Monday 14 September 2020


The objective of Ayurveda is to protect health of the body and to alleviate disorders in the diseased.
According to Ayurveda a person's health depends on the balance of the three Doshas.
Vata, Pitta and kappa are three name of tridosha -Vata(air),Pitta(bile)and Kapha(Phlegm) means more than literal.Doshas are basically three different forms of energy, that govern our entire physical structure and function.
Seat for Vata is below heart and navel or umbilicus. The centre for bile is located between heart and navel. Seat for phlegm is situated in the chest above heart and naval. Agni is intensified or loses its intensity if the definite proportion is upset.
Means chest is the seat for Kapha, the upper part of the abdomen is the seat for Pitta, the lower abdomen is the seat of Vata.
The whole human activities are controlled by these principles or important forces. The physical and mental functions are performed by Vata. Pitta does all metabolic activities. Kapha maintains equilibrium in the human system.
Movement and feeling are the chief functions of Vayu or Vata. The functions of the nervous system are the functions of Vata. Vata is the force which gives all kinds of movements or the dynamic activity and sensation to each and every part of the body inside and outside.
Vata causes muscular activity. It regulates the functions of the mind and the will, feeling and understanding. It contributes ejective forces. It invigorates and vitalises all the senses. It causes cohesion of the different systems. It builds up cells to fill up a breach. It sustains the body. It contributes energy. It causes inspiration and expiration. It causes bodily and mental movement. Which is also the source of all inspiration, energy, voluntary movement, speech, circulation of blood and internal purification of the system.
Vata is the most important of the three Doshas as it performs the most useful functions. It is the first of the three primal constituents of the living body. It upholds the constituents of the body, such as blood, flesh, marrow, fat, etc. Mind is checked from all undesirable objects. All the parts of the body are pierced by Vata. The foetus in the womb is affected by Vata. Vata is that secretion of the alimentary canal which converts food into assimilable materials. The five kinds of Vata are (1) Prana Vata
Location: Brain, head and moves downwards to the chest and throat (heart and respiratory organs), (2) Vyana Vata,
Location: Heart - moves all over the body with great speed. Skin, nervous system and circulatory system, (3) Udana Vata,
Location: Chest and moves into nose, umbilicus and throat. (4) Samana Vata , Location: Stomach, intestines. Moves in the kostha (alimentary tract and abdominal viscera), (5)Apana Vata, Location: Colon/large intestine, bladder, genitals and thighs. Navel, pelvis, groin, rectum.
Pitta is the source of all internal heat including digestion, hunger, thirst, intelligence, imagination, understanding, memory, glow in the complexion, function of sight, etc. It contributes courage, softness of the body. Pitta is that secretion which turns all fatty matter into fatty acids. The chief function of Pitta is production of heat. Pitta is that force which as the digestive fire, breaks down the particles of foodstuffs in the form of Rasadhatu. The metabolic activities are carried on by Pitta. The five kinds of Pitta are (1) Pachaka Pitta {The entire digestive process is governed by it..Location : Interior of pakvasaya (large intestines) and amasaya (stomach & small intestine)}, (2) Ranjana Pitta ( Locarion : Amasaya (stomach). Liver, spleen, duodenum, red blood cells), (3) Sadhaka Pitta (Location: Heart),(4) Alochaka Pittan (Location: Eyes) and (5)Bhrajaka Pitta (Location: Skin).
Kapha is responsible for the smoothness of body, general strength, potency, forbearance, steadiness. Kapha is that force which unites, supports and lubricates all the parts of the body, especially the moving parts of the body. The chief function of Kapha is lubrication. The Kapha represents the body-water and watery materials of the body. The stamina of the body depends upon the Kapha. Kapha converts the starch into sugar. Saliva is Kapha. The five kinds of Kapha are: (1) Avalambaka Kapha found in the chest, which controls the deficiencies relating to the Kapha in general in the body (2) Kledaka Kapha is found in the stomach, which emulsifies the food; (3) Tarpaka Kapha which invigorates the heart (Location-Head, sinuses, spine and cerebrospinal fluid); (4) Sleshaka Kapha ( responsible for cushioning the joints) which keeps intact the joints and other similar structures; and (5) Bodhaka Kapha which renders the tongue to perceive taste.. Kapha-type joint ailments are initiated by excess kapha in the body. Kapha is also aggravated by inactivity, dullness, boredom, lethargy, and inadequate exercise. The Kapha represents the body-water and watery materials of the body. The stamina of .the body depends upon the Kapha.
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When Vatha is predominant, body is light; there are pain in the joints, flatulence, constipation, weakness, emaciation, tremor, giddiness, exhaustion, darkness of complexion, sleeplessness.
When there is a burning sensation in the body and the eyes, the stool, urine and skin become yellowish, when there are intense hunger, thirst and sleeplessness, Pitta predominates.
When one feels heaviness of body or head, when there are excretion of mucus, loss of appetite, pallor of body, cough, excess of sleep, heaviness in breathing, lack of memory, low temperature, weakness of joints, Kapha predominates.
Vata, Pitta and Kapha form the Tridoshas. The theory of Tridoshas forms the pivot on which the whole system of Ayurveda revolves. It is the fundamental basis of all Ayurvedic physiology, pathology and methods of treatment.
Therefore to know your Dosha is important, vital and interesting...Call 9773170560/9825463394
Tridoshas are made up of the five ingredients, the five Mahabhutas. They have different colours. They are secretions of the body. They occur in gross forms in the abdomen and in the subtle form throughout the body. They circulate throughout the body after absorption, and nourish the seven tissues. They act on food. During digestion the three Doshas are poured into the intestines as secretions.
Proper Diet, Exercise, Asanas, Pranayama, bodily activities keep the Doshas healthy and in proper proportion.
When the Tridoshas are in a state of equilibrium, harmony or equipoise, you enjoy health. When the equilibrium is disturbed, you get diseases. Diseases are generated through the disturbance of one Dosha or two or three. Unhealthy food produces disharmony or loss of equilibrium in the Doshas. Regulated, balanced and wholesome food, exercise and physical activities bring back the Doshas into a state of equilibrium or harmony.
The three humors, through their triple fold dimension (psychic, energetic and physical) develop the body, and govern the body/mind and its functions. They rule physiology, anatomy and morphology, regulate the functioning of the body, its organs, the brain, nerves, bones, blood circulation, lymphatic systems, digestion etc. Balanced humors give positive health and harmony to the body/mind, and provide a good base for the development of the body/mind, the immune system and protection. On the contrary, the loss of balance among the humors causes energy disharmony and physical and mental disequilibrium which may appear at any time and become the cause of diseases.
In short, the humors inter-reactions and collaboration regulate the physical development, transformation, metabolism, temperature, respiration, blood circulation and lymph systems, as well as the aging and dying processes. The mind and the emotions are also regulated by the three humors. Generally, the humors are also like a body; when the body is young and healthy, the humors are strong and balanced according to the person’s constitution, and when the body gets older the humors’ strength and qualities also degenerate and become the cause of sickness.
Restoring balance to the doshas
The aim of our body purification treatment is always to bring the doshas back into equilibrium which is achieved by implementing the most thorough method for restoring dynamic balance: PANCHAKARMA TREATMENT.
Call 9773170560/9825463394

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