Panchakarma: A Guide To Healing Ayurvedic Therapies and Their Benefits
Panchakarma therapy is designed to eliminate the toxic materials.
Panchakarma therapy is believed to purify or cleanse all the body tissues and to bring about the harmonyof neurohumours (tridosas)(vata, pitta, kapha, and manasa dosas [ satva, raja, and ama])and to obtain long-lasting beneficial effects. It may be considered a management tool when used at certain tissue and bodyparts. It promotes and preserves the individual’s normal health.
Panchakarma therapy is indicated in arthritis, paralysis, neuromuscular diseases and in respiratory, gas-trointestinal, ENT, and several blood-related disorders with great benefits.
Panchakarma therapy is indicated for both the healthy and diseased. Thefive elimination procedures are usually advised in the sequence of emesis, purgation,enema, errhines, and bloodletting, although it is not mandatory, either one or all five procedures are advised as per the need and condition of the person undergoing Panchakarma therapy. Based on the health of the individual and stage and type of the disease, only one of the five procedures may be done without following a sequence. However, proper preparationand follow-up treatment are implemented for even one cleansing procedure.
Any type of main cleansing procedure of Panchakarma therapy is believed to affect the cleansing of microcirculatory channels by eliminating the toxic metabolites from the body. This helps in the process of curing a disease. Scientific studies indicate that cleansing procedures appear to help in eradicating chronic diseases more effectively.
Panchakarma therapy removes the toxic materials from the body and provides purification of the body at two levels:
The gross level, where various organs and systems of the body are thoroughly cleansed (cardiovascular system,gastrointestinal tract, chest, etc.).
The cellular level, where purification and cleansing of the body is produced at the level of cells, cell membranes, and molecules.
Panchakarma Therapy/Treatment removes waste products, unwanted materials, various toxins, and stagnant doshas and potentiates physiological functions of all the body systems.
Panchakarma Treatment has a full therapeutic role in promoting preventive, curative, and rehabilitative procedures.
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