Monday 29 July 2019


Panchakarma – Five Actions that Change your Life.
Panchakarma induces an exceptionally deep state of relaxation in which the body is able to release, both physically and emotionally, toxins that have accumulated in the bloodstream and tissues.
Panchakarma is a five-fold therapy; it is highly individualized treatment based on your Ayurvedic constitutional type, doshic imbalances, age, digestive strength, immune status, & many other factors.
Ayurvedic lifestyle and dietary changes won’t produce the major shifts that the body needs. That is where panchakarma is most needed because it purifies the toxins that have been lodged in the body, mind, psyche and spirit. 
“The function of Panchakarma is to preserve the equilibrium of the doshas, promote lessening of the doshas, pacify aggravated doshas, and eliminate advanced doshas.”
Doshic imbalance and low agni (digestive fire) can block this natural capacity of the body. The presence of ama (toxins) in the system can be felt as fatigue, or a feeling of heaviness. It may include constipation, indigestion, gas, diarrhea, bad breath, a bad taste in the mouth, stiffness in the body, or mental confusion.
Panchakarma is recommended not only to treat ailments but also to prevent diseases caused by seasonal changes. As the seasons shift, toxins accumulate in your system. This is why Panchakarma is recommended every seasonal shift to keep your Doshas in balance.
Anyone can benefit from a detox because your body is constantly creating toxins. Even if you lived in a perfect world with all organic food, clean air, and no stress, your body still would produce toxins. So it’s important to cleanse regularly.
Panchakarma is internationally known for its ability to cure almost any ailment, from eczema to diabetes to heart disease. It’s one of the most purifying things you can do for yourself and causes you to become so much more aware of the toxins you are holding onto, physically as well as emotionally.
Cleansing and Detoxifying The Seven Bodily Systems of Health..
Each system is based in an endocrine gland, moving from the base of the spine up to the crown of the head, and each one represents a nexus of anatomy, physical function, and biochemistry as well as a group of emotions, thoughts, and life issues. It’s a very sophisticated and elegant way of integrating body, mind, and emotions.
Do you have a thick layer of coating on your tongue? Are you tired throughout the day, especially after meals? Do you have body aches and pains? Do you have uncontrollable cravings? Is your mind foggy? Do you have bad-smelling breath, body odor, or flatulence? Do you have constipation or diarrhea? These are all signs you need to detox. Panchakarma utilizes a set of therapeutic procedures which are given in a specific order to promote the elimination of toxic substances out of the body via the nearest possible route of elimination.
Mind-Body Systems Detoxified, Cleansed and Rejuvenated.
Schedule an appointment today to start feeling balance in your life.
Book Your Ayurvedic Consultation....Your Ayurvedic Path Begins Here..
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Many diseases of modern times are caused by deep-seated toxins which lead to improper digestion, stress, lack of sleep, anxiety, loss of concentration, premature aging, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, neurological disorders, chronic fatigue, osteoporosis, sexual disorders, allergies, and unhappiness.
The goal of PANCHAKARMA is to provide the tools and space for a gentle yet thorough cleansing of the body and mind, as well as a foundation for understanding how your physiology and psychology work together, why it is important to detoxify the internal organs and the sense organs, and how to use the things you are engaging with each day, knowingly and unknowingly, through environment, society, lifestyle, and diet, as tools to cultivate the physical state and state of mind of your own choosing.
I want to support you on your Ayurvedic journey. Choose from one of our offerings or contact us so we can craft an Ayurvedic wellness approach customized to meet your specific needs. I am here to help........Peace, love and health from Dr Unnti Chavda.
Cleanse the Body, Calm the Mind, & Rejuvenate the Soul
The purpose of Panchakarma is sodhana, purification. According to the Charka Samhita, Ayurveda’s oldest text, if a disease is treated with sodhana, it does not reoccur. Panchakarma is the ultimate way to heal and rebalance the body.
In case you are facing chronic health issues, you are planning to conceive or you would like to prevent diseases, this is for you...
This body is Mother Nature’s most precious gift to you; soon you will return it back to her. In the time being, it is your duty to keep it alive (not just living!), bustling with energy and clear communication, and healthy tissues to support a luminous radiance.
Naturally we don’t want to observe the phenomenon of beauty outside of us, we want to embody beauty ourselves - we want to be beautiful. The Āyurvedic tradition describes three pillars of beauty: rūpaṁ, guṇaṁ, and vayastyag. Rūpaṁ refers to outer beauty of the physical form managed through care of the skin (and hair) on the outside as well as the inside of our bodies (think - the skin of our digestive tracts and deeper tissues!). Guṇaṁ is inner beauty indicated by sincerity of heart, purity of thought, and honesty of action; it is beauty in the state of mind and feeling. When these two are maintained properly, during SARIRAYATRA- the journey or pilgrimage of the body in this physical life - vayastyag, or the everlasting, timeless beauty of consciousness, becomes your primary reality.
Your body has been cleansed and purified, the metabolism becomes optimized, disease is weakened, and normal health is maintained. Sense organs, mind, intellect and complexion are improved; strength, nourishment, healthy off spring and potency are the result. Symptoms of aging do not appear so easily and the person lives long and free from disorders.
You will be feel relaxed and to rest a lot as inner channels (srotas) open to create feelings of freshness and renewal. Physical and emotional toxins lodged deep within the tissues, since many years, are released along with their associated bodily symptoms.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...