Monday 13 May 2019


Stress Management through Shirodhara..
Book your SHIRODHARA :
Call : +919825463394/+919773170560
Shirodhara is suitable for patients suffering from Shiroroga, metabolic disorders, and the different kinds of mental diseases.
Shirodhara has been shown to be effective in attention deficit/hyperactively disorder in children, hypertension, menopause, cerebral ataxia, general anxiety disorder, headache, and insomnia.
It has long been conducted to combat insomnia, headache, anxiety neurosis, depression, schizophrenia, motor-neuron disease, hypertension, and several kinds of psychosis.
In yogic sciences there are a number of procedures explained for relaxation of body and mind. By these procedures like meditation and relaxation the mind comes down to a tranquil state, it reduces stress, helps in normal and better function of mind. All the benefits of meditation and relaxation are achieved by the procedure of Shirodhara. 
Shirodhara purifies the mind, alleviates anxiety, reduces headaches, and expands awareness. Shirodhara is one of the most powerful treatments to relieve Vata (wind) in the mind.
Shirodhara is the specific treatment for stress, creating nervousness, anxiety, depression, insomnia, fatigue, psychological disorders, and any other disorder that is stress related..The rhythm of the oil trickling onto the third eye, which is the seat of our cognitive vision, evokes deep cognitive memories.
Shirodhara soothes and invigorate the senses as well as the mind. A total state of wellness is induced in the process.It has a beneficial effect on all the sensory organs and to make the patient quiet and calm. It may stimulate the olfactory nerves, and impulses may be transmitted to the hypothalamus to soothe the mood and alter the autonomic nervous balance. This procedure synchronizes brain waves and profoundly coordinates and calms the mind, body, and spirit
Vata Disorders: prickling pain in the head; loss of hair; loss of hearing; fatigue and mental exhaustion; grayish coating on the tongue; dryness of face and scalp; constipation. 
Pitta Disorders: burning sensation in head and body; ulcerated or inflammatory conditions of the head; pharyngitis; conjunctivitis; excess sweating; dimness of vision; blood disorders; hemorrhaging; jaundice; herpes; yellowish coating on the tongue; greenish or yellowish coloring of urine and feces. 
Kapha Disorders: excessive sleep; heaviness of body; indigestion; mucus; obesity; weak digestion; white coating on the tongue; white urine and feces; loss of appetite; repulsion for food; anorexia. 
In addition to relieving the disorders listed above, this treatment has the added effect of awakening the third eye, invigorating the boy and mind, and stimulating cognitive memories.
As the oil strokes the third eye, it has a balancing effect on the deepest recesses of the brain,stimulating the endocrine system, the pituitary and pineal glands (for hormonal upsets) and pleasure neurotransmitters (for depression or emotional insecurity). The procedure is also said to synchronise alpha brain waves, enhancing blood circulation to the brain, improving mental clarity and generally releasing deeply trapped ama, or toxins. Deep relaxation of the nervous system, improved functioning of the 5 senses, relief from mental and physical stress and strain, improved vitality and balance, increased blood circulation around the body and to the brain, boosts memory, nourishes hair and the scalp and assists in providing sound sleep.
All your mental demons.... fear, anxiety, anger or irritability dissolve into an ocean of calm as your mind is lulled into a state of serenity and expanded consciousness. Shirodhara truly honours the body as a sacred temple and a vehicle for the divine spirit within.
Proven strategies for awakening the third eye. Also Shirodhara helps to remove all the built up harmful elements from the body. Massaging done in shirodhara generates energy through the body. It helps the nutrients flow freely to the brain of a person and facilitates one to heal from within.
Shirodhara is very effective therapy for various illness related to the Head, Neck, Nervous System, Vision,Hearing, Sleeping Problens, Mental Stress, Prevent Hair Loss, Eye diseases, Sinusitis, Allergicrhinitis, Greying of hair, Neurological disorders, Memory loss, Insomnia, Hearing impairment,Tinnitus, Vertigo, and certain types of skin diseases like psoriasis. 
it's like having a deep and penetrating massage on the mind.It takes you to deep relaxation and in to a balanced state of rest in mind and body. Shirodhara is a great rejuvenating therapy that gives a healthy face and body glow. Shirodhara helps to heal the body at the root level of disease, by calming imbalances in our mind and disturbances in our emotions it leaves you feeling in a heavenly state for the rest of your day.
Strengthen your Psychic ability/Psychic awareness with the help of Shirodhara.
Activating your pineal gland and developing it further will allow you to exercise your 3rd eye and thus strengthen your psychic ability.The more you can do to activate your pineal gland, the more chance you have of reaching the desired end state of a fully functioning healthy pineal gland.
The Pineal Gland is regarded as one of the most important parts of your nervous system..... it is essentially a spiritual antenna, the mystical third eye (Ajna Chakra) that ancient traditions have been talking about. For many eons, the third eye has been seen as a way to reach higher levels of consciousness while still being present in a physical body.
This concept of the pineal gland being the “seat of the soul” or the “spiritual gateway to all realms and all dimensions” is important to realising its full function. Before you can reach this spiritual gateway, you must start the practise of both detoxifying your pineal gland and activating your pineal gland....There re numerous way to detoxifying it and among all one of the best is SHIRODHARA.........
We live in a world surrounded by mobile phones, texts and social media. We’re always plugged in...
Now it's time to relax with Shirodhara...
Shirodhara is complete surrender, calm and peace, allowing the nervous system to heal itself.
Shirodhara is a unique body therapy from the ancient Ayurvedic system of natural medicine which has a profound effect on the nervous system. It instantly calms and relaxes and has a cleansing effect on the mind and nerves, aiding clarity of thought and concentration when you come out of the treatment." As the treatment draws to a close, the aim is for the patient to feel completely relaxed in body and mind.
“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear” - Buddha..
Different oils are used depending on the conditions being treated.

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