Saturday 4 May 2019


The third eye is also called the "eye of wisdom." 
Spiritual Healing and Growth With Shirodhara. 
A total feeling of wellness and mental clarity is experienced in this process. Working on the pineal and pituitary gland, it predominantly benefits the endocrine system and the central nervous system. 
Is Your Third Eye Blocked? Do you want to increase your psychic or telepathic abilities?
Visualize to Materialize: Activate the Third Eye Chakra 
The third eye is located within the sixth chakra, and is located in the center of the forehead, above the eyebrows. The pineal gland, also known as the third eye, is famous for the secretion of hormones important in the proper functioning of the body, including melatonin.
This chakra, which is also called the third eye is the center for clairvoyance, visions, and transcendence of time and space in thinking.
Blocking the pineal gland leads to slow thyroid, digestive problems, circulation problems, confusion, disorientation, mental disorders, lack of creativity but also lower IQ.
Our ability to self-realize, to develop our psychic abilities and empathic skills, is connected to this chakra. The sixth chakra is also related to our ability–and our willingness–to recognize, acknowledge, and then let go of emotional baggage. On a physical level, sixth chakra blockages may appear as flu-like symptoms, such as fever, swollen glands, and infections.
In Ayurvedic there is a practice called shirodhara, which is the use of warm oil being drizzled on the forehead to stimulate the opening and unblocking of the third eye.
It gradually runs out, over the forehead and into the scalp, sometimes for as long as 30-45 minutes. During this period, your body and mind become relaxed, and you may even fall asleep, instill a deep sense of inner peace, clarity and carry a very high vibration that makes them ideal for healing. This steady, rhythmic pouring of oil that induces a deeply relaxing and blissful state of consciousness called ‘Turiya’ ~ the state of awareness that is neither fully conscious nor deep sleep. While in this Turiya state, we are able to witness and/or release impressions in our conscious and subconscious mind. During pouring of oil onto the forehead, individual starts concentrating on Agnya chakra. With or without the involvement,individual starts meditation on centre of the forehead
A proper functioning of the pineal gland brings hormonal balance in terms of your body, help you have a restful sleep, play your creativity and generally gives you a good feeling and support experiences spiritual nature.
1. It is one of the most effective methods for reducing stress and nervous tension
2. It enhances blood circulation to the brain & improves the memory
3. It has been used in treatment of eye diseases, sinusitis, memory loss, insomnia, tinnitus, vertigo and psoriasis
4. It nourishes the hair and scalp, slows hair greying, supports hair growth.
I will select an oil for you based upon a number of factors, including which dosha type your body falls into. Different oils are used depending on the conditions being treated.
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Shirodhara – Ayurvedic Transcranial Oil Dripping Stimulation Therapy.
Acharya Sushruta narrates human body as a tree with roots upward and branches down, further adds that as its necessary to irrigate tree in its roots in order to flourish it completely, similarly human body needs to be irrigated in its roots i.e., head, in order to keep it moist and to enhance its functions.
Shirodhara helps to heal the body at the root level of disease, by calming imbalances in our mind and disturbances in our emotions it leaves you feeling in a heavenly state.
According to ayurveda, the function of the mind and nerves is dependent upon vayu or vata. All the functions of the body, according to ayurveda are controlled by three elements which in ayurveda are called doshas. The complicated pharmaco-physio-psychologic action of Ayurvedic oil treatment may provide a useful model for future pharmaco-physio-psychotherapy.
While most Ayurvedic therapies have their impact on the physical and energy sheaths of the subtle body system, Shirodhara most effectively purifies the mental sheath, where patterns of behavior (vasanas) and emotional traumas can distract the mind from its’ role in supporting good health and spiritual growth. Let’s say the body is deeply settled and the protective nervous system is disarmed during a Shirodhara.
In this deep stillness the nervous system becomes aware of any stress or strain that inhibits the flow of stillness into every cell of the body. The goal is to have this pure experience of consciousness in every cell of the body – moving pure consciousness from the bliss sheath (anandamaya kosha) to the physical sheath (annamaya kosha). 
Shirodhara works mainly in the manomaya kosha, or the mental sheath. Once the bliss sheath is activated, the flow of Shakti and consciousness can freely move through each kosha creating better health, peace of mind, and spiritual progress through one’s life. 
Shirodhara rejuvenates the nervous system, releases emotions, opens the subtle channels and unfolds bliss throughout the mind and body. This procedure synchronizes brain waves and profoundly coordinates and calms the mind, body, and spirit.
This treatment is most suited to those afflicted with anxiety, insomnia, depression, stress or menopausal symptoms but can have positive effects for all for rejuvenating the spirit and balancing the body and mind. 
This is about helping you find a way to become more present and less distracted in your day-to-day life. The objective is to feel calmer and to be balanced and focused. This is the time to stop your thoughts and just be present. Shirodhara helps to heal the body at the root level of disease, by calming imbalances in our mind and disturbances in our emotions it leaves you feeling in a heavenly state for the rest of your day.
Shirodhara : A Spiritual tradition associate and activate pineal gland by awakening the third eye of inner vision, insight, and wisdom.... the region of the brain bounded by the pineal, the pituitary, and hypothalamus are referred to as the glands of higher consciousness.
This area sits between the left and right hemispheres of the brain and between the forebrain of reason and the hindbrain of instinct. Many meditation practices often suggest the visualization of this space.
However, with practice of shirodhara, it is simple to connect to and activate these spiritual glands through our awareness, visualization, and clear intention. For visualization purposes, it may easier to imagine the location being directly in between the eyebrows. 
More and more ancient healing-techniques will be used to help and assist people in different situations where the health or the inner balance is harmed. The main view and perception of such techniques or methods are the Self or Soul needs to be healed and balanced first, then the Body will be well too.
Take a break in your stressful day with this ancient Ayurvedic Healing practice popularly known as the third eye treatment. It will act like a balm on the constantly buzzing mind and bring a sense of clarity to your thoughts 
Take control of your thoughts, actions and on your life. Get the state of indifference and do something for you. Shirodhara will help you discover yourself, to accept yourself, to love yourself and evolve.
It is the most divine treatment there is and nothing rivals it in terms of its effects besides an established mediation practice.
Various approaches are known, or discovered and remembered, which express different views about Soul-Body Relation, i.e., the Vedic view express the chakras as energy points, and other methods use the power of breath (pranayama).
In the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda we believe that each one of us has doshas - the doshas being Vata - made up of the elements ether and air, Pitta - made up of the elements of fire and water and Kapha- made up of the elements of earth and water.Shirodhara will help balance each of these elements and guide you into a relaxed, blissful state of being. According to Ayurveda, this is our natural state. Get comfy and enjoy returning to a natural state of bliss with Shirodhara.
Healing The Body & Soul With Ayurveda..

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