Tuesday 1 September 2020


Feeling sluggish, depressed, anxiety, unmotivated? Having difficulty with emotional issues, digestion or concentration? You may benefit dramatically from Panchakarma Therapy

It is the only system of medicine in the world which proposes the need of under-taking the purification of biological system from gross channels up to the molecular levels aiming to clean the entire organism to render it suitable for self recovery and therapeutic responsiveness, which deals with purification of the provocated Doshas-before they are aggrevated enough to produce disorders (physiological or pathological) from the body. Toxins and waste materials should be purified from nutural as well as from the nearest root of the body. The aim of Panchkarma treatment is to settle the per- turbation of doshas and restore their equilibrium. Vitiated Dosha is the basic factor in the manifestation and progress of any disease. Panchakarma therapy, specifically the Samshodhana like Vamana and Virechana, is one of its kinds which aims at the elimination of vitiated Doshas from the body so that the disease could be prevented.

When the energetic forces - vata, pitta, and kapha get out of balance, it lowers our digestive fire (agni), and toxins (ama) are created. The ama enters into the blood stream, clogging the channels, and lodges into joints, muscles, organs, and reproductive tissue. This is detrimental to our prana (life-force ), tejas (metabolic energy), and ojas (immunity).

Panchakarma Therapy purify or cleanse all the body tissues and to bring about the harmony of neurohumours (tridoshas) (i.e., vata, pitta, kapha, and manasa doshas (satva, raja, and tama) and to obtain long-lasting beneficial effects. It removes the toxic materials from the body and provides purification of the body at two levels: the gross level, where various organs and systems of the body are thoroughly cleansed (e.g., cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, chest, etc.); and the cellular level, where purification and cleansing of the body is produced at the level of cells, cell membranes, and molecules. It helps bring the whole body to normalcy, starts rejuvenation and revitalization of all body tissues, removes waste products, unwanted materials, various toxins, and stagnant doshas. Panchakarma Treatment is believed to affect the cleansing of microcirculatory channels by eliminating the toxic metabolites from the body. This helps in the process of curing a disease. 

Panchakarma has to be applied to remove the waste materials accumulated in the body in different seasons for prevention diseases caused by seasonal changes.

It is the comprehensive method of internal purification of the body through emesis (vaman karma), purgation (virechana karma), enema (vasti karma), errhines (nasya karma), and bloodletting (raktamokshana). 

Vast : Medicated enema is highly effective vata type of disorders. It is also applied in other dosha disorders as well. Vasti is considered as half of the treatment in Ayurveda.

Nasya is applied in kapha disorders. This is very effective in disorders above shoulders. It is applied in unconsciousness, hemiplegia, headache, heaviness of head, eye disease, disease of throat, oedema, tumours of the neck, worm infestation, tumours in the body, leprosy, epilepsy, rhinitis, migraine, loss of voice, dryness of mouth and nose, speech problems and other neurological disorders etc. 

Panchakarma Therapy have excellent result in arthritis, paralysis, neuromuscular diseases and in respiratory, gas- trointestinal, ENT, and several blood-related disorders with great benefits. Panchakarma procedures can play a key role in the management of conditions like Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA).

Panchakarma Treatment is widely used in treating broad categories of conditions - arthritic, rheumatic, neurological, neuromuscular, musculo- skeletal disorders, other degenerative conditions, mental disorders, insomnia, depression, menstrual irregularities, infertility, obesity, asthma and other respiratory conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, gastro-intestinal conditions, other chronic conditions, etc. Thus panchakarma has preventive, curative and promotive functions.

According to Ayurveda, our physical body is made-up of 7 different types of tissues called dhatu. These body tissues are nourished through food materials that get digested by action of digestive fire (agni). The digested materials are carried to different tissues through srotas (body channels). At each tissue level, there is a digestive fire that works on the food material to activate absorption of nutrients into the corresponding tissue. As a by-product of this process, mala (waste materials) are formed which are eventually eliminated. Nourishment of body tissues does not happen when there is any block in body channels or impaired function of any of the digestive fires, this results in the indigestion of food in the body. This undigested material or waste material (ama) clog the body channels and manifests in different disease conditions. Management of these conditions has to be done by removing of these clogs or blocks and improving metabolic processes. When oleation and sudation are done, waste materials, clogged in the body channels become pakva (digested and disintegrated), and they move into the kostha (main channel). During panchakarma, these are expelled through natural orifices. As it is a mechanism to eliminate the waste materials from the body, panchakarma is not only used as curative treatment but also as preventive and promotive.

Either one or all five procedures are advised as per the need and condition of the person undergoing Panchakarma Treatment. Based on the health of the individual and stage and type of the disease, only one of the five procedures may be done without following a sequence.

A regulated life style also plays an important role in getting the maximum benefits of Panchakarma. It has to be followed for equal number of days for which Panchakarma was done.

Panchakarma has a full therapeutic role in promoting preventive, curative, and rehabilitative procedures.

Schedule your Consultation

Call 9773170560/9825463394

Apart from pre, main and post techniques, in the classical texts few other techniques that are subsidiary to panchakarma are also mentioned. They are dhumapana (medicated smoking), gandusa (holding medicated material in the mouth), kavala (gargling), pratisarana (applying a coat of the drug paste to mouth), mukhalepa (application on face), murdha taila (applying oil on the head), karna poorana (applying medicine in ears), ascyotana (eye drops), anjana (collyrium), tarpana & putapaka (eye medications).

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...