Wednesday 26 August 2020

સુવર્ણપ્રાશન Swarnaprashana

 A unique Ayurvedic Method to boost immunity and intelligence.

A situation in which you are protected against disease is called body strength or we can say immuned. In ayurved it is coined by term Vyadhikshamatva. Body strength or immunity can be correlated with Ojas that is bala (strength) of the body. Swarnaprashan is one of the methods which increase Sahaja bala or Ojas of the body without any adverse effect. It reduce the recurrent attacks of infections and help to improves digestive and metabolic power.

Swarnaprashana boosts the immunity as well as intellectual power of a child. Gold has anti-aging quality (Rasayana) and ability to target drugs to the site (yogavahi).

Swarnaprashana has been traditionally practiced as a formula for growing child to improve growth and development as well as to promote longer and healthy life.

The benefits of Swarnaprashana in children are multidimensional.

Brain development is continued up to 2 years and at this stage by Swarnaprashan we can accelerate the growth of brain.

Gold strengthens the body, beneficial for heart (hridya), good for eyes (chakshusaya), improves intellectual power, rejuvenative (rasayan), also helpful to cure many diseases as anemia, tuberculosis, diarrhea, colitis, heart disease, etc. It has immunomodulating effect. It improves the recurrent attacks of common cold, fever and reversible asthma.

There are several references of the Swarnaprashana in Ayurvedic literatures mentioning its actions Medha vardhana (promoting intelligence), Bala Vardhana (increasing physical strength and vigour), Punya (reward), Ayushakaraka (promoting longevity), Smriti and Mati (attentiveness) Medhavardhana (improving intellect), Agnivardhana (promoting digestion and metabolism), Balavardhana (promoting immunity and physical strength), Ayushyam (Promoting longevity), Mangalam (auspicious), Punyam (Virtuous), Varnya (improves complexion), Vrishya (fertility), Grahapaham (protection against infectious organisms).

Swarnaprashana can be achieved at multiple levels likeas a general health promoter and in specific to enhancement of intelligence, digestion, metabolism, immunity, physical strength, complexion, or fertility. Swarnaprashana can be administered in all children as it acts at the level of nutrition, metabolism, growth and development, physical strength, and immunity.

Further it has been mentioned that by feeding gold for one month, child becomes extremely intelligent and is not attacked by the diseases and by using for six months, is able to retain what-so-ever he/she hears. According to Sushruta, Swarnaprashana helps in escalating Bala (strength) and Buddhi (memory) and thereby aiding in proper development of a child.

As per Acharya Sushruta, Swarna has to be administered along with Madhu (honey) and Ghrita (ghee) in one among the procedures of Jathakarma samskara.

Administration of processed gold in children is a unique practice mentioned in Ayurveda as "Swarnaprashana" by Acharya Kashyapa thousands of years back.

Swarnaprashana can be administered in infants and children up to 16 years of age for their physical, mental and intellectual wellbeing.

Rasayana is a unique concept of Ayurveda, that is claimed to increase the lifespan, intelligence, strength and able to prevent the disease.

सुवर्णप्राशनं हि एतत् मेधाग्नि बल वर्धनम् । आयुष्यं मंगलं पुण्यं वृष्यं ग्रहापहम् ॥
मासात् परम मेधावी व्याधिभिर्न च दृश्यते । षड्भि मासै: श्रुतधर सुवर्ण प्राशनात् भवेत् ॥
(काश्यप संहिता, सूत्रस्थानम् 18/4-5)

Medhaagnibalvardhanam means improvement in intelligency, digestive power, and strength of body, Ayusha means improvement in life span, Mangalya means auspicious, Punya means sacred, Vrishya means aphrodisiac, Grahapaham means relieves all bad effects of grahas. If SwarnaPrashan administer to child for one month, child becomes Parammedhavi means Genious and if administering for six months, child becomes Shruta Dhara means he/she can remember all things whatever they listen.

Manusmriti, the ancient Indian literature of rectitude, mentions that a Dwija (brahmin) has to undergo Samskara (purificatory rite) like Jatakarma (procedures at birth) and Chudakarana (ceremony of tonsure) to get rid of the impurities, which may be present in the Bija (sperm and ovum) and also due to the stay inside the womb as Garbha (fetus). Here, Jatakarma Samskara (newborn care) is told as a purification procedure, in which soon after cutting the umbilical cord the baby is made to lick the mixture of gold, honey, and ghee by chanting Mantra (spiritual hymns).

In hindu dhrama granthas about 16-40 sanskar are described, but in practice 16 sanskars are performed. Jatakarma Sanskar is the first sanskar, which is described by Acharya Charaka.

Swarna bhasma has been therapeutically made of use in bronchial asthma, worm infestation, rheumatoid arthritis, schizophrenia, anorexia, diabetes mellitus, ophthalmic disorders, tuberculosis, anemia, cough, memory, grief, fever, mental stress, dyspnoea, debility, sterility, poisoning, muscular dystrophy and nervous system diseases.

Swarna bhasma is sweet in taste, strengthen the body, beneficial for heart and good for eyes, it also improve intellectual power, due to it has the property to pacjfy all doshas it as a rasayan, and helpful in punsamvan sanskar, it remove all toxic substance from the body and good for skin. It is also helpful to cure many diseases as as mention above.

સુવર્ણપ્રાશન માટે આપ અમારી હોસ્પિટલ પર પર સંપર્ક કરી શકો છો અને આપ કુરિયર દ્વારા પણ મંગાવી શકો છો. 

વધુ માહિતી માટે સંપર્ક કરો.

ડો ઉન્નતિ ચાવડા
આયુર્વેદ નિષ્ણાત


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