharma and an awake life together. Start with Ayurveda - Yoga Lifestyle & upgrade your body, your dharma & your life.
The main goal of ayurveda is not just healing the body from discomfort and disease but in the highest and deepest sense to take human life towards the attainment of salvation through liberation.
As we grow older and life starts to happen, the proportion of our prakriti starts to fluctuate in response to our inner and outer environment. This gradually creates imbalance in our constitution, which in turn starts to affect our physical and mental health.
Dosha in Ayurveda, which is translated as our Body-Mind type, in Sanskrit derives from the word for fault. Dosha is both your natural type and the manner you will become ill if your natural type is allowed to increase too much.
The mental aspects of dosha and the mental aspects of disease formation are far more influenced by the mind itself than by food. You can worsen Vatta with caffeine, or Kapha with sugar, absolutely, but you dont create anger issues or fear issues with food, you create them with how our minds digest experience and how we cultivate or dont cultivate our minds. The mind is just as much a garden as the body.
The Five Great Elements: Akash, Vayu, Agni, Jal, and Prithvi
Prakriti is made up of five elements from finest to grossest: space, air, fire, water and earth. In Sanskrit they are called Akash, Vayu, Agni, Jal, and Prithvi, respectively. Every individual is a microcosm of nature and therefore contains all five elements. 
The spiritual path is walked in reverse, however, from gross to fine. Prithvi allows the body to become stable, followed by the balancing of Jal, emotion and senses. The stable body and emotions vanquish the struggle of Agni, desire. With deep breathing, Vayu, we connect to present moment. Finally, experiencing the Akashic realm, one rests in his true nature. The Yogic Masters tell us that God-consciousness is beyond all of it.
Each dosha brings gifts, such as Vata’s creativity, Pitta’s leadership, and Kapha’s endurance. Daily life, in turn, brings challenges that can unbalance the doshas, such as when Vata becomes ungrounded and nervous, Pitta becomes inflamed and frustrated, and Kapha becomes depressed and stagnated. Appreciating the gifts and challenges that come with each element, the Ayurvedic tradition strives to bring balance to each individual’s inherent doshas. All aspects of life, from career choices, exercise, relationships to nutrition, environment and meditation, play a role in this quest for balance.
According to ayurveda, our basic constitution is determined at the time of conception. This constitution is called Prakriti. In other words Prakriti is a Sanskrit word and means “nature” creativity or “the first creation.” Prakriti is a set of some physical mental sensory, motor and spiritual character of an individual. These are decided at the time of conception of that individual. Therefore, constitution or prakriti is a highly individual thing, since it is decided at the time of conception as the individual develops in the womb. Accordingly, the individual exhibits certain instincts, certain emotional and response patterns depending upon the combination and predominance of tridosha.
This wellness package includes the Ayurvedic Starter Package and three additional follow-up visits that support and guide your wellness decisions. This package is designed for those who desire to know their doshic relationship, have a simple lifestyle plan to follow to on a daily basis for optimal health and vibrancy, and meet regularly for body, mind and spirit guidance. 
“When sound, breath, and awareness cometogether, it becomes light…So Hum meditation properly practiced leads tothe union of the individual with theuniversal Cosmic Consciousness. You will go beyond thought, beyond time andspace, beyond cause and effect.Limitations will vanish.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...